[admin] putative new projects for common-lisp.net

Gary King gwking at metabang.com
Thu Jul 28 12:15:55 UTC 2005


My name is Gary King and I'd like to add the following CL projects to 
Common-Lisp.net. In all cases, I am the only member at this time. The 
projects all use the MIT license.

1. containers

This is a common-lisp "containers" library that provides a uniform 
framework for regular Lisp containers (lists, arrays, hash-tables, 
alists, etc) and a small host of additional container types 
(doubly-linked lists, queues, sparse arrays, red-black trees,  etc.)

2. moptilities

This is a project similar in spirit to CLOSER and I'll be trying to 
merge the two and/or replace my use of moptilities with CLOSER in the 
coming months. It provides a MOP compatibility layer and several useful 
(IMHO) MOP related utilities.

3. cl0-utils

This is a set of basic Lisp utilities on which containers (and several 
other of my projects) depend. If you don't want to include this, I can 
manage for now by merging it with containers.

Gary Warren King
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