Spurious ALLEGRO failure

Kevin Layer layer at franz.com
Wed Sep 30 18:51:36 UTC 2015

Faré wrote:

>> > Btw, I meant to mention this before, but the build.exe and buildi.exe
>> > really shouldn't be used.  They have issues with multiprocessing.
>> >
>> > alisp.exe has +s (Windows only) and -L (load) and -e (eval)
>> > arguments.  You can also use dribble to capture output, in case that's
>> > why buildi.exe was being used.
>> >
>> These tests don't do multiprocessing, but do test the ability to
>> capture output indeed. Is there a way with alisp.exe to redirect
>> dribble output to the stdout console?

No, but I have never personally seen a situation I couldn't work
around this issue.  (alisp is a Windows program and they can't have
bindings to stdout/stderr/stdin.)  alisp.exe using dribble => temp
file => use temp file in chain of pipes => remove temp file.

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