[asdf-devel] pathname translations does not like my f2cl asd

Mario S. Mommer m_mommer at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 9 19:33:39 UTC 2010

Faré <fahree at gmail.com> writes:
> The previous .asd had it right in not using make-pathname in the perform,
> but instead calling (first (output-files op f)). This one should do
> the same, too.
> And if it wants to translation for this file, it should also have
> output-files return
> (values (list ...) t).

...right, that fixed it, thanks! Now it reads like this:

(defmethod perform ((o compile-op) (f f77-file))
 (let ((output-name (car (output-files o f))))
   (apply #'f2cl:f2cl-compile
	  (make-pathname :name (component-name f)
			 :type "f"
			 :defaults (component-pathname f))
	  :output-file output-name
	  (compiler-options f))))


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