[usocket-cvs] r448 - in usocket/branches/0.4.x: . backend

Chun Tian (binghe) ctian at common-lisp.net
Tue Oct 21 19:18:03 UTC 2008

Author: ctian
Date: Tue Oct 21 19:18:02 2008
New Revision: 448

unsupport feature enhancements.


Modified: usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/armedbear.lisp
--- usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/armedbear.lisp	(original)
+++ usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/armedbear.lisp	Tue Oct 21 19:18:02 2008
@@ -190,9 +190,8 @@
                        timeout deadline (nodelay nil nodelay-specified)
                        local-host local-port)
   (when deadline (unsupported 'deadline 'socket-connect))
-  (when (or local-host local-port)
-    (unimplemented 'local-host 'socket-connect)
-    (unimplemented 'local-port 'socket-connect))
+  (when local-host (unimplemented 'local-host 'socket-connect))
+  (when local-port (unimplemented 'local-port 'socket-connect))
   (let ((usock))
     (with-mapped-conditions (usock)

Modified: usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/clisp.lisp
--- usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/clisp.lisp	(original)
+++ usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/clisp.lisp	Tue Oct 21 19:18:02 2008
@@ -62,9 +62,8 @@
   (when timeout (unsupported 'timeout 'socket-connect))
   (when deadline (unsupported 'deadline 'socket-connect))
   (when nodelay-specified (unsupported 'nodelay 'socket-connect))
-  (when (or local-host local-port)
-     (unsupported 'local-host 'socket-connect)
-     (unsupported 'local-port 'socket-connect))
+  (when local-host (unsupported 'local-host 'socket-connect))
+  (when local-port (unsupported 'local-port 'socket-connect))
   (let ((socket)
         (hostname (host-to-hostname host)))

Modified: usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/cmucl.lisp
--- usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/cmucl.lisp	(original)
+++ usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/cmucl.lisp	Tue Oct 21 19:18:02 2008
@@ -52,19 +52,26 @@
 (defun socket-connect (host port &key (element-type 'character)
                        timeout deadline (nodelay t nodelay-specified)
-                       local-host local-port)
+		       (local-host nil local-host-p)
+		       (local-port nil local-port-p)
+		       &aux
+		       (local-bind-p (fboundp 'ext::bind-inet-socket)))
   (declare (ignore nodelay))
   (when timeout (unsupported 'timeout 'socket-connect))
   (when deadline (unsupported 'deadline 'socket-connect))
   (when nodelay-specified (unsupported 'nodelay 'socket-connect))
-  (when (or local-host local-port)
-     (unsupported 'local-host 'socket-connect)
-     (unsupported 'local-port 'socket-connect))
+  (when (and local-host-p (not local-bind-p))
+     (unsupported 'local-host 'socket-connect :minimum "Snapshot 2008-10 (19E)"))
+  (when (and local-port-p (not local-bind-p))
+     (unsupported 'local-port 'socket-connect :minimum "Snapshot 2008-10 (19E)"))
   (let* ((socket))
     (setf socket
-          (with-mapped-conditions (socket)
-             (ext:connect-to-inet-socket (host-to-hbo host) port :stream)))
+	  (let ((args (list (host-to-hbo host) port :stream)))
+	    (when (and local-bind-p (or local-host-p local-port-p))
+	      (nconc args (list :local-host local-host :local-port local-port)))
+	    (with-mapped-conditions (socket)
+	      (apply #'ext:connect-to-inet-socket args))))
     (if socket
         (let* ((stream (sys:make-fd-stream socket :input t :output t
                                            :element-type element-type

Modified: usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/lispworks.lisp
--- usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/lispworks.lisp	(original)
+++ usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/lispworks.lisp	Tue Oct 21 19:18:02 2008
@@ -98,10 +98,11 @@
   #+(and (not lispworks4) (not lispworks5.0))
   (when nodelay-specified (unimplemented 'nodelay 'socket-connect))
-  #+lispworks4
-  (when (or local-host local-port)
-     (unsupported 'local-host 'socket-connect :minimum "LispWorks 5.0+ (verified)")
-     (unsupported 'local-port 'socket-connect :minimum "LispWorks 5.0+ (verified)"))
+  #+lispworks4 #+lispworks4
+  (when local-host
+     (unsupported 'local-host 'socket-connect :minimum "LispWorks 5.0"))
+  (when local-port
+     (unsupported 'local-port 'socket-connect :minimum "LispWorks 5.0"))
   (let ((hostname (host-to-hostname host))

Modified: usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/sbcl.lisp
--- usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/sbcl.lisp	(original)
+++ usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/sbcl.lisp	Tue Oct 21 19:18:02 2008
@@ -202,11 +202,14 @@
 (defun socket-connect (host port &key (element-type 'character)
                        timeout deadline (nodelay t nodelay-specified)
-                       local-host local-port)
+                       local-host local-port
+		       &aux
+		       (sockopt-tcp-nodelay-p
+			(fboundp 'sb-bsd-sockets::sockopt-tcp-nodelay)))
   (when deadline (unsupported 'deadline 'socket-connect))
   (when timeout (unsupported 'timeout 'socket-connect))
   (when (and nodelay-specified
-             (not (fboundp 'sb-bsd-sockets::sockopt-tcp-nodelay)))
+             (not sockopt-tcp-nodelay-p))
     (unsupported 'nodelay 'socket-connect))
   (let ((socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket
@@ -221,8 +224,7 @@
                ;;###FIXME: The above line probably needs an :external-format
                (usocket (make-stream-socket :stream stream :socket socket))
                (ip (host-to-vector-quad host)))
-          (when (and nodelay-specified
-                     (fboundp 'sb-bsd-sockets::sockopt-tcp-nodelay))
+          (when (and nodelay-specified sockopt-tcp-nodelay-p)
             (setf (sb-bsd-sockets:sockopt-tcp-nodelay socket) nodelay))
           (when (or local-host local-port)
             (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-bind socket

Modified: usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/scl.lisp
--- usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/scl.lisp	(original)
+++ usocket/branches/0.4.x/backend/scl.lisp	Tue Oct 21 19:18:02 2008
@@ -30,18 +30,24 @@
 (defun socket-connect (host port &key (element-type 'character)
                        timeout deadline (nodelay t nodelay-specified)
-                       local-host local-port)
+		       (local-host nil local-host-p)
+		       (local-port nil local-port-p)
+		       &aux
+		       (patch-udp-p (fboundp 'ext::inet-socket-send-to)))
   (declare (ignore nodelay))
   (when nodelay-specified (unsupported 'nodelay 'socket-connect))
   (when deadline (unsupported 'deadline 'socket-connect))
   (when timeout (unsupported 'timeout 'socket-connect))
-  (when (or local-host local-port)
-     (unsupported 'local-host 'socket-connect)
-     (unsupported 'local-port 'socket-connect))
-  (let* ((socket (with-mapped-conditions ()
-                  (ext:connect-to-inet-socket (host-to-hbo host) port
-                                              :kind :stream)))
+  (when (and local-host-p (not patch-udp-p))
+     (unsupported 'local-host 'socket-connect :minimum ""))
+  (when (and local-port-p (not patch-udp-p))
+     (unsupported 'local-port 'socket-connect :minimum ""))
+  (let* ((socket (let ((args (list (host-to-hbo host) port :kind :stream)))
+		   (when (and patch-udp-p (or local-host-p local-port-p))
+		     (nconc args (list :local-host local-host :local-port local-port)))
+		   (with-mapped-conditions ()
+		     (apply #'ext:connect-to-inet-socket args))))
          (stream (sys:make-fd-stream socket :input t :output t
                                      :element-type element-type
                                      :buffering :full)))

Modified: usocket/branches/0.4.x/condition.lisp
--- usocket/branches/0.4.x/condition.lisp	(original)
+++ usocket/branches/0.4.x/condition.lisp	Tue Oct 21 19:18:02 2008
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@
   ((minimum :initarg :minimum :reader minimum
             :documentation "Indicates the minimal version of the
 implementation required to support the requested feature."))
+  (:report (lambda (c stream)
+	     (format stream "~A in ~A is unsupported."
+		     (feature c) (context c))
+	     (when (minimum c)
+	       (format stream " Minimum version (~A) is required."
+		       (minimum c)))))
   (:documentation "Signalled when the underlying implementation
 doesn't allow supporting the requested feature.
@@ -32,6 +38,9 @@
 (define-condition unimplemented (insufficient-implementation)
+  (:report (lambda (c stream)
+	     (format stream "~A in ~A is unimplemented."
+		     (feature c) (context c))))
   (:documentation "Signalled if a certain feature might be implemented,
 based on the features of the underlying implementation, but hasn't
 been implemented yet."))

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