[usocket-cvs] r250 - usocket/trunk/backend

ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Mon May 21 20:29:06 UTC 2007

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Mon May 21 16:29:05 2007
New Revision: 250

ABCL 'wait-for-input'. Victory\!

Modified: usocket/trunk/backend/armedbear.lisp
--- usocket/trunk/backend/armedbear.lisp	(original)
+++ usocket/trunk/backend/armedbear.lisp	Mon May 21 16:29:05 2007
@@ -6,12 +6,32 @@
 (in-package :usocket)
-(defmacro jmethod-call (instance (method &rest arg-spec) &rest args)
+(defmacro jstatic-call (class-name (method-name &rest arg-spec)
+                                   &rest args)
+  (let ((class-sym (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,class-sym ,class-name))
+       (java:jstatic
+        (java:jmethod ,class-sym ,method-name , at arg-spec)
+        (java:jclass ,class-sym) , at args))))
+(defmacro jmethod-call (instance-and-class (method &rest arg-spec) &rest args)
   (let ((isym (gensym)))
-    `(let* ((,isym ,instance)
-            (class-name (java:jclass-name (java:jclass-of ,isym))))
-       (java:jcall (java:jmethod class-name ,method , at arg-spec)
-              ,isym , at args))))
+    (multiple-value-bind
+        (instance class-name)
+        (if (listp instance-and-class)
+            (values (first instance-and-class)
+                    (second instance-and-class))
+          (values instance-and-class))
+      (when (null class-name)
+        (setf class-name `(java:jclass-name (java:jclass-of ,isym))))
+      `(let* ((,isym ,instance))
+         (java:jcall (java:jmethod ,class-name ,method , at arg-spec)
+                     ,isym , at args)))))
+(defun jequals (x y)
+  (jmethod-call (x "java.lang.Object")
+                ("equals" "java.lang.Object")
+                y))
 (defmacro jnew-call ((class &rest arg-spec) &rest args)
   `(java:jnew (java:jconstructor ,class , at arg-spec)
@@ -48,7 +68,10 @@
          (sock-addr (jnew-call ("java.net.InetSocketAddress"
                                 "java.lang.String" "int")
                                (host-to-hostname host) port))
-         (sock (jnew-call ("java.net.ServerSocket"))))
+         (chan (jstatic-call "java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel" ("open")))
+         (sock (java:jcall
+                (java:jmethod "java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel"
+                              "socket") chan)))
     (when reuseaddress
       (jmethod-call sock
                     ("setReuseAddress" "boolean")
@@ -102,3 +125,153 @@
 (defmethod get-peer-name ((usocket stream-usocket))
   (values (get-peer-address usocket)
           (get-peer-port usocket)))
+Pseudo code version of what we're trying to do:
+We're being called with 2 args:
+  - sockets (list)
+  - timeout (non-negative real)
+Selector := java.nio.channels.Selector.open()
+For all usockets
+  get the java socket
+  get its channel
+  register the channel with the selector
+    with ops (operations) OP_READ and OP_ACCEPT
+make the selector wait trunc(timeout*1000) miliseconds,
+  unless (null timeout), because then:
+  selectNow()
+retrieve the selectedKeys() set from the selector
+  unless select() returned 0 selected keys.
+for set-iterator.hasNextKey()
+  with that key
+    retrieve the channel
+    retrieve the channel's socket
+    add the retrieved socket to the list of ready sockets
+for all usockets
+  check if the associated java object
+    is in the list of ready sockets
+  it is? add it to the function result list
+close() the selector
+return the function result list.
+(defun jsocket-channel (jsocket)
+  (jmethod-call jsocket ("getChannel")))
+(defun jselkey-channel (jselectionkey)
+  (jmethod-call (jselectionkey "java.nio.channels.SelectionKey")
+                ("channel")))
+(defun op-read ()
+  (java:jfield (java:jclass "java.nio.channels.SelectionKey")
+               "OP_READ"))
+(defun op-accept ()
+  (java:jfield (java:jclass "java.nio.channels.SelectionKey")
+               "OP_ACCEPT"))
+(defun op-connect ()
+  (java:jfield (java:jclass "java.nio.channels.SelectionKey")
+               "OP_CONNECT"))
+(defun valid-ops (jchannel)
+  (jmethod-call (jchannel "java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel")
+                ("validOps")))
+(defun register (jchannel jselector ops)
+  (jmethod-call (jchannel "java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel")
+                ("register" "java.nio.channels.Selector" "int")
+                jselector ops))
+(defun toggle-blocking (jchannel mode)
+  (jmethod-call (jchannel "java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel")
+                ("configureBlocking" "boolean")
+                mode))
+(defun jselector-select (jselector timeout)
+  (let ((to (truncate (* (or timeout 0) 1000))))
+    (if (/= timeout 0)
+        (jmethod-call (jselector "java.nio.channels.Selector")
+                      ("select" "long") to)
+      (jmethod-call (jselector "java.nio.channels.Selector")
+                    ("selectNow")))))
+(defun jselector-selected-keys (jselector)
+  (jmethod-call (jselector "java.nio.channels.Selector")
+                ("selectedKeys")))
+(defun jset-iterator (jset)
+  (jmethod-call (jset "java.util.Set") ("iterator")))
+(defun jiterator-has-next (jiterator)
+  (jmethod-call (jiterator "java.util.Iterator") ("hasNext")))
+(defun jiterator-next (jiterator)
+  (jmethod-call (jiterator "java.util.Iterator") ("next")))
+(defun channel-class (jchannel)
+  (let ((valid-ops (valid-ops jchannel)))
+    (cond ((/= 0 (logand valid-ops (op-connect)))
+           "java.nio.channels.SocketChannel")
+          ((/= 0 (logand valid-ops (op-accept)))
+           "java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel")
+          (t
+           "java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel"))))
+(defun wait-for-input-internal (sockets &key timeout)
+  (let* ((ops (logior (op-read) (op-accept)))
+         (selector (jstatic-call "java.nio.channels.Selector" ("open")))
+         (channels
+          (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
+                      (jsocket-channel (socket s)))
+                  sockets)))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (progn
+          (let ((jfalse (java:make-immediate-object nil :boolean)))
+            (dolist (channel channels)
+              (toggle-blocking channel jfalse)
+              (register channel selector (logand ops (valid-ops channel)))))
+          (let ((ready-count
+                 (jselector-select selector timeout)))
+            (when (< 0 ready-count)
+              ;; we actually have work to do
+              (let* ((selkeys (jselector-selected-keys selector))
+                     (selkey-iterator (jset-iterator selkeys))
+                     ready-sockets)
+                (loop while (jiterator-has-next selkey-iterator)
+                      do (let* ((key (jiterator-next selkey-iterator))
+                                (chan (jselkey-channel key)))
+                           (push (jmethod-call (chan (channel-class chan))
+                                               ("socket"))
+                                 ready-sockets)))
+                (print ready-sockets)
+                (print (remove-if #'(lambda (s)
+                                      (not (member (socket s) ready-sockets
+                                                   :test #'jequals)))
+                                  sockets))))))
+      ;; cancel all Selector registrations
+      (let* ((keys (jmethod-call (selector "java.nio.channels.Selector")
+                                 ("keys")))
+             (iter (jset-iterator keys)))
+        (loop while (jiterator-has-next iter)
+              do (jmethod-call ((jiterator-next iter)
+                                "java.nio.channels.SelectionKey")
+                               ("cancel"))))
+      ;; close the selectorx
+      (jmethod-call (selector "java.nio.channels.Selector") ("close"))
+      ;; make all sockets blocking again.
+      (let ((jtrue (java:make-immediate-object t :boolean)))
+        (dolist (chan channels)
+          (toggle-blocking chan jtrue))))))

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