[armedbear-cvs] r13951 - in trunk/abcl/contrib/jfli: . test

mevenson at common-lisp.net mevenson at common-lisp.net
Tue May 29 09:34:02 UTC 2012

Author: mevenson
Date: Tue May 29 02:34:01 2012
New Revision: 13951

jfli: start collecting tests.  Need Anton's functions.


Modified: trunk/abcl/contrib/jfli/jfli.asd
--- trunk/abcl/contrib/jfli/jfli.asd	Tue May 29 02:24:37 2012	(r13950)
+++ trunk/abcl/contrib/jfli/jfli.asd	Tue May 29 02:34:01 2012	(r13951)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-(defpackage :jfli-system (:use :cl :asdf))
-(in-package :jfli-system)
-(defsystem jfli
-  :components ((:file "jfli")))
+(require :asdf)
+(asdf:defsystem jfli
+  :version "0.1.0"
+  :components ((:file "jfli")
+               (:module test :components
+                        ((:file "yanking")))))

Added: trunk/abcl/contrib/jfli/test/yanking.lisp
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/abcl/contrib/jfli/test/yanking.lisp	Tue May 29 02:34:01 2012	(r13951)
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+(defpackage :my (:use :cl))
+(in-package :my)
+;; runtime-class.lisp is a part of ABCL, but it is excluded from ABCL build,
+;; because it requires asm.jar to be present in classpath during the build.
+;; The functionality it provides is necessary for dynamic creation of
+;; new java classes from Lisp (in particular for the
+;; NEW-CLASS macro of jfli ABCL port)
+(load (concatenate 'string abclidea:*lisp-dir* "org/armedbear/lisp/runtime-class.lisp"))
+;; Load jfli
+(load (concatenate 'string abclidea:*lisp-dir* "jfli-abcl/jfli-abcl.lisp"))
+(use-package :jfli)
+;; "Import" java classes we use.
+;; You may produce DEF-JAVA-CLASS forms for all the IDEA API classes automatically:
+;; (jfli:dump-wrapper-defs-to-file (concatenate 'string abclidea:*lisp-dir* "idea-api.lisp")
+;;                                 (jfli:get-jar-classnames "path/to/idea/openapi.jar"
+;;                                                          "com/intellij"))
+;; In result they will be stored in idea-api.lisp file.
+;; But we do it manually, because there are not so many classes we use.
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages")
+(use-package "com.intellij.openapi.ui")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.application.Application")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager")
+(use-package "com.intellij.openapi.application")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ActionManager")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DefaultActionGroup")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.CustomShortcutSet")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.Shortcut")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.KeyboardShortcut")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.CustomShortcutSet")
+(use-package "com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.ide.CopyPasteManager")
+(use-package "com.intellij.openapi.ide")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.keymap.KeymapManager")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.keymap.Keymap")
+(use-package "com.intellij.openapi.keymap")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.project.ProjectManager")
+(use-package "com.intellij.openapi.project")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.editor.SelectionModel")
+(use-package "com.intellij.openapi.editor")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditorManager")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditor")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.TextEditor")
+(use-package "com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.command.CommandProcessor")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.command.CommandAdapter")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.command.CommandEvent")
+(use-package "com.intellij.openapi.command")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.wm.WindowManager")
+(def-java-class "com.intellij.openapi.wm.StatusBar")
+(use-package "com.intellij.openapi.wm")
+(def-java-class "java.lang.Runnable")
+(def-java-class "java.lang.Thread")
+(def-java-class "java.lang.Object")
+(def-java-class "java.lang.Class")
+(def-java-class "java.lang.String")
+(use-package "java.lang")
+(def-java-class "java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable")
+(def-java-class "java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor")
+(use-package "java.awt.datatransfer")
+(def-java-class "javax.swing.KeyStroke")
+(use-package "javax.swing")
+(define-condition action-is-not-applicable ()
+  ((why :initarg :why :reader why))
+  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+             (format stream "Action is not applicable: ~A" (why condition)))))
+(defun cur-prj ()
+  (let ((all-prjs (projectmanager.getopenprojects (projectmanager.getinstance))))
+    (when (> (jlength all-prjs) 0)
+      (jref all-prjs 0))))
+(defun cur-prj-safe ()
+  (or (cur-prj) (error 'action-is-not-applicable :why "no current project")))
+(defun cur-editor (prj)
+  (fileeditormanager.getselectedtexteditor (fileeditormanager.getinstance prj)))
+(defun cur-editor-safe (prj)
+  (or (cur-editor prj) 
+      (error 'action-is-not-applicable 
+             :why "no text editor is selected")))
+;; region object
+(defun make-region (start end)
+  (cons start end))
+(defun region-start (region)
+  (car region))
+(defun region-end (region)
+  (cdr region))
+(defun get-sel-region()
+  "Selection in the currently active editor"
+  (let* ((cur-prj (cur-prj-safe))
+         (cur-editor (cur-editor-safe cur-prj))
+         (sel-model (editor.getselectionmodel cur-editor)))
+    (make-region 
+       (selectionmodel.getselectionstart sel-model)
+       (selectionmodel.getselectionend sel-model))))
+(defun replace-region (replacement-text region)
+  "Replace text in the curently active editor"
+  (let* ((cur-prj (cur-prj-safe))
+         (cur-editor (cur-editor-safe cur-prj))
+         (cur-doc (editor.getdocument cur-editor)))
+    (document.replacestring cur-doc 
+                            (region-start region)
+                            (region-end region)
+                            replacement-text)))
+(defvar *yank-index* 0
+    "Index of clipboard item that will be pasted by the next yank or
+ yank-pop operation \(similar to kill-ring-yank-pointer in Emacs\).")
+(defvar *yank-region* nil
+    "Region of text that was inserted by previous yank or yank-pop command,
+and that must be replaced by next yank-pop.")
+(defvar *yank-undo-id* 0
+    "Yank following by a sequence of yank-pop must be considered as a
+single action by undo mechanism. This variable is unique identifier
+of such an compound action.")
+(defun get-yank-text (&optional (index 0))
+  (let ((all-contents (copypastemanager.getallcontents (copypastemanager.getinstance)))
+        content)
+    (when (zerop (jlength all-contents))
+      (RETURN-FROM get-yank-tex nil))
+    (setf content (jref all-contents (mod index (jlength all-contents))))
+    (transferable.gettransferdata content (dataflavor.stringflavor))))
+(defun get-yank-text-safe (&optional (index 0))
+  (or (get-yank-text index) 
+      (error 'action-is-not-applicable :why "clipboard is empty")))
+(defun next-yank-region (cur-selection-region replacement-text)
+  (make-region (region-start cur-selection-region)
+               (+ (region-start cur-selection-region)
+                  (length (java:jobject-lisp-value replacement-text)))))
+(defun yank()
+  (let ((sel-region (get-sel-region))
+        (yank-text (get-yank-text-safe)))
+    (replace-region yank-text
+                    sel-region)
+    (setf *yank-region* (next-yank-region sel-region 
+                                          yank-text))
+    (setf *yank-index* 1)))
+(defun make-runnable (fun)
+  (java:jinterface-implementation 
+   "java.lang.Runnable"
+   "run"
+   ;; wrap FUN into lambda to allow it to be
+   ;; not only function objects, but also symbols
+   ;; (java:jinterface-implementation supports
+   ;; only function objects)
+   (lambda () (funcall fun))))
+(defmacro runnable (&body body)
+  `(make-runnable (lambda () , at body)))
+(defun run-write-action (fun)
+  (let ((app (applicationmanager.getapplication))
+        (runnable (make-runnable fun)))
+    (application.runwriteaction app runnable)))
+(defun exec-cmd (fun name group-id)
+  (commandprocessor.executecommand (commandprocessor.getinstance)
+                                   (cur-prj)
+                                   (make-runnable fun)
+                                   name
+                                   group-id))
+;; set status bar text
+(defun set-status (status-text)
+  (statusbar.setinfo (windowmanager.getstatusbar 
+                      (windowmanager.getinstance) 
+                      (cur-prj))
+                     status-text))
+ "MY.MyAction" ;; class name
+ anaction. ;; super class
+ ;; constructors
+ (
+  (((text "java.lang.String") (func "java.lang.Object"))
+   (super text)
+   (setf (myaction.func this) func))
+  )
+ ;; methods
+ ( 
+  ("actionPerformed" :void :public (action-event) 
+                     ;; It's usefull to setup a restart before
+                     ;; calling FUNC.
+                     ;;
+                     ;; It helps when slime is connected to
+                     ;; the IDEA and error happens
+                     ;; during action execution.
+                     ;;
+                     ;; Slime debugger hooks the error,
+                     ;; but as actions are invoked from
+                     ;; idea UI event dispatching thread,
+                     ;; no slime restarts are set
+                     ;; and our restart is the only
+                     ;; way to leave SLIME debugger.
+                     (restart-case
+                         (handler-case
+                             (funcall (myaction.func this) action-event)
+                           (action-is-not-applicable ()
+                             ;; NOTE: it is not guaranteed
+                             ;; that execution will be passed to this
+                             ;; handler, even if your code signals
+                             ;; ACTION-IS-NOT-APPLICABLE.
+                             ;;
+                             ;; It's so because ABCL impements
+                             ;; non local exits using java exceptions
+                             ;; (org.armedbear.lisp.Go); if somewhere
+                             ;; in the call stack below our HANDLER-CASE
+                             ;; and above the SIGNAL there is a
+                             ;;
+                             ;;    catch (Throwable)
+                             ;;
+                             ;; then ABCL's Go exception will be catched. 
+                             ;;
+                             ;; catch (Throwable) is in partiular
+                             ;; used by IDEA methods that accept Runnable
+                             ;; (like CommandProcessor.executeCommand,
+                             ;; Application.runWriteAction)
+                             ;;
+                             ;; But even despite that, HANDLER-CASE
+                             ;; is useful, because ACTION-IS-NOT-APPLICABLE
+                             ;; is not trapped by Slime debugger.
+                             ))
+                       (continue () 
+                         :report "Return from IDEA action"
+                         nil)))
+  )
+  ;; fields
+ (
+  ("func" "java.lang.Object" :public))
+ )
+(setf act-yank (myaction.new "yank" nil))
+(setf (myaction.func act-yank)
+      #'(lambda (action-event) 
+          (declare (ignore action-event))
+          (incf *yank-undo-id*)
+          (exec-cmd (lambda () 
+                      (run-write-action 'yank)) 
+                    "yank" 
+                    (format nil "yank-~A" *yank-undo-id*))))
+(setf edit-menu (actionmanager.getaction (actionmanager.getinstance) "EditMenu"))
+(actionmanager.registeraction (actionmanager.getinstance) "yank" act-yank)
+(defaultactiongroup.add edit-menu act-yank)
+;;(actionmanager.unregisteraction (actionmanager.getinstance) "yank")
+;;(defaultactiongroup.remove edit-menu act-yank)
+;; assign keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Y to our action
+;; (by default Ctrl-Y is used for delete-line operation in IDEA;
+;; override this by unregistering Ctrl-Y from delete-line)
+(defun action-shortcut (anaction)
+  "The first element of AnAction.getShorcuts()"
+  (jref (customshortcutset.getshortcuts (anaction.getshortcutset anaction)) 0))
+(defun remove-shortcut (keystroke-str)
+  "Unregister all the shortcuts specified by KEYSTROKE-STR
+for all the actions in the active keymap. 
+Example \(REMOVE-SHORTCUT \"control Y\"\)"
+  (let* ((keymap (keymapmanager.getactivekeymap (keymapmanager.getinstance)))
+         (keystroke (keystroke.getkeystroke keystroke-str))
+         (act-ids (keymap.getactionids keymap keystroke)))
+    (dotimes (i (jlength act-ids))
+      (let ((shortcuts (keymap.getshortcuts keymap (jref act-ids i))))
+        (dotimes (j (jlength shortcuts))
+          (let ((shortcut (jref shortcuts j)))
+            (when (class.isinstance (class.forname "com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.KeyboardShortcut")
+                                    shortcut)
+              (when (jeq (keyboardshortcut.getfirstkeystroke shortcut)
+                         keystroke)
+                (keymap.removeshortcut keymap (jref act-ids i) shortcut)))))))))
+;; this is to display shortcut correctly in the menu
+(anaction.setshortcutset act-yank 
+                         (customshortcutset.new (keystroke.getkeystroke "control Y")))
+;; this is to make it actually fired when user presses the key combination
+(remove-shortcut "control Y")
+(keymap.addshortcut (keymapmanager.getactivekeymap (keymapmanager.getinstance))
+                    "yank"
+                    (action-shortcut act-yank))
+;; yank-pop is allowed only if previous command was yank or yank-pop.
+;; Add a command listentener that clears *yank-region* when any
+;; other command is executed, and thus makes yank-pop impossible.
+ "MY.MyCommandListener" ;; class name
+ commandadapter. ;; super class
+ ;; constructors
+ ()
+ ;; methods
+ ( 
+  ("commandFinished" :void :public (command-event) 
+                     (unless (member (java:jobject-lisp-value (commandevent.getcommandname 
+                                                                command-event))
+                                     '("yank" "yank-pop")
+                                     :test #'string=)
+                       (setf *yank-region* nil)))
+  )
+  ;; fields
+ ()
+ )
+(setf my-cmd-listener (mycommandlistener.new))
+(commandprocessor.addcommandlistener (commandprocessor.getinstance)
+                                     my-cmd-listener)
+;; (actionmanager.unregisteraction (actionmanager.getinstance) "yank-pop")
+;; (defaultactiongroup.remove edit-menu act-yank-pop)
+(defun yank-pop ()
+  (let ((yank-text (get-yank-text *yank-index*))) 
+    (replace-region yank-text *yank-region*)
+    (setf *yank-region* (make-region (region-start *yank-region*)
+                                     (+ (region-start *yank-region*)
+                                        (string.length yank-text)))))
+  (incf *yank-index*))
+(setf act-yank-pop (myaction.new "yank-pop" nil))
+(setf (myaction.func act-yank-pop)
+      #'(lambda (action-event)
+          (if *yank-region* 
+              (exec-cmd (lambda () 
+                          (run-write-action 'yank-pop)) 
+                        "yank-pop" 
+                        (format nil "yank-~A" *yank-undo-id*))
+              (set-status "Previous command was not a yank"))))
+(actionmanager.registeraction (actionmanager.getinstance) "yank-pop" act-yank-pop)
+(defaultactiongroup.add edit-menu act-yank-pop)
+(anaction.setshortcutset act-yank-pop 
+                         (customshortcutset.new (keystroke.getkeystroke "alt Y")))
+(keymap.addshortcut (keymapmanager.getactivekeymap (keymapmanager.getinstance))
+                    "yank-pop"
+                    (action-shortcut act-yank-pop))

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