ASDF 3.1.5 test suite issues on ACL (8.2 and 10.0 GM)
fahree at
Mon Sep 14 01:03:43 UTC 2015
>> Since there's a cache pathname bug on Windows in 3.1.5, I recommend
>> shipping with (or 3.1.6, if we manage to ship faster than you
>> do).
> I would be happy to coordinate with you to release a 3.1.6 that is 3.1.5
> with fixes for Allegro (and whatever other fixes come along for the ride).
> As Faré reports, you will have to test with in order to get the
> fix you need for Windows.
Again, I had no problem running the asdf test suite with on
Allegro / Windows using the minimakefile branch.
I suspect any problem Kevin had were related to Allegro somehow having
(user-homedir-pathname) incorrectly returning NIL in their test
I committed in another fix for uiop:run-program on ECL, see and though it
looks like to me I didn't break anything (and fixed it on MKCL, too),
this requires re-testing on all platforms, particularly on Windows
> If that works for you, we could bless that as 3.1.6, and move on from there.
While re-testing, I noticed that concatenate-fasls was silently broken
by LispWorks 7.0.0. Sigh. It would be nice if we fixed that for 3.1.6,
but it looks like this might not technically be a regression. :-(
In any case, assuming it passes all tests on all platforms (which I
haven't tested), I recommend that Franz should deliver its Lisp with
the latest development version of ASDF (currently rather than
the slightly broken release 3.1.5 (notably cache location on Windows),
if we don't release 3.1.6 on time.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
The common argument that crime is caused by poverty
is a kind of slander on the poor.
— H. L. Mencken
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