[the-feebs-war-cvs] r9 -

gmilare at common-lisp.net gmilare at common-lisp.net
Sun Dec 30 22:43:46 UTC 2007

Author: gmilare
Date: Sun Dec 30 17:43:46 2007
New Revision: 9


Modified: feebs.asd
--- feebs.asd	(original)
+++ feebs.asd	Sun Dec 30 17:43:46 2007
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
     (;; source
      (:cl-source-file "package")
-     (:cl-source-file "rules"  :depends-on ("package"))
-     (:cl-source-file "system" :depends-on ("rules"))
-     (:cl-source-file "main"   :depends-on ("rules"))
-     (:cl-source-file "extra"  :depends-on ("rules"))
-     (:cl-source-file "mazes"  :depends-on ("extra"))
+     (:cl-source-file "system" :depends-on ("package"))
+     (:cl-source-file "main"   :depends-on ("system"))
+     (:cl-source-file "rules"  :depends-on ("main"))
+     (:cl-source-file "extra")
+     (:cl-source-file "mazes")
      (:cl-source-file "brains" :depends-on ("extra"))
      (:file "graphics"    :depends-on ("main"))

Modified: main.lisp
--- main.lisp	(original)
+++ main.lisp	Sun Dec 30 17:43:46 2007
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
    during the game.")
 ;;; Tests that behavior functions might use
 (declare (inline feeb-image-p fireball-image-p))
@@ -82,12 +81,11 @@
 of *maze-x-size* by *maze-y-size*. Each element of the
 array is one of these:
  :rock - a wall
- :mushroom-place - here is a place where mushrooms can grow up
- :feeb-entry-place - here is a place where a feeb can reincarnate
+ :mushroom-place - place where mushrooms can grow up
+ :feeb-entry-place -place where a feeb can reincarnate
  nil - nothing special
-Just remember that variables can change the behavior of this function,
-like *may-get-maze-map-p* which, if nil, makes this function return
-an array of nils"
+Just remember that if *may-get-maze-map-p* is nil,
+this function return an array of nils"
   (let ((new-maze (make-array (list *maze-x-size* *maze-y-size*))))
     (dotimes (x *maze-x-size*)
       (dotimes (y *maze-y-size*)
@@ -152,14 +150,14 @@
 (defvar *feebs-to-be* nil)
-(defun define-feeb (name brain &optional graphics)
+(defun define-feeb (name brain &key graphics (class 'feeb))
   "Defines a feeb with name NAME, behavior function BRAIN.
 If there is another feeb with the same name, overwrites it
 with a case sensitive test."
   (when (find name *feebs-to-be* :key #'car
 	      :test #'string= (delete-feeb name))
       (warn "Feeb ~s already exists, deleting..." name))
-  (push (list name brain graphs) *feebs-to-be*))
+  (push (list name brain graphics class) *feebs-to-be*))
 (defun delete-feeb (name)
   "Deletes the feeb which has name NAME, causing it not to
@@ -179,8 +177,8 @@
   (setf *feebs-to-be* nil))
 (defun create-feebs ()
-  (flet ((create-feeb (x-pos y-pos name brain graphs)
-	   (let ((feeb (make-instance 'feeb
+  (flet ((create-feeb (x-pos y-pos name brain graphs class)
+	   (let ((feeb (make-instance class
 				      :name name
 				      :brain brain
 				      :direction (random 4)
@@ -206,41 +204,43 @@
 (let ((mushrooms 0))
-(defun number-of-mushrooms (n)
-  (setf *mushrooms-to-grow* n))
+  (defun number-of-mushrooms (n)
+    (setf *mushrooms-to-grow* n))
-(defun play-one-turn ()
-  (setf mushrooms 0) ; restart the count
-  ;; This is defined by rules:
-  (start-turn)
-  ;; Maybe grow up mushrooms:
-  (let ((m-sites (sort *mushroom-sites*
-		       #'(lambda (x y)
-			   (declare (ignore x y))
-			   (zerop (random 2))))))
-    (dotimes (i mushrooms)
-      (let ((site (pop m-sites)))
-	(create-mushroom (car site) (cdr site)))))
-  ;; Maybe rot some carcasses
-  ;; FIXME: put this in rules.lisp with better code
-  (loop for carc in *carcasses*
-	with ncarcasses do
-    (if (rot-carcass-p (first carc))
-	(delete-object :carcass (second carc) (third carc)))
-      (progn
-	(push carc ncarcasses)
-	(incf (first carc)))))
-  ;; Move some fireballs:
+  (defun play-one-turn ()
+    (setf mushrooms 0) ; restart the count
+    ;; This is defined by rules:
+    (start-turn)
+    ;; Maybe grow up mushrooms:
+    (let ((m-sites (sort *mushroom-sites*
+			 #'(lambda (x y)
+			     (declare (ignore x y))
+			     (zerop (random 2))))))
+      (dotimes (i mushrooms)
+	(let ((site (pop m-sites)))
+	  (create-mushroom (car site) (cdr site)))))
+    ;; Maybe rot some carcasses
+    ;; FIXME: Ugly code code, and 
+    (loop for carc in *carcasses*
+	  with ncarcasses do
+	  (if (rot-carcass-p (first carc))
+	      (progn
+		(delete-object :carcass (second carc) (third carc))
+		(reincarnate-feeb (pop *dead-feebs*)))
+	    (progn
+	      (push carc ncarcasses)
+	      (incf (first carc)))))
+    ;; Move some fireballs:
   (dolist (fireball *fireballs-flying*)
     (move-object fireball (make-move-choice fireball)))
-      (progn
-	;; Starve the feeb:
-	(when (<= (decf (feeb-energy-reserve feeb)) 0)
-	  (destroy-object feeb :starve))
-	;; Compute vision for the feeb:
-	(compute-vision feeb)
-	;; Collect the feeb's move
-	(setf (feeb-peeking feeb) nil)
-	(move-object feeb (setf (feeb-last-move feeb)
-				(make-move-choice feeb)))))))
+  (progn
+    ;; Starve the feeb:
+    (when (<= (decf (feeb-energy-reserve feeb)) 0)
+      (destroy-object feeb :starve))
+    ;; Compute vision for the feeb:
+    (compute-vision feeb)
+    ;; Collect the feeb's move
+    (setf (feeb-peeking feeb) nil)
+    (move-object feeb (setf (feeb-last-move feeb)
+			    (make-move-choice feeb)))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: mazes.lisp
--- mazes.lisp	(original)
+++ mazes.lisp	Sun Dec 30 17:43:46 2007
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
     along with The Feebs War.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; The mazes were
 ;;; Created by Jim Healy, July 1987.
 ;;; **************************************************
@@ -219,44 +220,114 @@
     "X     e        *               X"
-;;; Use this template to create new mazes.
-#| (defparameter *maze-template*
-;;; Or this function:
+;;; Use this function to create new mazes
+;;; of any size.
 (defun make-template (x-size y-size)
-  (loop repeat y-size collect
-	(make-string x-size :initial-element #\#)))
+  "Prints map template of the requested size.
+Use this to create new mazes."
+  (dotimes (i y-size)
+    (format t "~@?~a~@?~%"
+	    (if (zerop i)
+		"~4t'(\""
+	      "~6t\"")
+	    (make-string x-size :initial-element #\X)
+	    (if (= i y-size)
+		"\")"
+	      "\""))))
+(defun density (maze)
+  (loop for line in maze summing
+	(float (/ (loop for elt across line counting
+			(char/= #\X elt))
+		  (length line) (length maze)))))
+(defun bound-random (min avg max)
+  (let ((sort (random 2.0)))
+    (round
+     (if (< sort 1.0)
+	 (+ min (* sort (- avg min)))
+       (+ avg (* (1- sort) (- max avg)))))))
+(defmacro ensure-bound (elt min max)
+  `(setf ,elt (max ,min (min ,max ,elt))))
+(defun horiz-corridor (map y x1 x2)
+  (do ((x x1 (if (< x1 x2) (1+ x) (1- x))))
+      ((= x x2))
+    ;; we need to guarantee that everything in map is
+    ;; corridors, that is, can't have something like
+    ;; XXXXXXXX
+    ;; XXX    X
+    ;; X    XXX
+    ;; XXXXXXXX
+    ;; that big blank square isn't good due
+    ;; to the limited vision of the feebs
+    (and (not (aref map x (1- y))) ; blank square up
+	 (or (and (not (aref map (1+ x) y)) ; blank square to the right
+		  (not (aref map (1+ x) (1- y)))) ; blank square up-right
+	     (and (not (aref map (1- x) (1- y))) ; blank square up-left
+		  (not (aref map (1- x) y)))) ; blank square to the left
+	 (return)) ; can't make a blank square here, stop
+    (and (not (aref map x (1+ y))) ; blank square down
+	 (if (or (and (not (aref map (1+ x) y)) ; blank square to the right
+		      (not (aref map (1+ x) (1+ y)))) ; blank square down-right
+		 (and (not (aref map (1- x) (1+ y))) ; blank square down-left
+		      (not (aref map (1- x) y)))) ; blank square to the left
+	     (return))) ; can't make a blank square here, stop
+    (setf (aref map x y) nil))
+  map)
+(defun vert-corridor (map x y1 y2)
+  (do ((y y1 (if (< y1 y2) (1+ y) (1- y))))
+      ((= y y2))
+    (and (not (aref map (1- x) y))
+	 (or (and (not (aref map x (1+ y)))
+		  (not (aref map (1- x) (1+ y))))
+	     (and (not (aref map (1- x) (1- y)))
+		  (not (aref map x (1- y)))))
+	 (return))
+    (and (not (aref map (1+ x) y))
+	 (if (or (and (not (aref map x (1+ y)))
+		      (not (aref map (1+ x) (1+ y))))
+		 (and (not (aref map (1+ x) (1- y)))
+		      (not (aref map x (1- y)))))
+	     (return)))
+    (setf (aref map x y) nil))
+  map)
+(defun generate-maze (x-size y-size
+		      &key (density 0.4)
+		      (corridor-x-min 1)
+		      (corridor-x-max (- x-size 2))
+		      (corridor-x-avg (floor x-size 2))
+		      (corridor-y-min 1)
+		      (corridor-y-max (- y-size 2))
+		      (corridor-y-avg (floor y-size 2)))
+  "Generates a maze of size X-SIZE x Y-SIZE (at least 10x10)
+with no entry points and no mushroom sites.
+DENSITY decides aproximatelly the ratio
+ (blank squares) / (total squares)
+recomended to be between 0.25 and 0.45.
+The horizontal corridors will be between
+similarly for vertical corridors."
+  (if (or (< x 10) (< y 10))
+      (error "Too small - should be at least 10x10."))
+  ;; Certifying the values to be acceptable
+  (ensure-bound density 0.1 0.5)
+  (ensure-bound corridor-x-min 1 (- x-size 2))
+  (ensure-bound corridor-x-avg 2 (- x-size 2))
+  (ensure-bound corridor-x-max 3 (- x-size 2))
+  (ensure-bound corridor-y-min 1 (- y-size 2))
+  (ensure-bound corridor-y-avg 2 (- y-size 2))
+  (ensure-bound corridor-y-max 3 (- y-size 2))
+  ;; Beginning with an array of walls
+  (let ((map (make-array (list x-size y-size)
+			 :initial-element t
+			 :element-type 'boolean)))
+    (do* ((y 1 (1+ (random (- y-size 1)))) ; position of horizontal corridor
+	  (x 1 (1+ (random (- x-size 1)))) ; position of vertical corridor
+	  (x1 
+    (setf map (horiz-corridor
+	       map 1 (1+ (random (- x-size 1)))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: system.lisp
--- system.lisp	(original)
+++ system.lisp	Sun Dec 30 17:43:46 2007
@@ -161,11 +161,8 @@
 ;;; -*- General Rules -*-
-(defmethod start-round ()
-  t)
-(defmethod start-turn ()
-  t)
+(defgeneric start-turn (&key &allow-other-keys)
+  (:method () t))
@@ -173,32 +170,35 @@
 ;;; Creating
-(defmethod create-object (object x-pos y-pos)
-  (change-object-pos object x-pos y-pos))
+(defgeneric create-object (object x-pos y-pos &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (:method (object x-pos y-pos)
+    (change-object-pos object x-pos y-pos)))
 ;;; Reincarnating
-(defmethod reincarnate-feeb ((feeb feeb))
-  (let ((pos (nth (random *number-of-entry-points*) *entry-points*)))
-    (change-object-pos feeb (car pos) (cdr pos)))
-  (setf (feeb-facing feeb) (random 4)
-	(feeb-dead-p feeb) nil
-	(feeb-ready-to-fire feeb) t
-	(feeb-energy-reserve feeb) *starting-energy*
-	(feeb-last-move feeb) :dead))
+(defgeneric reincarnate-feeb (feeb &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (:method ((feeb feeb))
+    (let ((pos (nth (random *number-of-entry-points*) *entry-points*)))
+      (change-object-pos feeb (car pos) (cdr pos)))
+    (setf (feeb-facing feeb) (random 4)
+	  (feeb-dead-p feeb) nil
+	  (feeb-ready-to-fire feeb) t
+	  (feeb-energy-reserve feeb) *starting-energy*
+	  (feeb-last-move feeb) :dead)))
 ;;; Dying
-(defmethod destroy-object ((feeb feeb) cause)
-  (setf *dead-feebs* (nconc *dead-feebs* (list feeb))
-	(feeb-dead-p feeb) t)
-  (let* ((status (feeb-status feeb))
-	 (x (feeb-x-position feeb))
-	 (y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
-    (push (list 0 x y) *carcasses*)
-    (delete-object (feeb-image feeb) x y)
-    (place-object :carcass x y))
-  (call-next-method))
+(defgeneric destroy-object (object cause &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (:method ((feeb feeb) cause)
+    (setf *dead-feebs* (nconc *dead-feebs* (list feeb))
+	  (feeb-dead-p feeb) t)
+    (let* ((status (feeb-status feeb))
+	   (x (feeb-x-position feeb))
+	   (y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
+      (push (list 0 x y) *carcasses*)
+      (delete-object (feeb-image feeb) x y)
+      (place-object :carcass x y))
+    (call-next-method)))
@@ -274,84 +274,87 @@
 ;;; Lets the feeb make a choice
-(defmethod make-move-choice ((feeb feeb))
-  (funcall (feeb-brain feeb)
-	   (feeb-status feeb)
-	   (feeb-proximity feeb)
-	   (feeb-vision feeb)
-	   (feeb-vision-left feeb)
-	   (feeb-vision-right feeb)))
+(defgeneric make-move-choice (object &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (:method ((feeb feeb))
+    (funcall (feeb-brain feeb)
+	     (feeb-status feeb)
+	     (feeb-proximity feeb)
+	     (feeb-vision feeb)
+	     (feeb-vision-left feeb)
+	     (feeb-vision-right feeb))))
 ;;; Moving
-(defmethod make-move (object (move (eql :turn-right)))
-  (setf (object-direction object)
-	(right-of (object-direction object)))
-  t)
-(defmethod make-move (object (move (eql :turn-around)))
-  (setf (object-direction object)
-	(behind (object-direction object)))
-  t)
-(defmethod make-move (object (move (eql :move-forward)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (stuff new-x new-y)
-      (get-forward-pos object)
-    (when (wallp stuff)
-      (return-from make-move nil))
-    (change-object-pos object new-x new-y))
-  t)
+(defgeneric make-move (object move)
+  (:method (object (move (eql :turn-right)))
+    (setf (object-direction object)
+	  (right-of (object-direction object)))
+    t)
+  (:method (object (move (eql :turn-around)))
+    (setf (object-direction object)
+	  (behind (object-direction object)))
+    t)
+  (:method (object (move (eql :move-forward)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (stuff new-x new-y)
+	(get-forward-pos object)
+      (when (wallp stuff)
+	(return-from make-move nil))
+      (change-object-pos object new-x new-y))
+    t)
 ;;; Fireball
-(defmethod make-move ((fireball fireball) (move (eql :move-forward)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (stuff new-x new-y)
-      (get-forward-pos fireball)
-    (dolist (thing stuff)
-      (if (feeb-image-p thing)
-	  (destroy-object feeb fireball)))))
+  (:method ((fireball fireball) (move (eql :move-forward)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (stuff new-x new-y)
+	(get-forward-pos fireball)
+      (dolist (thing stuff)
+	(if (feeb-image-p thing)
+	    (destroy-object feeb fireball)))))
 ;;; Feeb moves
-(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :move-forward)))
-  (let ((thing (find-if #'fireball-image-p stuff)))
-    (when thing (destroy-object feeb thing)
-	  (return-from make-move t)))
-  (call-next-method))
-(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :flame)))
-  (let ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
-	(y (feeb-y-position feeb))
-	(fireball
-	 (make-fireball-image (feeb-facing feeb)
-			      feeb x y (forward-dx facing)
-			      (forward-dy facing))))
-    (push fireball *fireballs-flying*)
-    t))
-(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :eat-mushroom)))
-  (let ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
-	(y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
-    (when (member :mushroom (aref *maze* x y))
-      (delete-object :mushroom x y)
-      t)))
-(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :eat-carcass)))
-  (let ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
-	(y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
-    (when (member :carcass (aref *maze* x y))
-      t)))
-(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :peek-left)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (x y stuff)
-      (get-forward-pos feeb)
-    (unless (wallp stuff)
-      (setf (peeking feeb) move)))
-  t)
-(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :peek-right)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (x y stuff)
-      (get-forward-pos feeb)
-    (unless (wallp stuff)
-      (setf (peeking feeb) move)))
-  t)
+  (:method ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :move-forward)))
+    (let ((thing (find-if #'fireball-image-p stuff)))
+      (when thing (destroy-object feeb thing)
+	    (return-from make-move t)))
+    (call-next-method))
+  (:method ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :flame)))
+    (let ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
+	  (y (feeb-y-position feeb))
+	  (fireball
+	   (make-fireball-image (feeb-facing feeb)
+				feeb x y (forward-dx facing)
+				(forward-dy facing))))
+      (push fireball *fireballs-flying*)
+      t))
+  (:method ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :eat-mushroom)))
+    (let ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
+	  (y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
+      (when (member :mushroom (aref *maze* x y))
+	(delete-object :mushroom x y)
+	t)))
+  (:method ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :eat-carcass)))
+    (let ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
+	  (y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
+      (when (member :carcass (aref *maze* x y))
+	t)))
+  (:method ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :peek-left)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (x y stuff)
+	(get-forward-pos feeb)
+      (unless (wallp stuff)
+	(setf (peeking feeb) move)))
+    t)
+  (:method make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :peek-right)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (x y stuff)
+	(get-forward-pos feeb)
+      (unless (wallp stuff)
+	(setf (peeking feeb) move)))
+    t)
+  ) ; end of make-move generic function

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