[armedbear-cvs] r13552 - trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size
mevenson at common-lisp.net
mevenson at common-lisp.net
Tue Aug 30 15:48:27 UTC 2011
Author: mevenson
Date: Tue Aug 30 08:48:27 2011
New Revision: 13552
Update gnuplot from new data.
Be a little bit more verbose in our output.
Modified: trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.gnuplot
--- trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.gnuplot Tue Aug 30 08:42:19 2011 (r13551)
+++ trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.gnuplot Tue Aug 30 08:48:27 2011 (r13552)
@@ -1,124 +1,154 @@
-1271 13105 2010-12-27 8300202 264.16
-1261 13095 2010-12-15 8295975 262.58
-1251 13078 2010-12-01 8292504 265.34
-1241 13058 2010-11-27 8277895 262.19
-1231 13039 2010-11-20 8281919 258.58
-1221 13024 2010-11-15 8279701 256.70
-1211 13011 2010-11-07 8284885 264.55
-1201 12998 2010-11-04 8284571 269.44
-1191 12987 2010-10-31 8278780 265.71
-1181 12973 2010-10-14 8151120 261.78
-1171 12963 2010-10-09 8160741 260.59
-1161 12952 2010-10-04 8149414 261.22
-1151 12941 2010-10-03 8147622 261.87
-1141 12931 2010-09-30 8105012 262.18
-1131 12912 2010-09-24 7538165 177.00
-1121 12888 2010-08-12 7538151 176.32
-1111 12828 2010-07-26 7458606 175.71
-1101 12811 2010-07-17 7454306 176.18
-1091 12799 2010-07-10 7453556 175.53
-1081 12765 2010-06-25 7449371 175.39
-1071 12752 2010-06-13 7382845 172.23
-1061 12733 2010-05-25 7187378 157.02
-1051 12721 2010-05-23 7200304 155.69
-1041 12711 2010-05-19 7194703 156.24
-1031 12699 2010-05-17 7007573 152.07
-1021 12682 2010-05-15 7131003 151.21
-1011 12668 2010-05-11 7084459 149.27
-1001 12658 2010-05-07 7077270 150.75
-991 12648 2010-05-02 7053689 149.16
-981 12637 2010-04-27 7050804 151.19
-971 12622 2010-04-18 7049819 150.48
-961 12612 2010-04-15 6774409 143.87
-951 12602 2010-04-10 6767443 141.22
-941 12592 2010-04-10 6767289 140.53
-931 12582 2010-04-08 6764168 139.09
-921 12563 2010-03-20 6610611 137.29
-911 12550 2010-03-16 6620840 137.87
-901 12535 2010-03-14 6620618 138.61
-891 12518 2010-03-04 6619955 136.81
-881 12508 2010-02-27 6327015 131.92
-871 12498 2010-02-22 6320542 130.44
-861 12488 2010-02-20 6323021 129.80
-851 12471 2010-02-14 6319550 131.24
-841 12451 2010-02-12 6312015 130.31
-831 12439 2010-02-10 6295349 131.79
-821 12429 2010-02-08 6295385 127.48
-811 12419 2010-02-05 6278274 127.65
-801 12409 2010-01-30 6266032 131.39
-791 12399 2010-01-24 6244825 136.14
-781 12383 2010-01-17 6145770 134.04
-771 12362 2010-01-11 6160836 134.07
-761 12352 2010-01-08 6160005 133.70
-751 12338 2010-01-06 6155301 134.78
-741 12328 2010-01-02 6152422 132.50
-731 12318 2010-01-01 5868984 131.64
-721 12307 2009-12-25 5835506 131.25
-711 12294 2009-12-07 5796377 131.99
-701 12284 2009-11-26 5791996 124.62
-691 12274 2009-11-10 5790578 123.81
-681 12253 2009-11-05 5817625 123.14
-671 12236 2009-10-31 5816901 125.46
-651 12216 2009-10-23 5816825 115.42
-641 12202 2009-10-17 6325293 120.53
-631 12187 2009-10-10 6324908 123.43
-621 12177 2009-10-06 6324388 126.84
-611 12167 2009-09-29 6311657 122.87
-601 12157 2009-09-20 6307000 123.03
-591 12145 2009-09-14 6298706 117.76
-581 12128 2009-09-01 6287438 116.54
-571 12118 2009-08-26 6303287 117.09
-561 12108 2009-08-19 6214409 116.66
-551 12098 2009-08-13 6244475 94.44
-541 12088 2009-08-08 5914620 89.09
-531 12078 2009-07-30 5898032 94.14
-521 12068 2009-07-27 5898083 94.31
-511 12058 2009-07-24 5891741 93.95
-501 12048 2009-07-15 5900204 92.78
-491 12038 2009-07-11 5889859 93.25
-481 12027 2009-07-02 5884369 90.21
-471 12017 2009-06-14 5864231 93.27
-461 11992 2009-06-06 5859093 96.35
-451 11982 2009-06-01 5856862 95.39
-441 11972 2009-05-31 5857111 95.13
-431 11958 2009-05-27 5856917 102.41
-421 11924 2009-05-22 5845501 100.51
-411 11914 2009-05-21 5834530 99.00
-391 11891 2009-05-17 5859453 101.44
-381 11880 2009-05-16 5886008 101.95
-371 11870 2009-05-15 5891748 105.41
-361 11853 2009-05-10 5867734 102.89
-351 11843 2009-05-08 5869102 102.17
-341 11833 2009-05-05 5870038 103.10
-331 11823 2009-05-03 5856090 103.40
-321 11813 2009-05-02 5846149 100.97
-311 11803 2009-04-29 5846363 104.55
-291 11783 2009-04-25 5831615 100.27
-281 11773 2009-04-21 5843369 102.65
-271 11763 2009-04-18 5843436 102.13
-261 11748 2009-04-08 5858380 99.80
-251 11730 2009-04-04 5858963 100.30
-241 11720 2009-03-29 5859754 100.90
-231 11710 2009-03-15 5855641 99.91
-221 11698 2009-03-05 5845637 100.08
-211 11684 2009-02-22 5848243 101.90
-201 11674 2009-02-20 5846923 102.64
-191 11654 2009-02-10 5847162 102.65
-181 11644 2009-02-08 5813728 102.47
-171 11634 2009-02-06 5807475 100.62
-161 11624 2009-02-04 5808991 99.81
-151 11614 2009-01-31 5794954 94.05
-141 11604 2009-01-30 5797070 95.51
-131 11594 2009-01-26 5788173 94.72
-121 11584 2009-01-24 5748957 93.39
-111 11574 2009-01-21 5730633 92.03
-101 11564 2009-01-18 5709163 103.95
-91 11551 2009-01-08 5784174 102.22
-81 11541 2009-01-04 5767140 92.16
-61 11521 2009-01-02 5763052 91.62
-51 11511 2008-12-30 5762217 82.54
-41 11501 2008-12-28 5760471 81.81
-31 11491 2008-12-27 5758450 82.55
-21 11481 2008-12-26 5758394 82.15
-11 11470 2008-12-22 5758285 80.47
+# hg-changeset-number svn-revision date abcl.jar-size user-build-time
1 11459 2008-12-20 5675929 78.63
+11 11470 2008-12-22 5758285 80.47
+21 11481 2008-12-26 5758394 82.15
+31 11491 2008-12-27 5758450 82.55
+41 11501 2008-12-28 5760471 81.81
+51 11511 2008-12-30 5762217 82.54
+61 11521 2009-01-02 5763052 91.62
+81 11541 2009-01-04 5767140 92.16
+91 11551 2009-01-08 5784174 102.22
+101 11564 2009-01-18 5709163 103.95
+111 11574 2009-01-21 5730633 92.03
+121 11584 2009-01-24 5748957 93.39
+131 11594 2009-01-26 5788173 94.72
+141 11604 2009-01-30 5797070 95.51
+151 11614 2009-01-31 5794954 94.05
+161 11624 2009-02-04 5808991 99.81
+171 11634 2009-02-06 5807475 100.62
+181 11644 2009-02-08 5813728 102.47
+191 11654 2009-02-10 5847162 102.65
+201 11674 2009-02-20 5846923 102.64
+211 11684 2009-02-22 5848243 101.90
+221 11698 2009-03-05 5845637 100.08
+231 11710 2009-03-15 5855641 99.91
+241 11720 2009-03-29 5859754 100.90
+251 11730 2009-04-04 5858963 100.30
+261 11748 2009-04-08 5858380 99.80
+271 11763 2009-04-18 5843436 102.13
+281 11773 2009-04-21 5843369 102.65
+291 11783 2009-04-25 5831615 100.27
+311 11803 2009-04-29 5846363 104.55
+321 11813 2009-05-02 5846149 100.97
+331 11823 2009-05-03 5856090 103.40
+341 11833 2009-05-05 5870038 103.10
+351 11843 2009-05-08 5869102 102.17
+361 11853 2009-05-10 5867734 102.89
+371 11870 2009-05-15 5891748 105.41
+381 11880 2009-05-16 5886008 101.95
+391 11891 2009-05-17 5859453 101.44
+411 11914 2009-05-21 5834530 99.00
+421 11924 2009-05-22 5845501 100.51
+431 11958 2009-05-27 5856917 102.41
+441 11972 2009-05-31 5857111 95.13
+451 11982 2009-06-01 5856862 95.39
+461 11992 2009-06-06 5859093 96.35
+471 12017 2009-06-14 5864231 93.27
+481 12027 2009-07-02 5884369 90.21
+491 12038 2009-07-11 5889859 93.25
+501 12048 2009-07-15 5900204 92.78
+511 12058 2009-07-24 5891741 93.95
+521 12068 2009-07-27 5898083 94.31
+531 12078 2009-07-30 5898032 94.14
+541 12088 2009-08-08 5914620 89.09
+551 12098 2009-08-13 6244475 94.44
+561 12108 2009-08-19 6214409 116.66
+571 12118 2009-08-26 6303287 117.09
+581 12128 2009-09-01 6287438 116.54
+591 12145 2009-09-14 6298706 117.76
+601 12157 2009-09-20 6307000 123.03
+611 12167 2009-09-29 6311657 122.87
+621 12177 2009-10-06 6324388 126.84
+631 12187 2009-10-10 6324908 123.43
+641 12202 2009-10-17 6325293 120.53
+651 12216 2009-10-23 5816825 115.42
+671 12236 2009-10-31 5816901 125.46
+681 12253 2009-11-05 5817625 123.14
+691 12274 2009-11-10 5790578 123.81
+701 12284 2009-11-26 5791996 124.62
+711 12294 2009-12-07 5796377 131.99
+721 12307 2009-12-25 5835506 131.25
+731 12318 2010-01-01 5868984 131.64
+741 12328 2010-01-02 6152422 132.50
+751 12338 2010-01-06 6155301 134.78
+761 12352 2010-01-08 6160005 133.70
+771 12362 2010-01-11 6160836 134.07
+781 12383 2010-01-17 6145770 134.04
+791 12399 2010-01-24 6244825 136.14
+801 12409 2010-01-30 6266032 131.39
+811 12419 2010-02-05 6278274 127.65
+821 12429 2010-02-08 6295385 127.48
+831 12439 2010-02-10 6295349 131.79
+841 12451 2010-02-12 6312015 130.31
+851 12471 2010-02-14 6319550 131.24
+861 12488 2010-02-20 6323021 129.80
+871 12498 2010-02-22 6320542 130.44
+881 12508 2010-02-27 6327015 131.92
+891 12518 2010-03-04 6619955 136.81
+901 12535 2010-03-14 6620618 138.61
+911 12550 2010-03-16 6620840 137.87
+921 12563 2010-03-20 6610611 137.29
+931 12582 2010-04-08 6764168 139.09
+941 12592 2010-04-10 6767289 140.53
+951 12602 2010-04-10 6767443 141.22
+961 12612 2010-04-15 6774409 143.87
+971 12622 2010-04-18 7049819 150.48
+981 12637 2010-04-27 7050804 151.19
+991 12648 2010-05-02 7053689 149.16
+1001 12658 2010-05-07 7077270 150.75
+1011 12668 2010-05-11 7084459 149.27
+1021 12682 2010-05-15 7131003 151.21
+1031 12699 2010-05-17 7007573 152.07
+1041 12711 2010-05-19 7194703 156.24
+1051 12721 2010-05-23 7200304 155.69
+1061 12733 2010-05-25 7187378 157.02
+1071 12752 2010-06-13 7382845 172.23
+1081 12765 2010-06-25 7449371 175.39
+1091 12799 2010-07-10 7453556 175.53
+1101 12811 2010-07-17 7454306 176.18
+1111 12828 2010-07-26 7458606 175.71
+1121 12888 2010-08-12 7538151 176.32
+1131 12912 2010-09-24 7538165 177.00
+1141 12931 2010-09-30 8105012 262.18
+1151 12941 2010-10-03 8147622 261.87
+1161 12952 2010-10-04 8149414 261.22
+1171 12963 2010-10-09 8160741 260.59
+1181 12973 2010-10-14 8151120 261.78
+1191 12987 2010-10-31 8278780 265.71
+1201 12998 2010-11-04 8284571 269.44
+1211 13011 2010-11-07 8284885 264.55
+1221 13024 2010-11-15 8279701 256.70
+1231 13039 2010-11-20 8281919 258.58
+1241 13058 2010-11-27 8277895 262.19
+1251 13078 2010-12-01 8292504 265.34
+1261 13095 2010-12-15 8295975 262.58
+1271 13105 2010-12-27 8300202 264.16
+1281 13115 2011-01-01 8384671 269.68
+1291 13132 2011-01-10 8414233 269.77
+1301 13143 2011-01-13 8180273 254.40
+1311 13166 2011-01-21 8179908 254.40
+1321 13185 2011-01-26 8180818 249.24
+1331 13195 2011-01-30 8181117 254.51
+1341 13205 2011-02-06 8247327 255.94
+1351 13215 2011-02-12 8250104 258.26
+1361 13226 2011-02-20 8305847 257.65
+1371 13241 2011-03-10 8296393 255.63
+1381 13252 2011-03-16 8304436 252.94
+1391 13262 2011-04-04 8262019 255.71
+1401 13272 2011-04-27 8307606 257.70
+1411 13282 2011-05-21 8306789 251.55
+1421 13292 2011-05-24 8307056 256.02
+1431 13302 2011-05-27 8307269 255.30
+1441 13312 2011-06-08 8357651 255.14
+1451 13322 2011-06-10 8360405 255.16
+1461 13332 2011-06-16 8362496 257.21
+1471 13342 2011-06-17 8366111 253.51
+1491 13362 2011-06-22 8369879 257.04
+1501 13372 2011-07-04 8374815 255.90
+1511 13383 2011-07-09 8381822 255.88
+1521 13401 2011-07-14 8382748 258.38
+1531 13415 2011-07-26 8384053 259.09
+1541 13434 2011-08-02 8383152 251.51
+1551 13444 2011-08-06 8389139 257.85
+1561 13454 2011-08-11 8154597 245.62
+1571 13464 2011-08-11 8155389 243.52
Modified: trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.lisp Tue Aug 30 08:42:19 2011 (r13551)
+++ trunk/abcl/tools/jar-size/build-metrics.lisp Tue Aug 30 08:48:27 2011 (r13552)
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
-(defun write ()
- (with-open-file (s "build-metrics.gnuplot" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
- (dolist (line (parse))
+(defun write (&key (file "build-metrics.gnuplot"))
+ (format t "Writing gnuplot file to ~A.~%" file)
+ (with-open-file (s file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+ (format s "# hg-changeset-number svn-revision date abcl.jar-size user-build-time~%")
+ (dolist (line (nreverse (parse)))
(format s "~A~%" line))))
-(defun parse ()
+(defun parse (&key (file "build-metrics.out"))
(let (result)
- (with-open-file (s "build-metrics.out")
+ (format t "Reading raw build metrics from ~A.~%" file)
+ (with-open-file (s file)
(unless (equal (peek-char nil s nil #\-) #\-)
(return result))
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