[armedbear-devel] readtable-case :invert does not invert uninterned symbols

Mark Evenson evenson at panix.com
Tue Aug 16 10:31:15 UTC 2011

On Aug 15, 2011, at 23:39 , Ole Arndt wrote:


> The attached patch fixes the test case above. 
> Loading a newer parenscript still fails while loading the fasl for
> parenscripts package.lisp. It seems that named-readtables (as it warns
> about on loading) does not yet work with abcl.


Thanks for the patch!  

A [version based on your patch, along with a unit test has been
committed to trunk][r13508].

And I've [opened up a new ticket to track porting named-readtables
to abcl][#161], at which I have looked briefly.  The named-readtable
tests claim to succeed.  The main part for porting would be to
implement a readtable iterator, although there is a supposedly
portable implementation that should work on a ANSI CL.  It seems
that the parenscript use of named-readtable starts using a readtable
that should invert case but the merge from the standard namespace
then attempts to use this inversion on symbols like 'SYSTEM by
trying for 'system instead.  I am unsure of how much work it will
take to disentangle the cause here, but I've run out of free time
for today.

[r13508]: http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/changeset/13508
[#161] http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/ticket/161

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