[ansi-test-devel] COMPILE-FILE.2 & COMPILE-FILE.2A

Sam Steingold sds at gnu.org
Mon Apr 19 22:44:55 UTC 2010

The aforementioned tests check that compile-file reports warnings and
style-warnings generated by the code being compiled (as opposed to the
compiler itself) as its secondary and tertiary values.

The secondary value, warnings-p, is false if no conditions of type
error or warning were detected by the compiler, and true otherwise.
The tertiary value, failure-p, is false if no conditions of type error
or warning (other than style-warning) were detected by the compiler,
and true otherwise.

the tests assume that if the code being compile does something like

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
  (define-condition w (warning) nil))
  (warn (make-condition 'w)))

then the compiler must notice this and report this (second value being T).

It seems to me that the spec requires the 2nd and 3rd values to
reflect the signaling from within the compiler, not whatever is
signaled by the code being compiled.

do you agree with my interpretation of the spec?

Sam Steingold <http://sds.podval.org>

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