[vial-devel] darcs patch: normal mode commands, cc, c<motion>, s, S, -, +, J, X

laynor at gmail.com laynor at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 16:22:13 UTC 2006

Mon Oct 23 17:59:36 CEST 2006  laynor at gmail.com
  * normal mode commands, cc, c<motion>, s, S, -, +, J, X
  Added some normal mode commands:
  "cc": change the active line
  "c<motion>": change the region defined by <motion>
  "s": subst char, deletes a character like "x" and then goes to insert mode
  "S": subst line, same as "cc"
  "-": goto previous line beginning, moves the cursor to previous line at the 1st column
  "+": goto next line beginning, moves the cursor to the next line at the 1st column
  "X": deletes previous char (like backspace in insert mode, but it works in normal mode)
  "J": Joins the active line and the next line, It deserves to be fixed, because the undo is 
       broken (it popups the debugger when the command has no effect (when applied on the last line))
  ---- Strange Behaviors (with respect to vim) ----
  "c<motion>" 	doesnt behave the same as vim, just try it in gvim and in vial, it's faster than 
  		trying to explain it here. In particular, "cj" doesnt open a new line after deleting, 
  		and cw eats the backspace that separates words.
  ---- Broken behavior ----
  join-lines-command ("J") breaks the undo. To reproduce this behavior, just go to the last line of a file 
  and press J, and then undo.
-------------- next part --------------
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