ASDF configuration and cache

Mark Evenson evenson at
Wed Apr 29 09:00:12 UTC 2015

On 2015/4/29 10:03, Faré wrote:
> Dear Mark,
> ~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d/ is being used because
> you're compiling on Unix. If you were using Windows, it would be using
> something else based on LOCALAPPDATA, not USERPROFILE.

Hmmm.  Do you mean "compiling [ABCL] on Unix"?  That is not the case, as
the ABCL being used has been compiled on the Windows host.  And the
creation of the WAR artifact for production is also happening on the
Windows host.

While running on Windows, everything *is* being compiled "under" Cygwin.
 Maybe that is the cause?

> For reliable builds, especially ones that create cross-platform
> objects, we recommend you don't use either, but explicitly pass a
> proper (or null) overriding configuration to the initialization
> functions initialize-source-registry and
> initialize-output-translations.

I'm a little unsure what you are suggesting here, perhaps because I am
using a strategy outside of the "normal" use of ASDF.  This strategy can
roughly be described as follows:  At build time for the WAR, I need to
locate all the ASDF systems in a running ABCL image.  This allows me to
package both Quicklisp available systems with local ones in a consistent
manner that freezes their versions, and doesn't rely on access to the
network at production time.  Then I iterate across all the dependencies
performing an rsync of all the source artifacts into  a designated build
directory that is subsequently packaged in the WAR deployment artifact.
 Here, I assume that the ".asd" file lies at the top of the source
artifact file hierarchy, an assumption which seems to largely work with
the ASDF systems I am utilizing at the penalty of including sub ".asd"
systems twice (since they are the same system, this inefficiency doesn't
really matter although it should be cleaned up).  At runtime, I use
ASDF:INITIALIZE-SOURCE-REGISTRY to explicitly refer to the directory
containing the source artifacts, which is now located within the WAR
artifact.  ABCL pathnames are able to specify locations within the zip
file which constitutes the WAR artifact.  After this manual
configuration of the source registry, the systems are available by the
usual ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM mechanism.

Under this scheme is there an application of "proper (or null)
overriding configuration" that you recommend using?


"A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before, but there
is nothing to compare to it now."

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