[the-feebs-war-devel] document reviewed

Gustavo gugamilare at gmail.com
Sat Aug 7 14:07:14 UTC 2010

Xie, WenSheng

I committed your changes.

Thank you for your contribution :)


2010/8/4 Gustavo <gugamilare at gmail.com>

> 2010/8/4 Xie, WenSheng <WenSheng.Xie at harman.com>
>  Hi, Gustavo:
>> Great to hear that you are thinking of working on this project later on.
> It became a matter of honor :)
>> It’s fun to practice my lisp with this project.
>> What’s your plan to make it a network/web-based multi-user game?
> Well, I actually didn't have this plan, but that is a nice idea. Back in
> 2008 my thoughts were to use the mailing list for communication and someone
> would run the program.
> If the graphics part is created "modularly enough", it should be possible
> to change the backend - one backend would be the machine itself running the
> game and the other would be a wrapper around a web socket.
> Security is complicated, thought. The file defining the feeb's brain would
> not be allowed to have any internal symbol from the package :the-feebs-war
> nor to create or use any packages, restricted to the exported symbols from
> :feebs and :cl, and perhaps :alexandria. Timeouts would be used to prevent
> users from creating infinite loops, but any user would still be able to
> exhaust the memory (or the stack), now I don't know how to prevent this.
> I'll only set up a server if there are enough users interested in it,
> though, you are the first in 2 years.
>> Further, I modify the graphics/graphics.lisp slightly to make clearer
>> display: (in red below)
>> (in-package :the-feebs-war)
>>  (defun print-direction (dir)
>>   (case dir
>>     (0 #\N)
>>     (1 #\E)
>>     (2 #\S)
>>     (3 #\W)))
>> (defun print-map ()
>> *  (format t "~%")  ;add this line*
>>   (dotimes (y *maze-y-size*)
>>     (dotimes (x *maze-x-size*)
>>       (let ((elt (aref *maze* x y)))
>>         (apply 'format t
>>                (cond
>>                  ((wallp elt)
>>                   (list " XX"))
>>                  ((feeb-p (car elt))
>>                   (list " F~a"
>>                         (print-direction (feeb-facing (car elt)))))
>>                  ((fireball-p (car elt))
>>                   (list " *~a" (print-direction (fireball-direction (car
>> elt)))))
>>                  ((eq (car elt) :mushroom)
>>                   (list " mm"))
>>                  ((eq (car elt) :carcass)
>>                   (list " cc"))
>>                  (t (list "   "))))))
>>     (format t "~%"))
>> *  (format t "~%")) ;add this line*
>> (defun simple-play (&optional layout)
>>   (if layout
>>       (change-layout layout))
>>   (make-auto-feebs (- 10 (length *feebs-to-be*)))
>>   (initialize-feebs)
>>   (start-round)
>> *  (loop until (finish-game-p)*
>> *     do*
>> *       (play-one-turn)*
>> *       (print-map)*
>> *       (sleep 0.7))*
>> *  (format t "Game Over!!~%~%Scores:~%~%")*
>> *  (let ((scores nil))*
>> *    (dolist (feeb *feebs*)*
>> *      (push (list (feeb-name feeb) (feeb-score feeb)) scores)) ;collect
>> living feebs' scores*
>> *    (dolist (feeb *dead-feebs*)*
>> *      (push (list (feeb-name feeb) (feeb-score feeb)) scores)) ;collect
>> dead feebs' scores*
>> *    (sort scores #'> :key #'second)                               ;sort
>> the scores in decreasing order*
>> *    (dolist (score scores)*
>> *      (format t "~30@<~a:~> ~@d~%" (first score) (second score)))))
>> ;print out scores*
>> Please check if there are helpful when you have time.
> I'll definitely change the repository to git. It is easier to create and
> apply patches, and I'm more used to it than to svn.
>> Best regards,
>> XIE Wensheng
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* Gustavo [mailto:gugamilare at gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 04, 2010 8:55 AM
>> *To:* the-feebs-war-devel at common-lisp.net
>> *Subject:* Re: [the-feebs-war-devel] document reviewed
>> Hello, XIE Wensheng,
>> I'm sorry for not approving your post, but it's been so much time that
>> I've lost the admin password.
>> As you can see, the project is a little dead :S
>> I might work on it again at the end of this year or beginning of the next
>> one, but no promises.
>> The document file has been reviewed and some spelling errors are
>> corrected.
>> Thank you for reviewing the .tex file, I'll take a look at it and commit
>> later, and sorry for the spell mistakes.
>> One question:
>> Why the parameter ‘fireball-guaranteed-lifetime is not used in the
>> program?
>> How to use it?
>> It's a bug, I missed it, thanks for reporting. Now it is (hopefully) fixed
>> and committed (fortunately I remember the svn password :)
>> In case you wonder, these are the changes: in systems.lisp, create a slot
>> named lifetime:
>> (defclass object ()
>>   ((direction  :accessor object-direction  :initarg :direction)
>>    (x-position :accessor object-x-position :initarg :x-position)
>>    (y-position :accessor object-y-position :initarg :y-position)
>>    (lifetime   :accessor object-lifetime   :initarg :lifetime :initform
>> 0)))
>> add a method for make-move:
>> (defmethod make-move :after (object move)
>>   (incf (object-lifetime object)))
>> and, in definitions/rules.lisp, make these changes:
>> (def-feeb-parm 'fireball-guaranteed-lifetime 3
>>   "Number of turns that a fireball is guaranteed not to dissipate,
>> unless it encounters a wall.")
>> (defmethod make-move-choice ((fireball fireball))
>>   (cond
>>    ((wallp (get-forward-pos fireball))
>>     (if (chance (get-feeb-parm 'fireball-reflection-probability))
>>         :turn-around
>>         :dissipate))
>>    ((and (>= (object-lifetime fireball)
>>              (get-feeb-parm 'fireball-guaranteed-lifetime))
>>          (chance (get-feeb-parm 'fireball-dissipation-probability)))
>>     :dissipate)
>>    (t :move-forward)))
>> Regards,
>> Gustavo.
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