a question sbcl integration

Anton Vodonosov avodonosov at yandex.ru
Mon Jan 27 11:53:49 UTC 2014

27.01.2014, 15:51, "james anderson" <james.anderson at setf.de>:
> good afternoon;
> what was the intent with respect to the implementation for stream-
> file-position present in sbcl?
> the trivial-gray-streams package definition is clear to distinguish
> symbols and the mixins file defines methods on the respective sb-gray
> symbol, but there is nothin apparent to serve to delegate from the
> trivial-gray-streams function to the sb-gray operator.
> how was this intended to work?
> best regards, from berlin,

trivial-gray-streams:stream-file-position and sb-gray:stream-file-position
is the same symbol. Trivial-gray-streams just re-exports it, there is now
separate function.

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