[armedbear-cvs] r13553 - trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size

mevenson at common-lisp.net mevenson at common-lisp.net
Wed Aug 31 12:07:29 UTC 2011

Author: mevenson
Date: Wed Aug 31 05:07:26 2011
New Revision: 13553

Final metrics for initial run for every tenth commit

      - copied, changed from r13552, trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.gnuplot

Copied and modified: trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.data (from r13552, trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.gnuplot)
--- trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.gnuplot	Tue Aug 30 08:48:27 2011	(r13552, copy source)
+++ trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.data	Wed Aug 31 05:07:26 2011	(r13553)
@@ -152,3 +152,9 @@
 1551 13444 2011-08-06 8389139 257.85
 1561 13454 2011-08-11 8154597 245.62
 1571 13464 2011-08-11 8155389 243.52
+1581 13484 2011-08-13 8150267 241.97
+1591 13494 2011-08-14 8151646 242.04
+1601 13511 2011-08-19 8158078 241.24
+1611 13521 2011-08-20 8282056 246.42
+1621 13531 2011-08-22 8291943 248.02
+1631 13541 2011-08-27 8305574 246.17

Modified: trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.lisp	Tue Aug 30 08:48:27 2011	(r13552)
+++ trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.lisp	Wed Aug 31 05:07:26 2011	(r13553)
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-(defun write (&key (file "build-metrics.gnuplot"))
-  (format t "Writing gnuplot file to ~A.~%" file)
-  (with-open-file (s file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
-    (format s "# hg-changeset-number svn-revision date abcl.jar-size user-build-time~%")
-    (dolist (line (nreverse (parse)))
-      (format s "~A~%" line))))
+(defun write-data (&key (file "build-metrics.data"))
+  (let ((results (nreverse (parse))))
+    (format t "Writing gnuplot file to ~A.~%" file)
+    (with-open-file (s file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+      (format s "# hg-changeset-number svn-revision date abcl.jar-size user-build-time~%")
+      (dolist (line results)
+        (format s "~A~%" line)))))
 (defun parse (&key (file "build-metrics.out"))
   (let (result)
     (format t "Reading raw build metrics from ~A.~%" file)
     (with-open-file (s file)
-         (unless (equal (peek-char nil s nil #\-) #\-)
+         (when (eq (peek-char nil s nil 'EOF) 'EOF)
            (return result))
          (let ((record (read-record s)))
            (when (null record)
@@ -39,20 +40,27 @@
 (defun read-record (s)
-  (let ((begin (read-line s))
-        result)
-    (unless (string-equal begin "-----")
-      (error "Stream ~a not at beginning of record: ~a" s begin))
-    (loop 
-       (when (equal (peek-char nil s nil #\-) #\-) (return result))
-       (let* ((line (read-line s))
-              (space (search " " line)))
-         (when (numberp space)
-           (let ((key (subseq line 0 space))
-                 (value (subseq line (1+ space))))
-             (when (equal #\: (char key (1- (length key))))
-               (setf key (subseq key 0 (1- (length key)))))
-             (push (cons key value) result)))))
-    result))
+  (let (result)
+    (handler-case
+        (let ((begin (read-line s)))
+          (unless (string-equal begin "-----")
+            (error "Stream ~a not at beginning of record: ~a" s begin))
+          (loop 
+             (when (equal (peek-char nil s) #\-) (return-from read-record result))
+             (let* ((line (read-line s))
+                    (space (search " " line)))
+               (when (numberp space)
+                 (let ((key (subseq line 0 space))
+                       (value (subseq line (1+ space))))
+                   (when (equal #\: (char key (1- (length key))))
+                     (setf key (subseq key 0 (1- (length key)))))
+                   (push (cons key value) result)))))
+          result)
+      (end-of-file () (return-from read-record result)))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.out
--- trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.out	Tue Aug 30 08:48:27 2011	(r13552)
+++ trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.out	Wed Aug 31 05:07:26 2011	(r13553)
@@ -1425,4 +1425,59 @@
 svn: r13464
 description: On second thought: revert r13463, it's not about value assignment,
 abcl.jar-size: 8155389
\ No newline at end of file
+real 194.98
+user 241.97
+sys 12.17
+changeset: 1581:4558d3d2ca0a0a6da5b0b089584cc58523d52064
+date: 2011-08-13 08:29 +0000
+svn: r13484
+description: Store local functions in the parent compiland, since you can't
+abcl.jar-size: 8150267
+real 194.44
+user 242.04
+sys 12.30
+changeset: 1591:271ac61fe93c86006b53a85571343c6e11e19c6d
+date: 2011-08-14 13:19 +0000
+svn: r13494
+description: Only evaluate atoms in the input stream once.
+abcl.jar-size: 8151646
+real 193.62
+user 241.24
+sys 12.22
+changeset: 1601:88c8e659e06749750608326495d0058c9a95afec
+date: 2011-08-19 15:42 +0000
+svn: r13511
+description: Re #116: while working to fix the issue, at least tell the user we're
+abcl.jar-size: 8158078
+real 197.90
+user 246.42
+sys 11.97
+changeset: 1611:ae2c27358aca112fd48b22cba92f350760bb58cf
+date: 2011-08-20 22:18 +0000
+svn: r13521
+description: Revert r13509 because it breaks cl-ppcre compilation and the ANSI tests.
+abcl.jar-size: 8282056
+real 207.14
+user 248.02
+sys 12.38
+changeset: 1621:77e29e2bfe758fd287ab68755cb0ee1c16569f47
+date: 2011-08-22 14:48 +0000
+svn: r13531
+description: Optimize the compilation of files with a large number of compilands.
+abcl.jar-size: 8291943
+real 206.05
+user 246.17
+sys 12.26
+changeset: 1631:9a3a6bc22b61557de5cfaf2029ec466aa33c5182
+date: 2011-08-27 23:23 +0000
+svn: r13541
+description: Convert docstrings and primitives to standard conventions.
+abcl.jar-size: 8305574

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