trying some ASDF tests on Windows (was: Re: [asdf-devel] Volunteer for LispWorks testing?)
Robert P. Goldman
rpgoldman at
Wed Sep 4 21:07:54 UTC 2013
Dave Cooper wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> [also cc'ing this to asdf-devel in case anyone else has feedback]
> Ok, shifting gears a little bit here first...
> I'm trying a few test runs of the ASDF test suite on Windows. Platforms
> on Windows which I have available to test right now are: Allegro CL
> (several variations), and CCL.
> To prepare to run the tests on Windows, I installed cygwin and cygwin's
> make. Then to run the tests, I do (for lack of having this more
> automated so far):
> 1. set ASDF_TEST_LISPS appropriately.
> 2. Edit to point to appropriate Lisp executables.
You actually shouldn't need to do that -- there is one environment
variable for each of the executables, and you can set those, if the
default values don't work for you.
> 3 Invoke "make test-all-no-upgrade" from the cygwin command shell.
> Let's try CCL first. Here are the outputs:
> Summary: 42 out of 47 pass (5 failures).
> I can try to dive into these further, but I thought I would post the
> results here first in case anything is obvious to anyone.
> Incidentally, I have been running ASDF in production with Allegro CL for
> some time now (including asdf:monolithic-fasl-op) and it has been
> working well. There are some startup glitches for running ASDF tests on
> Windows/Allegro right now. After the CCL issue is resolved I will return
> to trying to get the tests to run for Allegro on Windows.
That would be great.
By the way, the bundle tests aren't working for me on a couple of other
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