[zip-devel] clisp port of "zip" library

Klaus Weidner kw at w-m-p.com
Wed Aug 24 22:46:18 UTC 2005


this patch makes the "zip" library work for CLISP on Linux and Windows -
very lightly tested but it works for me.

I had to modify the define-record macro, CLISP didn't like using a gensym
as a defconstant name.


diff -r -uN ../xfer/zip.tgz.content.13334/clisp.lisp zip/clisp.lisp
--- ../xfer/zip.tgz.content.13334/clisp.lisp	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ zip/clisp.lisp	2005-08-24 15:52:43.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(in-package :zip)
+;;;; FIXME
+(defun default-external-format ()
+  :dummy)
+(defun octets-to-string (octets ef)
+  (declare (ignore ef))
+  (let* ((m (length octets))
+	 (n (cond 
+	      ((zerop m) 0)
+	      ((zerop (elt octets (1- m))) (1- m))
+	      (t m)))
+	 (result (make-string n)))
+    (map-into result #'code-char octets)
+    result))
+(defun string-to-octets (string ef)
+  (declare (ignore ef))
+  (let ((result (make-array (1+ (length string))
+			    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+			    :initial-element 0)))
+    (map-into result #'char-code string)
+    result))
diff -r -uN ../xfer/zip.tgz.content.13334/gray.lisp zip/gray.lisp
--- ../xfer/zip.tgz.content.13334/gray.lisp	2005-04-05 10:45:02.000000000 -0500
+++ zip/gray.lisp	2005-08-24 17:19:40.000000000 -0500
@@ -4,11 +4,16 @@
     ((buf :initarg :buf :accessor buf)
      (pos :initform 0 :accessor pos)))
-(defmethod stream-write-sequence
+(defmethod stream-element-type ((stream buffer-output-stream))
+  '(unsigned-byte 8))
+(defmethod #+clisp stream-write-byte-sequence #-clisp stream-write-sequence
     #+sbcl ((stream buffer-output-stream) seq &optional (start 0) end)
     #+lispworks ((stream buffer-output-stream) seq start end)
-    #-(or sbcl lispworks) ...
-  (replace (buf stream)
+    #+clisp ((stream buffer-output-stream) seq &optional (start 0) end no-hang unknown)
+    #-(or sbcl lispworks clisp) ...
+  (replace (buf stream) seq
 	   :start1 (pos stream)
 	   :start2 start
 	   :end2 end))
@@ -28,10 +33,11 @@
 	(incf (pos s)))
-(defmethod stream-read-sequence
+(defmethod #+clisp stream-read-byte-sequence #-clisp stream-read-sequence
     #+sbcl ((s truncating-stream) seq &optional (start 0) (end (length seq)))
     #+lispworks ((s truncating-stream) seq start end)
-    #-(or sbcl lispworks) ...
+    #+clisp ((s truncating-stream) seq &optional (start 0) (end (length seq)) no-hang unknown)
+    #-(or sbcl lispworks clisp) ...
   (let* ((n (- end start))
 	 (max (- (size s) (pos s)))
diff -r -uN ../xfer/zip.tgz.content.13334/package.lisp zip/package.lisp
--- ../xfer/zip.tgz.content.13334/package.lisp	2005-04-05 10:43:11.000000000 -0500
+++ zip/package.lisp	2005-08-24 16:08:08.000000000 -0500
@@ -26,9 +26,17 @@
   (:import-from #+sbcl :sb-gray
                 #+lispworks :stream
-                #-(or sbcl lispworks) ...
+		#+clisp :gray
+                #-(or sbcl lispworks clisp) ...
+		#-clisp
+		#+clisp
+                #:stream-write-byte-sequence
-                #:stream-read-sequence))
+		#-clisp
+                #:stream-read-sequence
+		#+clisp
+                #:stream-read-byte-sequence))
diff -r -uN ../xfer/zip.tgz.content.13334/zip.asd zip/zip.asd
--- ../xfer/zip.tgz.content.13334/zip.asd	2005-04-05 10:43:11.000000000 -0500
+++ zip/zip.asd	2005-08-24 15:47:54.000000000 -0500
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
 			#+sbcl "sbcl"
 			#+allegro "acl"
 			#+lispworks "lispworks"
-			#-(or sbcl allegro lispworks)
+			#+clisp "clisp"
+			#-(or sbcl allegro lispworks clisp)
                         #.(error "unsupported lisp")
 			:depends-on ("package" #-allegro "gray"))
 		 (:file "ifstar" :depends-on ("package"))
diff -r -uN ../xfer/zip.tgz.content.13334/zip.lisp zip/zip.lisp
--- ../xfer/zip.tgz.content.13334/zip.lisp	2005-04-05 14:31:30.000000000 -0500
+++ zip/zip.lisp	2005-08-24 17:10:08.000000000 -0500
@@ -37,29 +37,29 @@
   (setf (elt array (+ offset 3)) (logand newval #xff))
-(defmacro define-record (constructor (&key (length (gensym))) &rest fields)
-  `(progn
-     (defconstant ,length
-	 ,(loop
-	      for (nil type) in fields
-	      sum (ecase type (:int 4) (:short 2))))
-     (defun ,constructor (&optional s)
-       (let ((bytes (make-byte-array ,length)))
-	 (when s
-           (read-sequence bytes s))
-	 bytes))
-     ,@(loop
-	   for (name type) in fields
-	   for offset = 0 then (+ offset length)
-	   for length = (ecase type (:int 4) (:short 2))
-	   for reader = (ecase type (:int 'get-int) (:short 'get-short))
-	   unless (eq name :dummy)
-	   append `((defun ,name (r)
-                      (,reader r ,offset))
-                    (defun (setf ,name) (newval r)
-                      (setf (,reader r ,offset) newval))))))
+(defmacro define-record (constructor (&key length-constant) &rest fields)
+  (let ((length (loop
+		 for (nil type) in fields
+		 sum (ecase type (:int 4) (:short 2)))))
+    `(progn
+      ,@(when length-constant `((defconstant ,length-constant ,length)))
+      (defun ,constructor (&optional s)
+	(let ((bytes (make-byte-array ,length)))
+	  (when s
+	    (read-sequence bytes s))
+	  bytes))
+      ,@(loop
+	 for (name type) in fields
+	 for offset = 0 then (+ offset length)
+	 for length = (ecase type (:int 4) (:short 2))
+	 for reader = (ecase type (:int 'get-int) (:short 'get-short))
+	 unless (eq name :dummy)
+	 append `((defun ,name (r)
+		    (,reader r ,offset))
+		  (defun (setf ,name) (newval r)
+		    (setf (,reader r ,offset) newval)))))))
-(define-record make-end-header (:length +end-header-length+)
+(define-record make-end-header (:length-constant +end-header-length+)
   (end/signature :int)
   (end/this-disc :short)
   (end/central-directory-disc :short)
@@ -418,25 +418,30 @@
 (defun directoryp (pathname)
   #+allegro (excl:file-directory-p pathname)
   #+lispworks (lispworks:file-directory-p pathname)
-  #-(or lispworks allegro)
+  #+clisp (ignore-errors (ext:probe-directory (concatenate 'string (princ-to-string pathname) "/")))
+  #-(or lispworks allegro clisp)
   (and (null (pathname-name pathname))
        (null (pathname-type pathname))))
 (defun zip (pathname source-directory &key (if-exists :error))
-  (let ((base (directory-namestring source-directory)))
+  (let ((base #+clisp (directory-namestring (truename (concatenate 'string (princ-to-string source-directory) "/")))
+	      #-clisp (directory-namestring source-directory)))
     (with-output-to-zipfile (zip pathname :if-exists if-exists)
       (labels ((recurse (d)
                  (dolist (f #+allegro (directory d :directories-are-files nil)
-                            #-allegro (directory d))
+		 	    #+clisp (nconc (directory (concatenate 'string (princ-to-string d) "/*/"))
+					   (directory (concatenate 'string (princ-to-string d) "/*")))
+                            #-(or allegro clisp) (directory d))
                      ((directoryp f)
                         (enough-namestring (namestring f) base)
-                        :file-write-date (file-write-date f))
-                       (recurse #+allegro f
-                                #-allegro (make-pathname
+                        :file-write-date #+clisp (posix:file-stat-mtime (posix:file-stat f))
+			                 #-clisp (file-write-date f))
+                       (recurse #+(or allegro clisp) f
+                                #-(or allegro clisp) (make-pathname
                                            :name :wild
                                            :type :wild
                                            :defaults f)))

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