New failure in cl-libuv I don't understand

Zach Beane xach at
Tue May 30 06:47:08 UTC 2023

Full log is here:

Here's part of it:

; file: /home/quicklisp/quicklisp-controller/dist/build-cache/cl-libuv/9f0aced1c6a2ef1737696a9a577f65fbf922334a/cl-libuv-20230529-git/bindings.lisp
; in: DEFCFUN ("uv_loop_size" UV-LOOP-SIZE)
;     (CFFI:DEFCFUN ("uv_loop_size" LIBUV::UV-LOOP-SIZE)
;         LIBUV::SIZE-T)
; caught ERROR:
;   (during macroexpansion of (DEFCFUN ("uv_loop_size" UV-LOOP-SIZE) ...))
;   Unknown CFFI type SIZE-T

If I try compiling the library in isolation, it seems to work. Is it
possible I've got some kind of stale fasl environment going on? Is
there more research I can do to understand why this happens?


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