[admin] Project hosting request: clouchdb

Peter Eddy peter.eddy at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 17:28:15 UTC 2007


I would like to request hosting for a new open source Lisp
project. The project is a Common Lisp interface to the CouchDB
database (http://couchdb.org).

Though CouchDB is accessed via a simple REST (HTTP) API, I think a
certain amount of additional value can be provided by a library of
Lisp functions which encapsulate the database API. For example, this
project provides a translation of data into and out of CouchDB's
wire data representation (Json strings), It is also hoped that this
project will provide some degree of isolation from CouchDB API

The current state of the code is functional, but the API will likely
change for the following reasons: 1) CouchDB itself is in a pre-alpha,
version 0.7-ish, state and not yet feature complete. 2) CouchDB is,
for me at least, a new kind of database. I expect my understanding of
how it is used to evolve as I become more familiar with it, and I hope
to reflect any new insight in the Lisp API, when appropriate.

Project Information

  My Name: Peter Eddy
  GPG Key: attached
  Project Name: clouchdb
  Libraries Used: Drakma, cl-json(json), parenscript
  License: LLGPL

  Currently no one else is involved in this project.

Thank you!

- Peter

P.S. I know, the name is lousy :)
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