[lists] Re: [admin] Cello, too?

Anthony Ventimiglia anthony at ventimiglia.org
Sat Nov 8 21:20:51 UTC 2003

 > <half-serious> On a totally different topic: Erik, I'm getting the
 > feeling that we're starting to have enough people on Common-lisp.net
 > that it might make sense to start talk at common-lisp.net -- a mailing
 > list equivalent of cll for people who certifiably are writing open CL
 > stuff instead of just alking about it.  </half-serious>

I thought of making that recommendation as well, since cll is not
common-lisp specific, it might be nice to start an cl exclusive
list. Maybe we won't have to waste time filtering through all the
scheme vs lisp and python vs lisp threads that seem to be so dominant.

(incf *yankees-world-series-losses*)

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