[asdf-devel] asdf-encodings?

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 17:27:26 UTC 2013

Is this the right place to talk about asdf-encodings?  Apologies if
this is the wrong place.

One minor issue with asdf-encodings and cmucl: It looks like
find-implementation-encoding does not expect an error for unknown
encodings, so for cmucl, the implementation should be

#+cmu (ignore-errors (stream::find-external-format encoding))

Also, once asdf-encodings is loaded, compiles with asdf fail because
cl:compile-file is called with :external-format set to the external
format object instead of the name.  To get the name from the object,
use (stream::ef-name obj).  I don't know where that should be applied.

        make test lisp=cmucl CMUCL=cmulisp

passes 41 tests, but there are some warnings like

loading level1/file1
Warning:  compiling
   #<STATIC-FILE "test-module-pathnames" "sources/level1" "level2/static.file"> completed without its input file #P"/home/rtoy/src/clnet/asdf/test/sources/level1/level2/static.file"

Don't know if that's significant or not.


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