All conformance ansi-test's passed

Ralph Ritoch rritoch at
Tue Aug 25 04:54:02 UTC 2015


I have been able to get ABCL to pass all of the ansi conformance tests.
While this is not an official ABCL release, all of the modifications I made
are released under the MIT license and may be freely integrated into ABCL
at the discretion of the maintainers.

To embed this conforming version into your java applications add the
following dependencies which have been released at maven central.



The source code for this release can be found at

While I have moved some files around it is still an ABCL implementation
that is mostly backwards-compatible with the official ABCL releases.

Moving forward it is likely that any future development on these branches
will further deviate from ABCL. I am not claiming that this solves EVERY
compliance issue but I have found solutions for each of the ansi
conformance test failures. Any remaining compliance issues can be
considered a bug. My primary intention of passing every  test is to lock
the build process so that builds will fail if any of the ansi tests fail.

It is unlikely that future modifications to these forks will have any
relevance to ABCL. I will likely continue developing features that are
needed for modern application development and therefore are of little
interest to some, if not all, of the ABCL maintainers. That being said,
v0.0.2 is the best release to source conformance solutions from for ABCL as
it passes every conformance test. Any future releases will no longer be
based on improving ABCL but be for the purpose of better supporting modern
application development.

Best Regards,
  Ralph Ritoch
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