[admin] Would like to set up a repository

Erik Enge erik.enge at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 03:10:13 UTC 2006


On 11/27/06, Marijn Haverbeke <marijnh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> To release a small library, I was looking for a good way to host it. Setting
> up my own hosting and repository looked like a lot of bother, so I write you
> asking if it would be possible to put it at common-lisp.net. It's a very
> small UTF-8 encoding and decoding library, predictably named trivial-utf-8,
> whose purpose is mostly to act as a more efficient alternative to the
> character encoding functions that unicode-aware implementations offer (its
> string-to-octets equivalent beats SBCL's version by a factor 10, mostly by
> being less general-purpose). This can be valuable in things like webservers
> and database interfaces that would like to communicate with others in utf-8
> without becoming horrifyingly sluggish. I'm releasing it under a BSD
> license, and would prefer to put it in a darcs repository.
> Enclosed is my gpg public key.
> Regards,
> Marijn Haverbeke
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