[armedbear-cvs] r13950 - trunk/abcl/contrib/jfli
mevenson at common-lisp.net
mevenson at common-lisp.net
Tue May 29 09:24:39 UTC 2012
Author: mevenson
Date: Tue May 29 02:24:37 2012
New Revision: 13950
jfli.lisp: https://github.com/mrohne/jfli/blob/master/jfli.lisp.
Commit to initial JFLI implementation.
Untested except for loading via:
(cl:require :abcl-contrib)
(cl:require :jfli)
Added: trunk/abcl/contrib/jfli/jfli.lisp
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/abcl/contrib/jfli/jfli.lisp Tue May 29 02:24:37 2012 (r13950)
@@ -0,0 +1,1055 @@
+; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
+; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
+; Common Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/cpl.php)
+; which can be found in the file CPL.TXT at the root of this distribution.
+; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
+; the terms of this license.
+; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
+; Ported to ABCL by asimon at math.bme.hu.
+; Minor ABCL fixes by A. Vodonosov (avodonosov at yandex.ru).
+; Ripped out CLOS mirror support
+(defpackage :jfli
+ (:use :common-lisp :java)
+ (:export
+ :enable-java-proxies
+ ;wrapper generation
+ :def-java-class
+ :get-jar-classnames
+ :dump-wrapper-defs-to-file
+ ;object creation etc
+ :find-java-class
+ :new
+ :make-new
+ :jeq
+ ;array support
+ :make-new-array
+ :jlength
+ :jref
+ :jref-boolean
+ :jref-byte
+ :jref-char
+ :jref-double
+ :jref-float
+ :jref-int
+ :jref-short
+ :jref-long
+ ;proxy support
+ :new-proxy
+ :unregister-proxy
+ ))
+(in-package :jfli)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defconstant +null+ (make-immediate-object nil :ref))
+ (defconstant +false+ (make-immediate-object nil :boolean))
+ (defconstant +true+ (make-immediate-object t :boolean)))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defun string-append (&rest strings)
+ (apply #'concatenate 'string (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (if (symbolp s) (symbol-name s) s)) strings)))
+ (defun intern-and-unexport (string package)
+ (multiple-value-bind (symbol status)
+ (find-symbol string package)
+ (when (and *compile-file-pathname* (eq status :external)) (unexport symbol package))
+ (intern string package))))
+(defun is-assignable-from (class-1 class-2)
+ (jcall (jmethod "java.lang.Class" "isAssignableFrom" "java.lang.Class")
+ class-2 class-1)) ;;not a typo
+(defun java-ref-p (x)
+ (java-object-p x))
+(deftype java-ref ()
+ '(satisfies java-ref-p))
+(defun split-package-and-class (name)
+ (let ((p (position #\. name :from-end t)))
+ (unless p (error "must supply package-qualified classname"))
+ (values (subseq name 0 p)
+ (subseq name (1+ p)))))
+(defun is-name-of-primitive (s)
+ (member s '("boolean" "byte" "char" "short" "int" "long" "float" "double" "void")
+ :test #'string-equal))
+(defun is-primitive-class (class)
+ (is-name-of-primitive (jclass-name class)))
+(defun convert-to-java-string (s)
+ (jnew (jconstructor "java.lang.String" "java.lang.String") s))
+(defun convert-from-java-string (s)
+ (values s))
+(define-symbol-macro boolean.type (jfield "java.lang.Boolean" "TYPE"))
+(define-symbol-macro byte.type (jfield "java.lang.Byte" "TYPE"))
+(define-symbol-macro character.type (jfield "java.lang.Character" "TYPE"))
+(define-symbol-macro short.type (jfield "java.lang.Short" "TYPE"))
+(define-symbol-macro integer.type (jfield "java.lang.Integer" "TYPE"))
+(define-symbol-macro long.type (jfield "java.lang.Long" "TYPE"))
+(define-symbol-macro float.type (jfield "java.lang.Float" "TYPE"))
+(define-symbol-macro double.type (jfield "java.lang.Double" "TYPE"))
+(define-symbol-macro string.type (jclass "java.lang.String"))
+(define-symbol-macro object.type (jclass "java.lang.Object"))
+(define-symbol-macro void.type (jfield "java.lang.Void" "TYPE"))
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; utilities ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defun ensure-package (name)
+ "find the package or create it if it doesn't exist"
+ (or (find-package name)
+ (make-package name :use '())))
+ (intern "Object" (ensure-package "java.lang"))
+ (intern "String" (ensure-package "java.lang")))
+(defun enumeration.hasmoreelements (enum)
+ (jcall (jmethod "java.util.Enumeration" "hasMoreElements") enum))
+(defun enumeration.nextelement (enum)
+ (jcall (jmethod "java.util.Enumeration" "nextElement") enum))
+(defmacro doenum ((e enum) &body body)
+ "jni-based, so not safe and not exported, but used by the implementation"
+ (let ((genum (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,genum ,enum))
+ (do ()
+ ((not (enumeration.hasmoreelements ,genum)))
+ (let ((,e (enumeration.nextelement ,genum)))
+ , at body)))))
+;probably insufficiently general, works as used here
+(defmacro get-or-init (place init-form)
+ `(or ,place
+ (setf ,place ,init-form)))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
+ (intern-and-unexport "OBJECT." "java.lang"))
+(defun get-ref (x)
+ "any function taking an object can be passed a raw java-ref ptr or a typed reference instance.
+Will also convert strings for use as objects"
+ (typecase x
+ (java-ref x)
+ (string (convert-to-java-string x))
+ (null nil)
+ ((or number character) x)
+ ;; avodonosov: otherwise clause
+ (otherwise x)))
+(defun is-same-object (obj1 obj2)
+ (equal obj1 obj2))
+(defun jeq (obj1 obj2)
+ "are these 2 java objects the same object? Note that is not the same as Object.equals()"
+ (is-same-object (get-ref obj1) (get-ref obj2)))
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; names and symbols ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+The library does a lot with names and symbols, needing at various times to:
+ - find stuff in Java - full names w/case required
+ - create hopefully non-conflicting packages and member names
+When you (def-java-class "java.lang.String") you get a bunch of symbols/names:
+a package named '|java.lang|
+a class-symbol '|java.lang|:STRING. (note the dot and case),
+ which can usually be used where a typename is required
+ it also serves as the name of the Lisp typed reference class for string
+ its symbol-value is the canonic-class-symbol (see below)
+a canonic-class-symbol '|java.lang|::|String|
+ can be used to reconstitute the full class name
+I've started trying to flesh out the notion of a Java class designator, which can either be
+the full class name as a string, the class-symbol, or one of :boolean, :int etc
+(defun canonic-class-symbol (full-class-name)
+ "(\"java.lang.Object\") -> '|java.lang|:|Object|"
+ (multiple-value-bind (package class) (split-package-and-class full-class-name)
+ (intern class (ensure-package package))))
+(defun class-symbol (full-class-name)
+ "(\"java.lang.Object\") -> '|java.lang|:object."
+ (multiple-value-bind (package class) (split-package-and-class full-class-name)
+ (intern (string-upcase (string-append class ".")) (ensure-package package))))
+(defun unexported-class-symbol (full-class-name)
+ "(\"java.lang.Object\") -> '|java.lang|::object."
+ (multiple-value-bind (package class) (split-package-and-class full-class-name)
+ (intern-and-unexport (string-upcase (string-append class ".")) (ensure-package package))))
+(defun java-class-name (class-sym)
+ "inverse of class-symbol, only valid on class-syms created by def-java-class"
+ (let ((canonic-class-symbol (symbol-value class-sym)))
+ (string-append (package-name (symbol-package canonic-class-symbol))
+ "."
+ canonic-class-symbol)))
+(defun member-symbol (full-class-name member-name)
+ "members are defined case-insensitively in case-sensitive packages,
+prefixed by 'classname.' -
+(member-symbol \"java.lang.Object\" \"toString\") -> '|java.lang|::OBJECT.TOSTRING"
+ (multiple-value-bind (package class) (split-package-and-class full-class-name)
+ (intern (string-upcase (string-append class "." member-name)) (ensure-package package))))
+(defun unexported-member-symbol (full-class-name member-name)
+ "members are defined case-insensitively in case-sensitive packages,
+prefixed by 'classname.' -
+(member-symbol \"java.lang.Object\" \"toString\") -> '|java.lang|::OBJECT.TOSTRING"
+ (multiple-value-bind (package class) (split-package-and-class full-class-name)
+ (intern-and-unexport (string-upcase (string-append class "." member-name)) (ensure-package package))))
+(defun constructor-symbol (full-class-name)
+ (member-symbol full-class-name "new"))
+(defun unexported-constructor-symbol (full-class-name)
+ (unexported-member-symbol full-class-name "new"))
+(defun get-java-class-ref (canonic-class-symbol)
+ "class-ref is cached on the plist of the canonic class symbol"
+ (get-or-init (get canonic-class-symbol :class-ref)
+ (let ((class-name (string-append (package-name
+ (symbol-package canonic-class-symbol))
+ "."
+ canonic-class-symbol)))
+ (jclass class-name)
+ )))
+(defun find-java-class (class-sym-or-string)
+ "Given a Java class designator, returns the Java Class object."
+ (ctypecase class-sym-or-string
+ (symbol (case class-sym-or-string
+ (:int integer.type)
+ (:char character.type)
+ (:long long.type)
+ (:float float.type)
+ (:boolean boolean.type)
+ (:short short.type)
+ (:double double.type)
+ (:byte byte.type)
+ (:object object.type)
+ (:void void.type)
+ (otherwise (get-java-class-ref class-sym-or-string))))
+ (string (get-java-class-ref (canonic-class-symbol class-sym-or-string)))))
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Wrapper Generation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+In an effort to reduce the volume of stuff generated when wrapping entire libraries,
+the wrappers just generate minimal stubs, which, if and when invoked at runtime,
+complete the work of building thunking closures, so very little code is generated for
+things never called (Java libraries have huge numbers of symbols).
+Not sure if this approach matters, but that's how it works
+(defun get-superclass-names (full-class-name)
+ (let* ((class (get-java-class-ref (canonic-class-symbol full-class-name)))
+ (super (jclass-superclass class))
+ (interfaces (jclass-interfaces class))
+ (supers ()))
+ (loop for i across interfaces
+ do (push i supers))
+ ;hmmm - where should the base class go in the precedence list?
+ ;is it more important than the interfaces? this says no
+ (if super
+ (push super supers)
+ (push (jclass "java.lang.Object") supers))
+ (setf supers (nreverse supers))
+ ;now we need to fix up order so more derived classes are first
+ ;but don't have a total ordering, so merge one at a time
+ (let (result)
+ (dolist (s supers)
+ (setf result (merge 'list result (list s)
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (is-assignable-from x y)))))
+ (mapcar #'jclass-name result))))
+(defmacro def-java-class (full-class-name)
+ "Given the package-qualified, case-correct name of a java class, will generate
+wrapper functions for its contructors, fields and methods."
+ (multiple-value-bind (pacakge class) (split-package-and-class full-class-name)
+ (declare (ignore class))
+ (let* ((class-sym (unexported-class-symbol full-class-name))
+ (defs
+ (list*
+ `(ensure-package ,pacakge)
+ ;;build a path from the simple class symbol to the canonic
+ `(defconstant ,class-sym ',(canonic-class-symbol full-class-name))
+ `(export ',class-sym (symbol-package ',class-sym))
+ `(def-java-constructors ,full-class-name)
+ `(def-java-methods ,full-class-name)
+ `(def-java-fields ,full-class-name)
+ (unless (string= full-class-name "java.lang.Object")
+ (let* ((supers (mapcar #'unexported-class-symbol (get-superclass-names full-class-name)))
+ (super-exports
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (class-sym) `(export ',class-sym (symbol-package ',class-sym)))
+ supers)))
+ (append (mapcar
+ (lambda (p) `(ensure-package ,(package-name p)))
+ (remove (symbol-package class-sym)
+ (remove-duplicates (mapcar #'symbol-package supers))))
+ super-exports))))))
+ `(locally , at defs))))
+(defun jarfile.new (fn)
+ (jnew (jconstructor "java.util.jar.JarFile" "java.lang.String") fn))
+(defun jarfile.entries (jar)
+ (jcall (jmethod "java.util.jar.JarFile" "entries") jar))
+(defun zipentry.isdirectory (e)
+ (jcall (jmethod "java.util.zip.ZipEntry" "isDirectory") e))
+(defun zipentry.getname (e)
+ (jcall (jmethod "java.util.zip.ZipEntry" "getName") e))
+(defun get-jar-classnames (jar-file-name &rest packages)
+ "returns a list of strings, packages should be of the form \"java/lang\"
+ for recursive lookup and \"java/util/\" for non-recursive"
+ (let* ((jar (jarfile.new jar-file-name))
+ (entries (jarfile.entries jar))
+ (names ()))
+ (doenum (e entries)
+ (unless (zipentry.isdirectory e)
+ (let ((ename (zipentry.getname e)))
+ (flet ((matches (package)
+ (and (eql 0 (search package ename))
+ (or (not (eql #\/ (schar package (1- (length package))))) ;recursive
+ (not (find #\/ ename :start (length package))))))) ;non-subdirectory
+ (when (and (eql (search ".class" ename)
+ (- (length ename) 6)) ;classname
+ ;don't grab anonymous inner classes
+ (not (and (find #\$ ename)
+ (digit-char-p (schar ename (1+ (position #\$ ename))))))
+ (some #'matches packages))
+ (push (nsubstitute #\. #\/ (subseq ename 0 (- (length ename) 6)))
+ names))))))
+ names))
+(defun dump-wrapper-defs-to-file (filename classnames)
+ "given a list of classnames (say from get-jar-classnames), writes
+calls to def-java-class to a file"
+ (with-open-file (s filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+ (dolist (name (sort classnames #'string-lessp))
+ (format s "(def-java-class ~S)~%" name))))
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; constructors and new ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+Every non-interface class with a public ctor will get;
+ a constructor, classname.new
+ a method defined on make-new, ultimately calling classname.new,
+ specialized on (the value of) it's class-symbol (e.g. canonic sym)
+Note that if the ctor is overloaded, there is just one function (taking a rest arg),
+which handles overload resolution
+The new macro expands into a call to make-new
+(defgeneric make-new (class-sym &rest args)
+ (:documentation "Allows for definition of before/after methods on ctors.
+The new macro expands into call to this"))
+(defun build-ctor-doc-string (name ctors)
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (dolist (c ctors)
+ (format s "~A(~{~#[~;~A~:;~A,~]~})~%"
+ name
+ (mapcar #'class-name-for-doc (jarray-to-list (jconstructor-params c)))))))
+(defmacro def-java-constructors (full-class-name)
+"creates and exports a ctor func classname.new, defines a method of
+make-new specialized on the class-symbol"
+ (let ((ctor-list (get-ctor-list full-class-name)))
+ (when ctor-list
+ (let ((ctor-sym (unexported-constructor-symbol full-class-name))
+ (class-sym (class-symbol full-class-name)))
+ `(locally
+ (defun ,ctor-sym (&rest args)
+ ,(build-ctor-doc-string full-class-name ctor-list)
+ (apply #'install-constructors-and-call ,full-class-name args))
+ (export ',ctor-sym (symbol-package ',ctor-sym))
+ (defmethod make-new ((class-sym (eql ,class-sym)) &rest args)
+ (apply (function ,ctor-sym) args)))))))
+(defun get-ctor-list (full-class-name)
+ (let* ((class-sym (canonic-class-symbol full-class-name))
+ (class (get-java-class-ref class-sym))
+ (ctor-array (jclass-constructors class))
+ (ctor-list (jarray-to-list ctor-array)))
+ ctor-list))
+(defun install-constructors-and-call (full-class-name &rest args)
+ "initially the constructor symbol for a class is bound to this function,
+when first called it will replace itself with the appropriate direct thunk,
+then call the requested ctor - subsequent calls will be direct"
+ (install-constructors full-class-name)
+ (apply (constructor-symbol full-class-name) args))
+(defun install-constructors (full-class-name)
+ (let* ((ctor-list (get-ctor-list full-class-name)))
+ (when ctor-list
+ (setf (fdefinition (constructor-symbol full-class-name))
+ (make-ctor-thunk ctor-list)))))
+(defun make-ctor-thunk (ctors)
+ (if (rest ctors) ;overloaded
+ (make-overloaded-ctor-thunk ctors)
+ (make-non-overloaded-ctor-thunk (first ctors))))
+(defun make-non-overloaded-ctor-thunk (ctor)
+ (let ((arg-boxers (get-arg-boxers (jconstructor-params ctor))))
+ (lambda (&rest args)
+ (let* ((arglist (build-arglist args arg-boxers))
+ (object (apply #'jnew ctor arglist)))
+ (unbox-object object)))))
+(defun make-overloaded-ctor-thunk (ctors)
+ (let ((thunks (make-ctor-thunks-by-args-length ctors)))
+ (lambda (&rest args)
+ (let ((fn (cdr (assoc (length args) thunks))))
+ (if fn
+ (apply fn
+ args)
+ (error "invalid arity"))))))
+(defun make-ctor-thunks-by-args-length (ctors)
+ "returns an alist of thunks keyed by number of args"
+ (let ((ctors-by-args-length (make-hash-table))
+ (thunks-by-args-length nil))
+ (dolist (ctor ctors)
+ (let ((params-len (length (jconstructor-params ctor))))
+ (push ctor (gethash params-len ctors-by-args-length))))
+ (maphash #'(lambda (args-len ctors)
+ (push (cons args-len
+ (if (rest ctors);truly overloaded
+ (make-type-overloaded-ctor-thunk ctors)
+ ;only one ctor with this number of args
+ (make-non-overloaded-ctor-thunk (first ctors))))
+ thunks-by-args-length))
+ ctors-by-args-length)
+ thunks-by-args-length))
+(defun make-type-overloaded-ctor-thunk (ctors)
+ "these methods have the same number of args and must be distinguished by type"
+ (let ((thunks (mapcar #'(lambda (ctor)
+ (list (make-non-overloaded-ctor-thunk ctor)
+ (jarray-to-list (jconstructor-params ctor))))
+ ctors)))
+ (lambda (&rest args)
+ (block fn
+ (let ((arg-types (get-types-of-args args)))
+ (dolist (thunk-info thunks)
+ (destructuring-bind (thunk param-types) thunk-info
+ (when (is-congruent-type-list param-types arg-types)
+ (return-from fn (apply thunk args)))))
+ (error "No matching constructor"))))))
+(defmacro new (class-spec &rest args)
+"new class-spec args
+class-spec -> class-name | (class-name this-name)
+class-name -> \"package.qualified.ClassName\" | classname.
+args -> [actual-arg]* [init-arg-spec]*
+init-arg-spec -> init-arg | (init-arg)
+init-arg -> :settable-field-or-method [params]* value ;note keyword
+ |
+ .method-name [args]* ;note dot
+Creates a new instance of class-name, using make-new generic function,
+then initializes it by setting fields or accessors and/or calling member functions
+If this-name is supplied it will be bound to the newly-allocated object and available
+to the init-args"
+ (labels ((mem-sym? (x)
+ (or (keywordp x)
+ (and (symbolp x) (eql 0 (position #\. (symbol-name x))))))
+ (mem-form? (x)
+ (and (listp x) (mem-sym? (first x))))
+ (mem-init? (x)
+ (or (mem-sym? x) (mem-form? x)))
+ (init-forms (x)
+ (if x
+ (if (mem-form? (first x))
+ (cons (first x) (init-forms (rest x)))
+ (let ((more (member-if #'mem-init? (rest x))))
+ (cons (ldiff x more) (init-forms more)))))))
+ (let* ((inits (member-if #'mem-init? args))
+ (real-args (ldiff args inits))
+ (class-atom (if (atom class-spec)
+ class-spec
+ (first class-spec)))
+ (class-sym (if (symbolp class-atom)
+ ;(find-symbol (string-append (symbol-name class-atom) "."))
+ class-atom
+ (multiple-value-bind (package class) (split-package-and-class class-atom)
+ (find-symbol (string-append (string-upcase class) ".") package))))
+ (class-name (subseq (symbol-name class-sym) 0 (1- (length (symbol-name class-sym)))))
+ (gthis (gensym)))
+ (flet ((expand-init (x)
+ (if (keywordp (first x)) ;setf field or property
+ `(setf (,(find-symbol (string-append class-name "." (symbol-name (first x))))
+ ,gthis ,@(butlast (rest x)))
+ ,@(last (rest x)))
+ ;.memfunc
+ `(,(find-symbol (string-append class-name (symbol-name (first x))))
+ ,gthis
+ ,@(rest x)))))
+ `(let* ((,gthis (make-new ,class-sym , at real-args))
+ ,@(when (listp class-spec)
+ `((,(second class-spec) ,gthis))))
+ ,@(mapcar #'expand-init (init-forms inits))
+ ,gthis)))))
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Fields ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+all public fields will get a getter function classname.fieldname and a setter - (setf classname.fieldname)
+instance fields take an first arg which is the instance
+static fields also get a symbol-macro *classname.fieldname*
+(defmacro def-java-fields (full-class-name)
+"fields will get a getter function classname.fieldname and a setter - (setf classname.fieldname)
+instance fields take an first arg which is the instance
+static fields also get a symbol-macro *classname.fieldname*"
+ (let* ((class-sym (canonic-class-symbol full-class-name))
+ (class (get-java-class-ref class-sym))
+ (fields (jarray-to-list (jclass-fields class)))
+ (defs nil))
+ (dolist (field fields)
+ (let* ((field-name (jfield-name field))
+ (field-sym (unexported-member-symbol full-class-name field-name))
+ (is-static (jmember-static-p field)))
+ (if is-static
+ (let ((macsym (intern-and-unexport (string-append "*" (symbol-name field-sym) "*")
+ (symbol-package field-sym))))
+ (push `(defun ,field-sym ()
+ (install-static-field-and-get ,full-class-name ,field-name))
+ defs)
+ (push `(defun (setf ,field-sym) (val)
+ (install-static-field-and-set ,full-class-name ,field-name val))
+ defs)
+ (push `(export ',field-sym (symbol-package ',field-sym)) defs)
+ (push `(define-symbol-macro ,macsym (,field-sym)) defs)
+ (push `(export ',macsym (symbol-package ',macsym)) defs))
+ (progn
+ (push `(defun ,field-sym (obj)
+ (install-field-and-get ,full-class-name ,field-name obj))
+ defs)
+ (push `(defun (setf ,field-sym) (val obj)
+ (install-field-and-set ,full-class-name ,field-name val obj))
+ defs)
+ (push `(export ',field-sym (symbol-package ',field-sym)) defs)))))
+ `(locally ,@(nreverse defs))))
+(defun install-field-and-get (full-class-name field-name obj)
+ (install-field full-class-name field-name)
+ (funcall (member-symbol full-class-name field-name) obj))
+(defun install-field-and-set (full-class-name field-name val obj)
+ (install-field full-class-name field-name)
+ (funcall (fdefinition `(setf ,(member-symbol full-class-name field-name))) val obj))
+(defun install-static-field-and-get (full-class-name field-name)
+ (install-field full-class-name field-name)
+ (funcall (member-symbol full-class-name field-name)))
+(defun install-static-field-and-set (full-class-name field-name val)
+ (install-field full-class-name field-name)
+ (funcall (fdefinition `(setf ,(member-symbol full-class-name field-name))) val))
+(defun install-field (full-class-name field-name)
+ (let* ((class-sym (canonic-class-symbol full-class-name))
+ (class (get-java-class-ref class-sym))
+ (field (jclass-field class field-name))
+ (field-sym (member-symbol full-class-name field-name))
+ (is-static (jmember-static-p field))
+ (field-type-name (jclass-name (jfield-type field)))
+ (boxer (get-boxer-fn field-type-name))
+ (unboxer (get-unboxer-fn field-type-name)))
+ (if is-static
+ (progn
+ (setf (fdefinition field-sym)
+ (lambda ()
+ (funcall unboxer (jfield-raw class field-name))))
+ (setf (fdefinition `(setf ,field-sym))
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (jfield field-name nil (get-ref (funcall boxer arg)))
+ arg)))
+ (progn
+ (setf (fdefinition field-sym)
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (funcall unboxer (jfield-raw class field-name (get-ref obj)))))
+ (setf (fdefinition `(setf ,field-sym))
+ (lambda (arg obj)
+ (jfield field-name (get-ref obj) (get-ref (funcall boxer arg)))
+ arg))))))
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; methods ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+defines wrappers for all public methods of the class
+As with ctors, if a method is overloaded a single wrapper is created that handles
+overload resolution.
+The wrappers have the name classname.methodname
+If a method follows the JavaBeans property protocol (i.e. it is called getSomething or isSomething
+and there is a corresponding setSomething, then a (setf classname.methodname) will be defined
+that calls the latter
+(defun class-name-for-doc (class)
+ (let ((name (jclass-name class)))
+ (if (jclass-array-p class)
+ (decode-array-name name)
+ name)))
+(defun build-method-doc-string (name methods)
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (dolist (m methods)
+ (format s "~A~A ~A(~{~#[~;~A~:;~A,~]~})~%"
+ (if (jmember-static-p m)
+ "static "
+ "")
+ (jclass-name (jmethod-return-type m))
+ name
+ (mapcar #'class-name-for-doc (jarray-to-list (jmethod-params m)))))))
+(defmacro def-java-methods (full-class-name)
+ (let ((class-methods (get-class-methods full-class-name))
+ (defs nil))
+ (maphash (lambda (name methods)
+ (let ((method-sym (unexported-member-symbol full-class-name name)))
+ (push `(defun ,method-sym (&rest args)
+ ,(build-method-doc-string name methods)
+ (apply #'install-method-and-call ,full-class-name ,name args))
+ defs)
+ (push `(export ',method-sym (symbol-package ',method-sym))
+ defs)
+ ;build setters when finding beans property protocol
+ (flet ((add-setter-if (prefix)
+ (when (eql 0 (search prefix name))
+ (let ((setname (string-append "set" (subseq name (length prefix)))))
+ (when (gethash setname class-methods)
+ (push `(defun (setf ,method-sym) (val &rest args)
+ (progn
+ (apply #',(member-symbol full-class-name setname)
+ (append args (list val)))
+ val))
+ defs))))))
+ (add-setter-if "get")
+ (add-setter-if "is"))))
+ class-methods)
+ `(locally ,@(nreverse defs))))
+(defun install-method-and-call (full-class-name name &rest args)
+ "initially all the member function symbols for a class are bound to this function,
+when first called it will replace them with the appropriate direct thunks,
+then call the requested method - subsequent calls via those symbols will be direct"
+ (install-method full-class-name name)
+ (apply (member-symbol full-class-name name) args))
+(defun decode-array-name (tn)
+ (let ((prim (assoc tn
+ '(("Z" . "boolean")
+ ("B" . "byte")
+ ("C" . "char")
+ ("S" . "short")
+ ("I" . "int")
+ ("J" . "long")
+ ("F" . "float")
+ ("D" . "double")
+ ("V" . "void"))
+ :test #'string-equal)))
+ (if prim
+ (rest prim)
+ (let ((array-depth (count #\[ tn)))
+ (if (= 0 array-depth)
+ (subseq tn 1 (1- (length tn))) ;strip leading L and trailing ;
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (write-string (decode-array-name (subseq tn array-depth)) s)
+ (dotimes (x array-depth)
+ (write-string "[]" s))))))))
+(defun jarray-to-list (array)
+ (coerce array 'list))
+(defun jmethod-made-accessible (method)
+ "Return a method made accessible"
+ (jcall (jmethod "java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject" "setAccessible" "boolean")
+ method +true+)
+ method)
+(defun jclass-relevant-methods (class)
+ "Return all public methods, and all protected declared methods"
+ (append (jarray-to-list (jclass-methods class))
+ (map 'list #'jmethod-made-accessible
+ (remove-if-not #'jmember-protected-p (jclass-methods class :declared t)))))
+(defun get-class-methods (full-class-name)
+ "returns an #'equal hashtable of lists of java.lang.Method refs keyed by name"
+ (let* ((class-sym (canonic-class-symbol full-class-name))
+ (class (get-java-class-ref class-sym))
+ (methods (jclass-relevant-methods class))
+ (class-methods (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+ (loop for method in methods
+ do
+ (push method (gethash (jmethod-name method) class-methods)))
+ class-methods))
+(defun install-method (full-class-name name)
+ (let* ((class-methods (get-class-methods full-class-name))
+ (methods (gethash name class-methods)))
+ (setf (fdefinition (member-symbol full-class-name name))
+ (make-method-thunk methods))))
+(defun make-method-thunk (methods)
+ (if (rest methods) ;overloaded
+ (make-overloaded-thunk methods)
+ (make-non-overloaded-thunk (first methods))))
+(defun make-non-overloaded-thunk (method)
+ (let* ((unboxer-fn (get-unboxer-fn (jclass-name (jmethod-return-type method))))
+ (arg-boxers (get-arg-boxers (jmethod-params method)))
+ (is-static (jmember-static-p method))
+ (caller (if is-static #'jstatic-raw #'jcall-raw)))
+ (lambda (&rest args)
+ (let ((object (if is-static nil (get-ref (first args))))
+ (arglist (build-arglist (if is-static args (rest args)) arg-boxers)))
+ (funcall unboxer-fn (apply caller method object arglist))))))
+(defun make-overloaded-thunk (methods)
+ (let ((thunks (make-thunks-by-args-length methods)))
+ (lambda (&rest args)
+ (let ((fn (cdr (assoc (length args) thunks))))
+ (if fn
+ (apply fn
+ args)
+ (error "invalid arity"))))))
+(defun make-thunks-by-args-length (methods)
+ "returns an alist of thunks keyed by number of args"
+ (let ((methods-by-args-length (make-hash-table))
+ (thunks-by-args-length nil))
+ (dolist (method methods)
+ (let ((is-static (jmember-static-p method))
+ (params-len (length (jmethod-params method))))
+ (push method (gethash (if is-static params-len (1+ params-len))
+ methods-by-args-length))))
+ (maphash #'(lambda (args-len methods)
+ (push (cons args-len
+ (if (rest methods);truly overloaded
+ (make-type-overloaded-thunk methods)
+ ;only one method with this number of args
+ (make-non-overloaded-thunk (first methods))))
+ thunks-by-args-length))
+ methods-by-args-length)
+ thunks-by-args-length))
+(defun make-type-overloaded-thunk (methods)
+ "these methods have the same number of args and must be distinguished by type"
+ (let ((thunks (mapcar #'(lambda (method)
+ (list (make-non-overloaded-thunk method)
+ (jmember-static-p method)
+ (jarray-to-list (jmethod-params method))))
+ methods)))
+ (lambda (&rest args)
+ (block fn
+ (let ((arg-types (get-types-of-args args)))
+ (dolist (thunk-info thunks)
+ (destructuring-bind (thunk is-static param-types) thunk-info
+ (when (is-congruent-type-list param-types (if is-static arg-types (rest arg-types)))
+ (return-from fn (apply thunk args)))))
+ (error "No matching method"))))))
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; array support ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+(defun jref (array &rest subscripts)
+ (apply #'jarray-ref-raw array subscripts))
+(defun (setf jref) (val array &rest subscripts)
+ (apply #'jarray-set array (get-ref val) subscripts))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defmacro def-refs (&rest types)
+ `(locally
+ ,@(mapcan
+ (lambda (type)
+ (let ((ref-sym (intern (string-upcase (string-append "jref-" (symbol-name type))))))
+ (list
+ `(defun ,ref-sym (array &rest subscripts)
+ ,(format nil "like aref, for Java arrays of ~A, settable" (symbol-name type))
+ (assert (every #'integerp subscripts))
+ (unbox-object (apply #'jarray-ref array subscripts)))
+ `(defun (setf ,ref-sym) (val array &rest subscripts)
+ (assert (every #'integerp subscripts))
+ (apply #'jarray-set array val subscripts)
+ ))))
+ types))))
+;arrays of primitives have their own accessors
+(def-refs boolean byte char double float int short long)
+(defun jlength (array)
+ "like length, for Java arrays"
+ (jarray-length array)) ;(get-ref array)?
+(defgeneric make-new-array (type &rest dimensions)
+ (:documentation "generic function, with methods for all Java class designators")
+ (:method (type &rest dims)
+ (assert (every #'integerp dims))
+ (apply #'jnew-array type dims)))
+(defmethod make-new-array ((type symbol) &rest dimensions)
+ (apply #'make-new-array (get-java-class-ref type) dimensions))
+(defmethod make-new-array ((type string) &rest dimensions)
+ (apply #'make-new-array (find-java-class type) dimensions))
+(defmethod make-new-array ((type (eql :char)) &rest dimensions)
+ (apply #'make-new-array character.type dimensions))
+(defmethod make-new-array ((type (eql :int)) &rest dimensions)
+ (apply #'make-new-array integer.type dimensions))
+(defmethod make-new-array ((type (eql :boolean)) &rest dimensions)
+ (apply #'make-new-array boolean.type dimensions))
+(defmethod make-new-array ((type (eql :double)) &rest dimensions)
+ (apply #'make-new-array double.type dimensions))
+(defmethod make-new-array ((type (eql :byte)) &rest dimensions)
+ (apply #'make-new-array byte.type dimensions))
+(defmethod make-new-array ((type (eql :float)) &rest dimensions)
+ (apply #'make-new-array float.type dimensions))
+(defmethod make-new-array ((type (eql :short)) &rest dimensions)
+ (apply #'make-new-array short.type dimensions))
+(defmethod make-new-array ((type (eql :long)) &rest dimensions)
+ (apply #'make-new-array long.type dimensions))
+(defmethod make-new-array ((type (eql :object)) &rest dimensions)
+ (apply #'make-new-array object.type dimensions))
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; arg/param helpers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+(defun get-arg-boxers (param-types)
+ "returns a list with one entry per param, either nil or a function that boxes the arg"
+ (loop for param-type across param-types collect
+ (get-boxer-fn (jclass-name param-type))))
+(defun build-arglist (args arg-boxers)
+ (when args
+ (loop for arg in args
+ for boxer in arg-boxers
+ collecting
+ (get-ref (if (and boxer (not (boxed? arg)))
+ (funcall boxer arg)
+ arg)))))
+(defun get-types-of-args (args)
+ (let (ret)
+ (dolist (arg args)
+ (push (infer-box-type arg)
+ ret))
+ (nreverse ret)))
+(defun is-congruent-type-list (param-types arg-types)
+ (every #'(lambda (arg-type param-type)
+ (if arg-type
+ (is-assignable-from arg-type param-type)
+ ;nil was passed - must be boolean or non-primitive target type
+ (or (not (is-primitive-class param-type))
+ (jclass-superclass-p boolean.type param-type))))
+ arg-types param-types))
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; argument conversion and boxing ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+(defun get-boxer-fn (class-name)
+ (if (string= class-name "boolean")
+ #'box-boolean
+ #'identity))
+(defun get-boxer-fn-sym (class-name)
+ (if (string= class-name "boolean")
+ 'box-boolean
+ 'identity))
+(defun boxed? (x)
+ (or (java-ref-p x)
+ (typep x '|java.lang|::object.)))
+(defun infer-box-type (x)
+ (cond
+ ((null x) nil)
+ ((boxed? x) (jobject-class (get-ref x)))
+ ((integerp x) integer.type)
+ ((numberp x) double.type)
+ ((eq x t) boolean.type)
+ ((stringp x) string.type)
+ ((symbolp x) string.type)
+ (t object.type)
+ (t (error "can't infer box type"))))
+(defun get-unboxer-fn (class-name)
+ (cond ((string= class-name "void") #'unbox-void)
+ ((is-name-of-primitive class-name) #'unbox-primitive)
+ ((string= class-name "java.lang.String") #'unbox-string)
+ ((string= class-name "java.lang.Boolean") #'unbox-boolean)
+ (t #'unbox-object)))
+(defun get-unboxer-fn-sym (class-name)
+ (cond ((string= class-name "void") 'unbox-void)
+ ((is-name-of-primitive class-name) 'unbox-primitive)
+ ((string= class-name "java.lang.String") 'unbox-string)
+ ((string= class-name "java.lang.Boolean") 'unbox-boolean)
+ (t 'unbox-object)))
+(defun unbox-void (x &optional delete-local)
+ (declare (ignore x delete-local))
+ nil)
+(defun unbox-primitive (x)
+ (unless (equal x +null+)
+ (jobject-lisp-value x)))
+(defun unbox-string (x)
+ (unless (equal x +null+)
+ (jobject-lisp-value x)))
+(defun unbox-boolean (x)
+ (unless (equal x +null+)
+ (jobject-lisp-value x)))
+(defun unbox-object (x)
+ (unless (equal x +null+)
+ (jcoerce x (jclass-of x))))
+(defun box-boolean (x)
+ (if x +true+ +false+))
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; proxy support ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+(defun enable-java-proxies ()
+ t)
+(defun find-java-class-in-macro (name)
+ (find-java-class
+ (if (symbolp name)
+ (symbol-value name)
+ name)))
+(defmacro new-proxy (&rest interface-defs)
+ "interface-def -> (interface-name method-defs+)
+interface-name -> \"package.qualified.ClassName\" | classname. (must name a Java interface type)
+method-def -> (method-name arg-defs* body)
+arg-def -> arg-name | (arg-name arg-type)
+arg-type -> \"package.qualified.ClassName\" | classname. | :primitive
+method-name -> symbol | string (matched case-insensitively)
+Creates, registers and returns a Java object that implements the supplied interfaces"
+ (let (defined-method-names)
+ (labels ((process-idefs (idefs)
+ (when (rest idefs)
+ (error "Sorry, only one interface def at a time"))
+ (process-idef (first idefs)))
+ (process-idef (idef)
+ (destructuring-bind (interface-name &rest method-defs) idef
+ (let* ((methods (jclass-methods (find-java-class-in-macro interface-name)))
+ (ret `((find-java-class ,interface-name)
+ ,@(loop for method-def in method-defs appending (process-method-def method-def methods)))))
+ ;;check to make sure every function is defined
+ (loop for method across methods
+ for mname = (jmethod-name method)
+ unless (member mname defined-method-names :test #'string-equal)
+ do
+ (warn (format nil "proxy doesn't define:~%~A" mname)))
+ ret)))
+ (process-method-def (method-def methods)
+ (destructuring-bind (method-name (&rest arg-defs) &body body) method-def
+ (push method-name defined-method-names)
+ (let ((method (matching-method method-name arg-defs methods))
+ (gargs (gensym)))
+ `(,(jmethod-name method)
+ (lambda (&rest ,gargs)
+ (,(get-boxer-fn-sym (jclass-name (jmethod-return-type method)))
+ (let ,(arg-lets arg-defs
+ (jarray-to-list (jmethod-params method))
+ gargs
+ 0)
+ , at body)))))))
+ (arg-lets (arg-defs params gargs idx)
+ (when arg-defs
+ (let ((arg (first arg-defs))
+ (param (first params)))
+ (cons `(,(if (atom arg) arg (first arg))
+ (,(get-unboxer-fn-sym (jclass-name param))
+ (nth ,idx ,gargs)))
+ (arg-lets (rest arg-defs) (rest params) gargs (1+ idx))))))
+ (matching-method (method-name arg-defs methods)
+ (let (match)
+ (loop for method across methods
+ when (method-matches method-name arg-defs method)
+ do
+ (if match
+ (error (format nil "more than one method matches ~A" method-name))
+ (setf match method)))
+ (or match (error (format nil "no method matches ~A" method-name)))))
+ (method-matches (method-name arg-defs method)
+ (when (string-equal method-name (jmethod-name method))
+ (let ((params (jmethod-params method)))
+ (when (= (length arg-defs) (length params))
+ (is-congruent arg-defs params)))))
+ (is-congruent (arg-defs params)
+ (every (lambda (arg param)
+ (or (atom arg) ;no type spec matches anything
+ (jeq (find-java-class-in-macro (second arg)) param)))
+ arg-defs (jarray-to-list params))))
+ `(java::%jnew-proxy ,@(process-idefs interface-defs)))))
+(defun get-modifiers (member)
+ (jcall (jmethod "java.lang.reflect.Member" "getModifiers") member))
+(defun get-modifier-list (member)
+ (let ((mods (get-modifiers member)))
+ (loop for (mod . mod-call) in
+ '(("public" . "isPublic")
+ ("protected" . "isProtected")
+ ("private" . "isPrivate")
+ ("static" . "isStatic")
+ ;("abstract" . "isAbstract")
+ ("final" . "isFinal")
+ ("transient" . "isTransient")
+ ("volatile" . "isVolatile")
+ ("synchronized" . "isSynchronized"))
+ when
+ (jstatic (jmethod "java.lang.reflect.Modifier" mod-call "int")
+ "java.lang.reflect.Modifier"
+ mods)
+ collect mod)))
+(defun find-java-class-name-in-macro (c)
+ (etypecase c
+ (symbol (jclass-name (find-java-class (symbol-value c))))
+ (string c)))
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