[xuriella-devel] Looking for a general approach

Andrei Stebakov lispercat at gmail.com
Thu Dec 2 20:55:33 UTC 2010


Recently I've been trying to create some sort of system which
generates the web site content on the fly based on a single XML file.
The XML file would contain the site structure (tree of pages, some of
them are dynamically generated based on lisp functions, or
html-template functions). I hit the point when the system became
complex enough and I thought that I was most likely "inventing the
bicycle". The XML file looks like a tree of rules based on the regex
matching of the page names.
I found XSLT as something very close to what I am trying to do and it
took me to Xuriella XSLT web page.
Since I only scratched the surface with XPath, my question is this.
Is it possible to put lisp defined function in your xsl file?
I mean if XSLT parser sees a construct like (I am just improvising)
<xsl:function some-lisp-function="arg1 arg2 arg3"/>
then a lisp function (some-lisp-function arg1 arg2 arg3) would be called?
Does XSLT/XPath support such concept or it only uses some built in functions?
Does XSLT look like a good tool for such kind of web development?

Thank you,

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