pushed: Surrender to minimakefile

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.net
Thu Feb 25 23:19:14 UTC 2016

I give up on the "minimakefile' (the lisp scripting branch).  I can't
fight it any more.

I have just put back "Makefile-classic" which will be how I do work on
ASDF going forward.

make -f Makefile-classic <command>

should mostly work these days.

If someone else wants to push the CL scripting build solution, that's
fine with me, but I'm done.  It's simply too rickety to have ASDF rely
on itself to build itself, and CL is not ready for prime time as a
scripting language.

Now that this is done, I hope to be able to release 3.1.7 reasonably
soon, assuming that I can recover the ability to test on Windows.  I'm
also having a little trouble with the clean-build tests...


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