[admin] new project requests

Rahul Jain rjain at nyct.net
Sun Dec 7 21:40:30 UTC 2003

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Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus at random-state.net> writes:

> On Sat, Dec 06, 2003 at 05:51:46PM -0500, Rahul Jain wrote:
> While I approve of all these Def* projects, I can't help but wonder if
> you're spreading yourself a bit thin... 

Actually, that's exactly why I want to share the code. That way others
can help me out. :)

>>From the descriptions it sounds to me like all the projects are in the
> Emacs-Mplayer size range individually. I do not mean this as a
> criticism per-se, but just as an observation.

Yes, in a sense you are right. However, they will be highly configurable
as to how they really do their work and I intend to depend on already
available external applications at first, e.g., using mplayer in
DefPlayer. Personally, I would consider the whole of CLIM to be
comparable to Emacs, FWIW.

> If you intend to share significant amount of code between these
> projects it might be beneficial to start them under a single project,
> and branch them off once they become bigger. Kind of like Marco
> Baringger did/does with Bese and UnCommon Web.

I won't really be sharing much code between the projects, but some may
provide extensions and/or plugins for the others. E.g. DefDoc providing
a format plugin for DefEditor.

Thanks for providing such a useful service to the lisp community.

Rahul Jain

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