[vivace-graph-devel] every time we UUID 128 bits die down the bit hole

MON KEY monkey at sandpframing.com
Fri Sep 9 07:48:15 UTC 2011

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Kevin Raison <raison at chatsubo.net> wrote:
> I am convinced that this is an excellent idea;  I also noticed that you
> have been working on it in your github branch of VG.  Let me know when
> it is ready to merge into the mainline so that we can play around.
Following illustrates some possilbe utiliy of Unicly w/r/t indexes

(requires Unicly from Git)

(defvar *global-entity-index*      (make-hash-table :test 'unicly:uuid-eql))

(defconstant +context-Z-namespace-as-ub128+

(defconstant +context-Y-namespace-as-ub128+

(defvar *context-Z* '())

(defvar *context-Y* '())

(defclass context ()
    :reader namespace)
    :reader namespace-uuid)
    :reader namespace-table)
    :reader namespace-index)))

(defun initialize-context (integer global-idx)
  (let ((instance (make-instance 'context)))
    (setf (slot-value instance 'namespace)
    (setf (slot-value instance 'namespace-uuid)
          (unicly:make-v5-uuid (namespace instance)
                               (unicly:uuid-princ-to-string (namespace
    (setf (slot-value instance 'namespace-table)
          (make-hash-table :test 'unicly:uuid-eql))
    (setf (slot-value instance 'namespace-index)
    (setf (gethash (namespace instance)
                   (namespace-index instance))
          (namespace-uuid instance))
    (setf (gethash (namespace-uuid instance)
                   (namespace-index instance))
          (namespace-table instance))

(defun get-entity-in-context (string-entity context-instance &key
(set-if-not nil))
  (declare (string string-entity)
           (boolean set-if-not)
           (context context-instance))
  (let ((entity-uuid (unicly:make-v5-uuid (namespace context-instance)
        (index (namespace-index context-instance))
        (did-set '()))
    (labels ((get-global-entity-uuid ()
               (gethash entity-uuid index))
             (set-global-entity-uuid ()
               (setf (gethash entity-uuid index) string-entity
                     did-set t)
             (unset-whatset-global-entity ()
               (remhash entity-uuid index)
               (setf did-set nil)
               (return-from get-entity-in-context (values nil nil)))
             (global-entity-chk ()
               (let ((entity-if (get-global-entity-uuid)))
                 (etypecase entity-if
                    (if set-if-not
                        (return-from get-entity-in-context nil)))
                    (if (string= entity-if string-entity)
                        (return-from get-entity-in-context
                          (when set-if-not (values nil did-set))))))))
             (deref-context-table ()
               (let* ((entity-chk    (global-entity-chk))
                      (context-chk   (gethash (namespace
context-instance) index))
                      (context-deref (if context-chk
                                         ;; we have the uuid of
                                         (gethash context-chk index)
                                         (cond (did-set
get-entity-in-context nil)))))
                      (table-deref   (if context-deref
                                         ;; we have the assoicated
context hash-table
                                         (cond (did-set
get-entity-in-context nil)))))
                      (table-get-if  (gethash entity-chk table-deref)))
                 (if table-get-if
                     (when set-if-not
                       (setf (gethash entity-chk table-deref) string-entity
                             did-set t))))))
      (if set-if-not
          (values (deref-context-table) did-set)

(setf *context-Z* (initialize-context +context-Z-namespace-as-ub128+

(setf *context-Y* (initialize-context +context-Y-namespace-as-ub128+

(setf (gethash (unicly:make-v5-uuid (namespace *context-Z*) "ENTITY-W")
               (namespace-index *context-Z*))

(setf (gethash (unicly:make-v5-uuid (namespace *context-Z*) "ENTITY-W")
               (namespace-table *context-Z*))

(setf (gethash (unicly:make-v5-uuid (namespace *context-Y*) "ENTITY-W")
               (namespace-index *context-Y*))

(setf (gethash (unicly:make-v5-uuid (namespace *context-Y*) "ENTITY-W")
               (namespace-table *context-Y*))

(get-entity-in-context "ENTITY-W" *context-Z*)
(get-entity-in-context "ENTITY-W" *context-Y*)

(get-entity-in-context "ENTITY-O" *context-Z*)
(get-entity-in-context "ENTITY-O" *context-Z* :set-if-not t)

(get-entity-in-context "ENTITY-O" *context-Y*)
(get-entity-in-context "ENTITY-O" *context-Y* :set-if-not t)

> Also, to justify the original use of make-v1-uuid:  it was simply easy
> and worked well enough.  Now that there are others interested in this
> project, it is definitely time to use a better solution.

Great! I'm glad you agree.

FTR following are the timings i get using the uuid library from Quicklisp
comparing make-v1-uuid with make-v4-uuid

(sb-ext:gc :full t)

 (dotimes (i 10000)
;=>Evaluation took:
;   8.396 seconds of real time
;   0.500924 seconds of total run time (0.326950 user, 0.173974 system)
;   5.97% CPU
;   25,125,295,748 processor cycles
;   8,235,056 bytes consed

(sb-ext:gc :full t)

 (dotimes (i 10000)
;=>Evaluation took:
;  0.020 seconds of real time
;  0.018998 seconds of total run time (0.017998 user, 0.001000 system)
;  95.00% CPU
;  58,466,168 processor cycles
;  2,311,272 bytes consed

For posterity here's an illustration of _why_ make-v1-uuid is such a dog:

(in-package #:uuid)

;; Redefine uuid::get-timestamp to show us when it calls sleep:
(let ((uuids-this-tick 0)
      (last-time 0)
      ;; add a counter to track how times sleep has been called
      (sleep-count 0))
  (defun get-timestamp ()
    "Get timestamp, compensate nanoseconds intervals"
            (let ((time-now (+ (* (get-universal-time) 10000000)
					;10010304000 is time between 1582-10-15 and 1900-01-01 in seconds
              (cond ((not (= last-time time-now))
                     (setf uuids-this-tick 0
                           last-time time-now)
                     (return-from get-timestamp time-now))
                     (cond ((< uuids-this-tick *ticks-per-count*)
                            (incf uuids-this-tick)
                            (return-from get-timestamp (+ time-now
                            ;; add a logging form to show us how many
times we sleep per invocation:
                            (format t "slept count: ~D~%" (incf sleep-count))
                            (sleep 0.0001)
                            (go restart)))))))
      (setf sleep-count 0))))

(dotimes (i 10000)

`uuid:make-v1-uuid' relies on `uuid::get-timestamp' which evaluates
(sleep 0.0001) quite a bit (at least on my
machine 32bit x86 running SBCL 1.50)

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