[toronto-lisp] dealing with strings -> symbols

Matijaca, Aleksandar Aleksandar.Matijaca at rbccm.com
Fri Nov 5 13:43:39 UTC 2010

Hi there,

I have come across something that I need just a little bit of help with.
I managed to write some lisp code to read a flat file, line by line.  I
managed to put those lines of code into something like this:

	( "A,MSFT.N,D,12.4,12:43:00")
	( "f,IBM.N,f,108.4,11:09:023")


All comma delineated text files.  Now, I would like to convert this into
something that I can deal with from a lisp perspective - I would like
to get so that these values are symbols - so this is what I really

	( A  MSFT.N  D  12.4  12:43:00  )
	(  f  IBM.N  f  108.4  11:09:023 )


I noticed that there is a function called INTERN which seems to convert
a regular string to a symbol, but, I don't really have a regular string,
have a "mess" as shown above.  Any idea on how I can go from a
messed up single long string, to a bunch of symbols, so I can finally
start dealing with the symbols in the line from a file a "lisp way"?

Thanks, Alex.


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