[vial-devel] darcs patch: normal mode commands, cc, c<motion>, s, S, -, +, J, X

Brad Beveridge brad.beveridge at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 16:36:44 UTC 2006

I've just had a quick read of the patch, here are some comments:
delete-previous-char: if you look at the primitive DELETE-CHARS
function, there is an option to delete to the left or the right of the

It looks like we do a lot of moving the cursor by one line, lets make
a new function to advance/retreat by a line and put it in cursor.lisp.
 See this Emacs reference page for ideas for function names

I don't like reusing other commands inside commands, ie in
change-region.  What we should do is create a DELETE-REGION function,
and have command-d-motion and change-region call that.  Same for
subst-char, I'd rather use the primitive (DELETE-CHARS), we may want
to change/remove COMMAND-X later.

Really good, probably I'm going to have to become more disiplined in
how I code now though :)  I can easily see myself writing exactly what
you did :)

If you want to send another patch (don't bother unrecording, just add
to it) feel free, otherwise I'll make the changes when I roll it in.


On 23/10/06, Brad Beveridge <brad.beveridge at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 23/10/06, laynor at gmail.com <laynor at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Mon Oct 23 17:59:36 CEST 2006  laynor at gmail.com
> >   * normal mode commands, cc, c<motion>, s, S, -, +, J, X
> >   Added some normal mode commands:
> >   "cc": change the active line
> >   "c<motion>": change the region defined by <motion>
> >   "s": subst char, deletes a character like "x" and then goes to insert mode
> >   "S": subst line, same as "cc"
> >   "-": goto previous line beginning, moves the cursor to previous line at the 1st column
> >   "+": goto next line beginning, moves the cursor to the next line at the 1st column
> >   "X": deletes previous char (like backspace in insert mode, but it works in normal mode)
> >   "J": Joins the active line and the next line, It deserves to be fixed, because the undo is
> >        broken (it popups the debugger when the command has no effect (when applied on the last line))
> >
> >   ---- Strange Behaviors (with respect to vim) ----
> >   "c<motion>"   doesnt behave the same as vim, just try it in gvim and in vial, it's faster than
> >                 trying to explain it here. In particular, "cj" doesnt open a new line after deleting,
> >                 and cw eats the backspace that separates words.
> >   ---- Broken behavior ----
> >   join-lines-command ("J") breaks the undo. To reproduce this behavior, just go to the last line of a file
> >   and press J, and then undo.
> Nice!  I'll look at it tonight after work and roll it in.  I think
> I'll start a couple of new files:
> vim-differences.txt - a list of differences to Vim
> known-bugs.txt    - known bugs in Vial
> Thanks a lot for the patch!
> Cheers
> Brad

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