[Antik-devel] nested vector structure

Mirko Vukovic mirko.vukovic at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 13:49:37 UTC 2012

I have created a bit of code for gsll that uses a vector of vectors.
I use this for tabular data (https://github.com/mirkov/data-table).

I use raw CL for that, even though the outer vector can store foreign
arrays.  That way, I can do interpolation and fitting.  The code is
still a bit raw, and the object model may need cleaning up.

A nice thing is that I can query and reshuffle the table, much like
the database features in chapter 27 of Seibel's Practical Common Lisp.

I would like to make this more grid compatible, but I am just too
tired to figure it out.  So, is it possible to
- create a vector of vectors in grid
- can grid use aref to access individual elements, or am I stuck with
a nested aref



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