[admin] mailing lists for mod_lisp, cl-pdf and cl-typesetting]

Erik Enge eenge at prium.net
Wed Dec 10 16:36:17 UTC 2003

"Marc Battyani" <marc.battyani at fractalconcept.com> writes:

> OK, tell me when you have reached a consensus on the subject ;-)

You're getting three fullblown projects.  :)

> BTW I've never given CVS access to others. Is there a mechanism to
> accept/reject the changes.

Not in CVS, really.  I usually dole out CVS access to those who've
already sent me good patches.  If they commit something I don't like to
the CVS tree I tell them so and they fix it.  At common-lisp.net you ask
us to add members to your project at which point they have full access
to your CVS tree.

> Where are the lispniks who write code instead of just talking?

On IRC: #lisp on freenode.net.


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