[alexandria-devel] Anonymous modify macros through `CALLF'

Nikodemus Siivola nikodemus at random-state.net
Wed Jan 16 11:27:21 UTC 2008

On 9/13/07, Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr at freebits.de> wrote:

> Alexandria seems to contain a lot of modify macro definitions. Which is
> no wonder, as those are quite practical: They're concise, and
> simultaneously guarantee that their arguments are only evaluated once.
> Inspired from CL.el in Emacs, I grew quite fond of CALLF which is a
> generalized modify macro, or if you look from the right angle, an
> anonymous modify macro facility.
> Instead of having to globally define modify macros each time you want
> one for a certain function, you simply use CALLF instead:
>  (callf #'append place l1 l2 l3 ...) == (appendf place l1 l2 l3)
>  (callf #'coerce place 'foo) == (coercef place 'foo)
>  and so on.

It may be just never having seen this before, but I admit this makes
me squint a bit. Having now fooled a bit with alternative ways to write
eg. DROP, I have to admit these are appealingly simple to use.

If nothing else, I think CALLF-N should index arguments from zero -- unless
there is a specific reason for starting from 1? (PROG1 / PROG2 analogue
actually just came to mind, maybe 1 is right after all.)

...then again, we _are_ going to run the pruning pass over Alexandria.
So I'll probably push these soonish, and we can see how using them feels.


 -- Nikodemus

> CALLF is actually just an abbreviation for the even more general macro
>   (callf-n n function &rest args)
> which takes the Nth argument to be the place. I.e.
>   (callf #'f place x y z) == (callf-n 1 #'f place x y z)
> This is important if you want to use things like REMOVE or DELETE where
> the place is the second argument. I.e. something almost equivalent to
> Erik Naggum's DROP could be defined like:
>   (defmacro drop (object place &rest keys &key key test test-not)
>     "Drop a particular OBJECT from list in PLACE.
>      (Intended as counterpart to PUSH.)"
>     (declare (ignore key test test-not))
>     `(callf2 #'delete ,object ,place :count 1 , at keys))
> where CALLF2 is equivalent to (CALLF-N 2); CALLF and CALLF2 are
> abbreviations for the most common cases, so they're specially provided.
> As you can see, these macro also aid macro programming because they
> relieve you from having to mess with GET-SETF-EXPANSION &c.
> I place the implementation below into the public domain to be included
> into the Alexandria library.
>  Notice that the implementation uses another utility BREAKUP which
> (together with its sibling BREAKUP-IF) should also be included into
> Alexandria.
>   -T.
> (defun breakup (n list)
>   "Breaks LIST into two pieces at position N where the (NTH n) element
> will become the first element of the second piece. Both pieces are
> returned in a list.
> If N < 0, treat N as if 0.
> If N >= (length LIST), return NIL as second piece.
> Examples:
>    (breakup 0 '(0 1 2 3 4)) => (NIL (0 1 2 3 4))
>    (breakup 2 '(0 1 2 3 4)) => ((0 1) (2 3 4))
>    (breakup 9 '(0 1 2 3 4)) => ((0 1 2 3 4) NIL)
> "
>   (let ((front nil))
>     (dotimes (i n)
>       (when (null list) (return))
>       (push (car list) front)
>       (setf list (cdr list)))
>     (list (nreverse front) list)))
> (defun breakup-if (predicate list)
>   "Breaks LIST into two pieces at the first element of which
> PREDICATE returns T.
> Examples:
>    (breakup-if #'oddp  '(2 4 6 7 8 10)) => ((2 4 6) (7 8 19))
>    (breakup-if #'evenp '(2 4 6 7 8 10)) => (NIL (2 4 6 7 8 10))
> "
>   (loop with tail = nil
>         for (x . rest) on list
>         if (not (funcall predicate x))
>           collect x into front
>         else
>           do (setq tail (cons x rest))
>              (loop-finish)
>         finally (return (list front tail))))
> (defmacro callf-n (n function &rest args &environment env)
>   "CALLF-N represents an anonymous modify macro facility.
> The Nth argument (starting from 1) of ARGS is considered to be a `place'.
> This place is set to `(FUNCTION arg1 ... arg{N-1} place arg{N+1} ...)'.
> Examples:
>   (appendf place l1 l2 ...) == (callf-n 1 #'append place l1 l2 ...)
>   (progn
>     (defvar *foo* (list 1 2 (list 3 4 4 4 5) 6 7))
>     (callf-n 2 #'remove 4 (third *foo*))
>     *foo*)                                        ==> (1 2 (3 5) 6 7)
> "
>   (destructuring-bind ((&rest frontargs) (place &rest tailargs)) (breakup (1- n) args)
>     (multiple-value-bind (gvars vals gstorevars setter getter)
>         (get-setf-expansion place env)
>       (when (second gstorevars)
>         (error "CALLF does not support setting multiple values via the (VALUES ...) place."))
>       (let ((gstorevar (first gstorevars)))
>         `(let ,(mapcar #'list gvars vals)
>            (let ((,gstorevar (funcall ,function , at frontargs ,getter , at tailargs)))
>              ,setter)
>            )))))
> (defmacro callf (function &rest args)
>   "Abbreviation for (CALLF-N 1 FUNCTION args..)."
>   `(callf-n 1 ,function , at args))
> (defmacro callf2 (function &rest args)
>   "Abbreviation for (CALLF-N 2 FUNCTION args..)."
>   `(callf-n 2 ,function , at args))
> --
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