[armedbear-devel] soap calls using java interop

Kevin Raison raison at chatsubo.net
Fri Jan 4 20:23:43 UTC 2013

Here are some examples of attempts to use jmethod to find the
addCustomer method (all fail with no such method errors);  see below for
definitions of the class variables:

(jmethod *usaepay-class* "addCustomer" *token-class* *customer-class*)
(jmethod *interface-class* "addCustomer" *token-class* *customer-class*)
(jmethod (jclass "com.usaepay.api.jaxws.UeSoapServerBindingStub")
*token-class* *customer-class*)
(jmethod (jclass
"addCustomer" *token-class* *customer-class*)

And here are some examples of working calls:

(defparameter *usaepay-class* (jclass "com.usaepay.api.jaxws.usaepay"))
(defparameter *string-class* (jclass "java.lang.String"))
(defparameter *txn-class* (jclass
(defparameter *txn-detail-class* (jclass
(defparameter *cc-class* (jclass "com.usaepay.api.jaxws.CreditCardData"))
(defparameter *double-class* (jclass "java.lang.Double"))
(defparameter *token-class* (jclass
(defparameter *customer-class* (jclass
(defparameter *interface-class* (jclass

(let* ((get-client-method (jmethod *usaepay-class* "getClient"))
         (get-token-method (jmethod *usaepay-class* "getToken"
*string-class* *string-class* *string-class*))
         (client (jcall get-client-method nil))
         (token (jcall get-token-method nil key pin ip)))
    (let* ((request (jnew (jconstructor *txn-class*)))
           (details (jnew (jconstructor *txn-detail-class*)))
           (cc (jnew (jconstructor *cc-class*)))
           (amount (jnew *double-class* "12.30")))
      (format t "Working with~% ~A~% ~A~% ~A~%" request details cc)
      (jcall (jmethod *txn-class* "setAccountHolder" *string-class*)
request "Tester John")
      (jcall (jmethod *txn-detail-class* "setDescription"
*string-class*) details "Test txn")
      (jcall "setAmount" details amount)
      (jcall (jmethod *txn-class* "setDetails" *txn-detail-class*)
request details)
      (jcall (jmethod *cc-class* "setAvsStreet" *string-class*) cc "123
Elm St.")
      (values request details cc))))


On 01/04/2013 10:16 AM, Alessio Stalla wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Kevin Raison <raison at chatsubo.net> wrote:
>> I am having trouble getting certain aspects of a soap client working
>> using abcl's java interop;  most likely, this is the result of my
>> ignorance of how certain things map from java to lisp. Any help would be
>> appreciated!
>> The soap service is defined by this wsdl:
>> http://chatsubo.net/~raison/usaepay.wsdl.  The provider has a java
>> library available for download at
>> http://wiki.usaepay.com/developer/soap-1.4/howto/javajaxws.  I have been
>> able to use this library successfully in abcl (creating objects, calling
>> methods on those objects, etc.), except when I need to call any of the
>> methods defined in the java.rmi.Remote UeSoapServerPortType interface.
>> For example, the method addCustomer is defined in the files
>> http://chatsubo.net/~raison/UeSoapServerBindingStub.java and
>> http://chatsubo.net/~raison/UeSoapServerPortType.java.  No matter how I
>> try to find the method (using jcall or various combinations of jmethod
>> and class refs), I simply cannot find this method.  What am I missing here?
>> Thanks for any assistance!
> Could you provide an example of how you are invoking those methods,
> and how you create the receiver object for those method calls?

Kevin Raison
Chatsubo.net, LLC
(p) 206-801-5728
(f) 206-801-5729

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