maintaining non-Lisp systems with ASDF

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at
Mon Sep 21 23:24:24 UTC 2015

On 9/21/15 Sep 21 -6:15 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> Thanks a lot to everybody for the advice. I think I've made some
> progress. I've attached a patch showing the initial changes I've
> made, and with this much I can load a trivial system into Maxima.
> I'm working with asdf.lisp 2.26 which is packaged with Quicklisp,
> since the larger goal is to use Quicklisp to download and install
> Maxima packages.
> Incidentally I'm working with Clisp 2.49.
> I've run into some strangeness, maybe someone can explain
> what's going on.
> (1) (asdf:load-system :foo) seems to always cause files to
> be compiled. That's kind of puzzling.

I don't know if this is why, but I see that there are no dependencies in
your system.  Was that intentional? Did you expect DEFSYSTEM to default

If that causes this problem, though, that would be an ASDF bug.
> (2) The first time asdf.lisp is loaded, Quicklisp writes asdf.fas
> into its own cache. The second time, I get an error about ASDF:OOS.
> Any ideas? Here's the error:

This isn't enough for me to help, since it looks like "maxima" is some
kind of script that does something.  I don't know what. Also, I don't
know what's in your .clisprc.lisp...

At the bare minimum, we'd need to see a backtrace from the debugger.


> $ maxima
> ;; Loading file /home/robert/.clisprc.lisp ...
> ;;  Loading file /home/robert/quicklisp/setup.lisp ...
> *** - EVAL: undefined function ASDF:OOS
> The following restarts are available:
> USE-VALUE      :R1      Input a value to be used instead of
> RETRY          :R2      Retry
> STORE-VALUE    :R3      Input a new value for (FDEFINITION 'ASDF:OOS).
> SKIP           :R4      skip (LET # #)
> RETRY          :R5      retry (LET # #)
> STOP           :R6      stop loading file /home/robert/quicklisp/setup.lisp
> SKIP           :R7      skip (LET # #)
> RETRY          :R8      retry (LET # #)
> STOP           :R9      stop loading file /home/robert/.clisprc.lisp
> Break 1 QL-SETUP[4]>
> Thanks again,
> Robert
> PS. Here's the example foo.asd I've been working with.
> (defsystem foo
>   :name "foo"
>   :version "2015.09.21"
>   :maintainer "Robert Dodier"
>   :author "Robert Dodier"
>   :licence "GPL"
>   :description "Foo, Bar, and Baz"
>   :long-description "Apply Foo's algorithm to Bar, yielding Baz"
>   :components
>     ((:maxima-source-file "foo1")
>      (:maxima-source-file "foo2")))

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