ABCL 1.6.0 unleashed

Mark Evenson evenson at
Fri Nov 22 14:19:03 UTC 2019

Against the falling canvas of 2019, the Bear has freely thrust [ABCL
1.6.0][] onto the [world stage][github].

This release fully supports building and running on Java 6, 7, 8, and
11 via the [openjdk runtimes][adoptjdk].  By [building from our
source][source-build], it is [rumored that the User may utilize additional
hosting platforms such as Java 13][sfp-mail].

Support for Microsoft Windows platforms has not been thoroughly tested
at this point but we intend to add it our automatic cloud based build
in the process of releasing a [stablizing ABCL 1.6.1][1.6.1] build due by the
end of this year.

Thanks to all past, present, and future contributors to the Bear; 
here's to [hackin' our way out of the prison of the Java
language][jss] for over a decade.


"A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before but there is nothing 
to compare to it now."

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