[admin] list admin passwords

Erik Huelsmann e.huelsmann at gmx.net
Wed Oct 18 09:34:37 UTC 2006

> Erik Huelsmann writes:
> > I've inadvertedly sent mails to
> > 
> > cl-irc-devel@
> > cl-irc-ticket@
> > cl-irc-cvs@
> > usocket-ticket@
> > usocket-cvs@
> > 
> > from a non-list-member address. Now, I'm getting mails about those mails
> > needing moderation, but I never have had admin passwords to do the
> > moderation required.
> > 
> > Could you provide me with passwords to do this?
> I'm changing the admin password on the lists we have you down as
> "responsible" 
> for. This should, I believe, result in an email being sent to you.
> Those lists are:
>   cl-irc-ticket
>   usocket-ticket
>   usocket-cvs
> The other two lists, we have Brian Mastenbook down as moderator for.
> I hope this is of some help, at least.

Absolutely! Thanks!

Now I can cancel those reminder mails which keep comming daily :-)


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