[admin] CVS lists

Mario Mommer mmommer at common-lisp.net
Thu Jan 6 10:48:26 UTC 2005

Edi Weitz <edi at agharta.de> writes:
> Are the xxx-cvs mailing lists set up to get CVS messages automatically
> or are they just named like that and not different from other mailing
> lists?  I ask because I've just imported the RDNZL project into the
> c-l.net repository but there's no message at
>   <http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/rdnzl-cvs/>.
> How do I configure this list to send messages whenever the CVS
> repository changes?

Looking at the configuration of rdnzl-cvs, it seems that everything
gets moderated, and if a message is on hold for moderation it gets
automagically discarded. So, for some reason, rdnzl-cvs seems to be a
black hole :-)

This is a theory, anyways. The relevant settings are

# means "Yes":
default_member_moderation = 1

# 2 = "Discard"
member_moderation_action = 2

which might be the explanation. Please let me know whether changing
this changes anything (this is somewhere under "Privacy" in the
mailman config panel). I could also change it myself if you want.


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