[the-feebs-war-cvs] r7 -

gmilare at common-lisp.net gmilare at common-lisp.net
Sun Dec 30 01:30:34 UTC 2007

Author: gmilare
Date: Sat Dec 29 20:30:32 2007
New Revision: 7


Modified: brains.lisp
--- brains.lisp	(original)
+++ brains.lisp	Sat Dec 29 20:30:32 2007
@@ -1,5 +1,24 @@
 ;;; -*- Common Lisp -*-
+#|  Copyright (c) 2007 Gustavo Henrique Milaré
+    This file is part of The Feebs War.
+    The Feebs War is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    The Feebs War is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with The Feebs War.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 (in-package :feebs)
@@ -43,4 +62,4 @@
   (dotimes (i n)
 	(format nil "System Feeb # ~d" i)
-	#'auto-brain)))
\ No newline at end of file
+	#'auto-brain)))

Modified: extra.lisp
--- extra.lisp	(original)
+++ extra.lisp	Sat Dec 29 20:30:32 2007
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     GNU General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    along with The Feebs War.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 	  ((= ,count line-of-sight)
 	   , at finalize)
        (declare (list ,v ,vl ,vr)
-	        (fixnum ,count)) ; can be assumed fixnum unless you have a mega PC 
+	        (fixnum ,count))
        (dolist (,vis   ,v)
 	 , at vis-body)
        (dolist (,vis-l ,vl)

Modified: feebs.asd
--- feebs.asd	(original)
+++ feebs.asd	Sat Dec 29 20:30:32 2007
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
 (in-package :feebs-system)
-(defsystem feebs
-    :description "The Feebs War is an extension of Planetof the Feebs"
+(defsystem the-feebs-war
+    :description "The Feebs War is a continuation of Planet of the Feebs."
     :version "1.0"
     :author "Gustavo Henrique Milaré <gugamilare at gmail.com>"
     :licence "GPL"
-    :depends-on (lispbuilder-sdl lispbuilder-sdl-image)
+;   :depends-on (pal)
     (;; source

Modified: feebs.tex
--- feebs.tex	(original)
+++ feebs.tex	Sat Dec 29 20:30:32 2007
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
 %   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-%   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+%   along with The Feebs War.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Modified: graphics.lisp
--- graphics.lisp	(original)
+++ graphics.lisp	Sat Dec 29 20:30:32 2007
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     GNU General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    along with The Feebs War.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 (in-package :feebs)
@@ -37,10 +37,9 @@
 		  (list " XX"))
 		 ((feeb-image-p (car elt))
 		  (list "F~1d~a"
-			(feeb-id (feeb-image-feeb (car elt)))
-			(print-direction (feeb-image-facing (car elt)))))
+			(print-direction (feeb-facing (car elt)))))
 		 ((fireball-image-p (car elt))
-		  (list " *~a" (print-direction (fireball-image-direction (car elt)))))
+		  (list " *~a" (print-direction (fireball-direction (car elt)))))
 		 ((eq (car elt) :mushroom)
 		  (list " mm"))
 		 ((eq (car elt) :carcass)
@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@
 	(play-one-turn) (print-map) (sleep 0.7) (format t "~%~%"))
   (format t "Fim de jogo!!~%~%Pontuações:~%~%")
   (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
-	 (format t "~a: ~d~%" (name (feeb-status feeb)) (score (feeb-status feeb)))))
+	 (format t "~a: ~d~%" (feeb-name feeb) (feeb-score feeb))))

Modified: main.lisp
--- main.lisp	(original)
+++ main.lisp	Sat Dec 29 20:30:32 2007
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     GNU General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    along with The Feebs War.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@
 ;;; Some functions
-(defmacro define-parameter (name value doc)
+(defmacro define-parameter (name &optional value doc)
-    (defvar ,name ,value ,doc)
+    (defvar ,name ,value 
+      ,@(if doc '(doc)))
     (export ,name)
     (pushnew ',name *feeb-parameters*)))
@@ -43,15 +44,6 @@
    during the game.")
-;;; Energies:
-;;; Carcasses:
-;;; Fireballs:
 ;;; Tests that behavior functions might use
@@ -110,7 +102,7 @@
 	*number-of-mushroom-sites* 0
 	*number-of-entry-points* 0)
   (do ((rows *layout* (cdr rows))
-       (i (1- *maze-y-size*) (1- i)))
+       (i (1- *maze-y-size*) (1- i))) ; inverting the y axis
       ((null rows))
     (let ((str (car rows)))
       (dotimes (j (length str))
@@ -118,16 +110,18 @@
 	      (aref *fake-maze* j i) nil)
 	(case (schar str j)
-	   (setf (aref *fake-maze* j i) (and *may-get-maze-map-p* :rock)
+	   (setf (aref *fake-maze* j i)
+		  (and *may-get-maze-map-p* :rock)
 		 (aref *maze* j i) :rock))
-	   (setf (aref *fake-maze* j i) (and *may-get-maze-map-p*
-					     :mushroom-place))
+	   (setf (aref *fake-maze* j i)
+		  (and *may-get-maze-map-p* :mushroom-place))
 	   (incf *number-of-mushroom-sites*)
 	   (push (make-pos j i) *mushroom-sites*))
-	   (setf (aref *fake-maze* j i) (and *may-get-maze-map-p*
-					     :feeb-entry-place))
+	   (setf (aref *fake-maze* j i)
+		  (and *may-get-maze-map-p*
+		       :feeb-entry-place))
 	   (incf *number-of-entry-points*)
 	   (push (make-pos j i) *entry-points*))
 	  (#\space nil)
@@ -158,21 +152,19 @@
 (defvar *feebs-to-be* nil)
-(defun define-feeb (name brain &optional initializer graphs)
+(defun define-feeb (name brain &optional graphics)
   "Defines a feeb with name NAME, behavior function BRAIN.
-The INITIALIZER key option must be either a function that
-will be called in the very start of the game, or nil.
 If there is another feeb with the same name, overwrites it
-with a case sensitive test"
+with a case sensitive test."
   (when (find name *feebs-to-be* :key #'car
 	      :test #'string= (delete-feeb name))
       (warn "Feeb ~s already exists, deleting..." name))
-  (push (list name brain prepare graphs) *feebs-to-be*))
+  (push (list name brain graphs) *feebs-to-be*))
 (defun delete-feeb (name)
   "Deletes the feeb which has name NAME, causing it not to
-be created when the game begins. Does not work for feebs in
-the game"
+be created when the game begins. Does not work for feebs
+already in the game."
   (setf *feebs-to-be*
 	(remove name *feebs-to-be* :key #'car :test #'string=)))
@@ -187,48 +179,68 @@
   (setf *feebs-to-be* nil))
 (defun create-feebs ()
-  (let ((entries (sort *entry-points* #'(lambda (x y)
-					  (declare (ignore x y))
-					  (zerop (random 2))))))
+  (flet ((create-feeb (x-pos y-pos name brain graphs)
+	   (let ((feeb (make-instance 'feeb
+				      :name name
+				      :brain brain
+				      :direction (random 4)
+				      :graphics graphs
+				      :x-position x-pos
+				      :y-position y-pos)))
+	     (push feeb *feebs*)
+	     (if (and x-pos y-pos)
+		 (create-object feeb x-pos y-pos)
+	       (push feeb *dead-feebs*)))))
+  (let ((entries (sort *entry-points* ; random positions
+		       #'(lambda (x y)
+			   (declare (ignore x y))
+			   (zerop (random 2))))))
     (setf *feebs* nil)
     (dolist (feeb-spec *feebs-to-be*)
-      (let ((pos (pop entries)))
-	(apply 'create-feeb (car pos) (cdr pos) feeb-spec)))))
+      (let ((pos (pop entries))))
+	(apply 'create-feeb (car pos) (cdr pos) feeb-spec))))
+;;; The Game
+(let ((mushrooms 0))
+(defun number-of-mushrooms (n)
+  (setf *mushrooms-to-grow* n))
 (defun play-one-turn ()
-  ;; This is defined by rules
+  (setf mushrooms 0) ; restart the count
+  ;; This is defined by rules:
-  ;; Maybe grow up mushrooms
+  ;; Maybe grow up mushrooms:
   (let ((m-sites (sort *mushroom-sites*
 		       #'(lambda (x y)
 			   (declare (ignore x y))
 			   (zerop (random 2))))))
-    (dotimes (i *mushrooms-to-grow*)
+    (dotimes (i mushrooms)
       (let ((site (pop m-sites)))
 	(create-mushroom (car site) (cdr site)))))
-  ;; Rot some carcasses:
+  ;; Maybe rot some carcasses
+  ;; FIXME: put this in rules.lisp with better code
   (loop for carc in *carcasses*
 	with ncarcasses do
-    (unless (rot-carcass (second carc) (third carc) (first carc))
-      (push carc ncarcasses)
-      (incf (first carc))
-      (reincarnate-feeb (pop *dead-feebs*))))
+    (if (rot-carcass-p (first carc))
+	(delete-object :carcass (second carc) (third carc)))
+      (progn
+	(push carc ncarcasses)
+	(incf (first carc)))))
   ;; Move some fireballs:
   (dolist (fireball *fireballs-flying*)
-    (move-fireball fireball))
-  ;; Playing with the feebs:
-  (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
-    (unless (feeb-dead-p feeb)
-      ;; Starve the feeb:
-      (when (<= (decf (feeb-energy-reserve feeb)) 0)
-	(kill-feeb feeb :starve))
-      ;; Compute vision for the feeb:
-      (compute-vision feeb)
-      ;; Collect the feeb's move
-      (make-move-choice feeb)))
-  ;; Do all the feebs' moves.
-  (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
-    (unless (feeb-dead-p feeb)
-      (setf (feeb-peeking feeb) nil)
-      (move-feeb feeb (feeb-last-move feeb)))))
+    (move-object fireball (make-move-choice fireball)))
+      (progn
+	;; Starve the feeb:
+	(when (<= (decf (feeb-energy-reserve feeb)) 0)
+	  (destroy-object feeb :starve))
+	;; Compute vision for the feeb:
+	(compute-vision feeb)
+	;; Collect the feeb's move
+	(setf (feeb-peeking feeb) nil)
+	(move-object feeb (setf (feeb-last-move feeb)
+				(make-move-choice feeb)))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: mazes.lisp
--- mazes.lisp	(original)
+++ mazes.lisp	Sat Dec 29 20:30:32 2007
@@ -1,17 +1,35 @@
 ;;; -*- Common Lisp -*-
-;;; Mazes for Planet of the Feebs.
-;;; A somewhat educational simulation game.
+#|  Copyright (c) 2007 Gustavo Henrique Milaré
+    This file is part of The Feebs War.
+    The Feebs War is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    The Feebs War is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with The Feebs War.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 ;;; Created by Jim Healy, July 1987.
 ;;; **************************************************
-;;; Maze guidelines:
-;;;    Maze should be *maze-i-size* by *maze-j-size*
-;;;       (currently 32 x 32).
+;;;  Maze guidelines:
 ;;;    X represents a wall.
 ;;;    * represents a mushroom patch.
 ;;;    e is a feeb entry point.
+;;;  The maze should be a rectangle bounded by walls
+;;;  in each side.
+;;;  These mazes are all 32x32, but you may build
+;;;  a maze of any size you wish.
 ;;; **************************************************
 ;;; Maze1 has a good number of dead ends and little nooks.
@@ -236,3 +254,9 @@
+;;; Or this function:
+(defun make-template (x-size y-size)
+  (loop repeat y-size collect
+	(make-string x-size :initial-element #\#)))

Modified: package.lisp
--- package.lisp	(original)
+++ package.lisp	Sat Dec 29 20:30:32 2007
@@ -15,20 +15,9 @@
     GNU General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    along with The Feebs War.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;;                                    ;;;
-;;;          The Feebs War             ;;;
-;;;                                    ;;;
-;;; Written by Gustavo Henrique Milaré ;;;
-;;;                                    ;;;
-;;; The GPL should in the file "license", provided with the software.
 ;;; based on Planet of the Feebs
 ;;; About Planet of the Feebs:
@@ -39,13 +28,10 @@
 ;; Modified by Jim Healy.
 ;; Graphics ported to X11 by Fred Gilham 8-FEB-1998.
-;;; This project exists thanks to them
 (defpackage :feebs
-  (:use :common-lisp :lispbuilder-sdl :lispbuilder-sdl-image :cffi)
+  (:use :common-lisp)
   ;; Export everything we want the players to get their hands on.
   (:export *number-of-feebs* *game-length*
@@ -138,9 +124,6 @@
 (defconstant south 2)
 (defconstant west  3)
-;;; This is t if someone call (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'feebs-c-interface)
-(defvar *c-interface-available* nil)
 ;;; Parameters that affect strategy of the game.

Modified: system.lisp
--- system.lisp	(original)
+++ system.lisp	Sat Dec 29 20:30:32 2007
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     GNU General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    along with The Feebs War.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
 (defclass object ()
   ((direction :accessor object-direction)
    (x-position :accessor object-x-position)
-   (y-position :accessor object-y-position)
-   (lifetime :accessor object-lifetime :initform 0)))
+   (y-position :accessor object-y-position)))
 (defclass feeb (object)
   (;; These are structures accessible from behavior functions.
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@
 ;;; for the feeb itself
 (defmethod name :around ((fb feeb))
-  (if (feeb-playing-p fb) ;; check if the feeb itself is accessing its name
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb)
 (defmethod facing :around ((fb feeb))
@@ -131,10 +130,6 @@
     (place-object :mushroom x y)
-(defun rot-carcass (x y)
-  (delete-object :carcass x y)
-  t)
 (defun delete-object (thing x y)
   (when (eq thing :mushroom)
     (decf *mushrooms-alive*))
@@ -159,7 +154,8 @@
 	(new-y (+ (forward-dy (object-direction object))
 		  (object-y-position object))))
     (values (aref *maze* new-x new-y) new-x new-y)))
 ;;; --**-- System Rules --**--
@@ -171,34 +167,25 @@
 (defmethod start-turn ()
-(defmethod create-feeb (x-pos y-pos name brain prepare graphs)
-  (let ((feeb (make-instance 'feeb
-			     :name name
-			     :brain brain
-			     :graphics (if graphs
-					   (sdl:load-and-convert-image graphs))
-			     :x-position x-pos
-			     :y-position y-pos)))
-    (push feeb *feebs*)
-    (place-object (feeb-image feeb) x-pos y-pos)
-    (when prepare
-      (funcall prepare))))
+;;; -*- Being Born and Dying -*-
+;;; Creating
-;;; -*- Dying and Killing -*-
+(defmethod create-object (object x-pos y-pos)
+  (change-object-pos object x-pos y-pos))
 ;;; Reincarnating
 (defmethod reincarnate-feeb ((feeb feeb))
-  (let ((pos (nth (random *number-of-entry-points*) *entry-points*))
-	(status (feeb-status feeb)))
-    (change-object-pos feeb (pos-x pos) (pos-y pos))
-    (setf (feeb-facing feeb) (random 4)
-	  (feeb-dead-p feeb) nil
-	  (ready-to-fire status) t
-	  (energy-reserve status) *starting-energy*
-	  (last-move status) :dead)))
+  (let ((pos (nth (random *number-of-entry-points*) *entry-points*)))
+    (change-object-pos feeb (car pos) (cdr pos)))
+  (setf (feeb-facing feeb) (random 4)
+	(feeb-dead-p feeb) nil
+	(feeb-ready-to-fire feeb) t
+	(feeb-energy-reserve feeb) *starting-energy*
+	(feeb-last-move feeb) :dead))
 ;;; Dying
@@ -210,7 +197,8 @@
 	 (y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
     (push (list 0 x y) *carcasses*)
     (delete-object (feeb-image feeb) x y)
-    (place-object :carcass x y)))
+    (place-object :carcass x y))
+  (call-next-method))
@@ -262,7 +250,7 @@
       (setf (aref vision index) (aref *maze* x y)
 	    (aref vision-left index)
 	     (side-imagify (aref *maze* left-wall-x left-wall-y)
-			  (right-of facing))
+			   (right-of facing))
 	    (aref vision-right index)
 	     (side-imagify (aref *maze* right-wall-x right-wall-y)
 			   (left-of facing))))))
@@ -280,67 +268,55 @@
 	    if elt
 	       return it)))
-(defparameter *mushrooms-to-grow* 0)
-(defun number-of-mushrooms (n)
-  (setf *mushrooms-to-grow* n))
+;;; -*- Movement -*-
 ;;; Lets the feeb make a choice
 (defmethod make-move-choice ((feeb feeb))
-  (setf (last-move (feeb-status feeb))
-	(funcall (feeb-brain feeb)
-		 (feeb-status feeb)
-		 (feeb-proximity feeb)
-		 (feeb-vision feeb)
-		 (feeb-vision-left feeb)
-		 (feeb-vision-right feeb))))
-;;; Moves the fireball
-(defmethod make-move ((fireball fireball))
-  ;; move it to new coordinates.
-  (let ((x (incf (fireball-x fireball)
-		 (forward-dx (fireball-direction fireball))))
-	(y (incf (fireball-y fireball)
-		 (forward-dy (fireball-direction fireball)))))
-    ;; If it hits rock, either reflect or dissipate.
-    (when (wallp (aref *maze* x y))
-      (if (and (> (incf (fireball-age fireball))
-		  *fireball-guaranteed-lifetime*)
-	       (chance *fireball-reflection-probability*))
-	  (setf (fireball-direction fireball)
-		(behind (fireball-direction fireball))
-		x (fireball-x fireball)
-		y (fireball-y fireball))
-	  (progn
-	    (setf *fireballs-flying*
-		  (delete fireball *fireballs-flying*))
-	    (return-from move-one-fireball))))
-    ;; Now put the fireball into the new square.
-    (setf (fireball-x fireball) x
-	  (fireball-y fireball) y)
-    (change-object-pos fireball x y)))
-;;; Doing feeb moves.
-(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :turn-right)))
-  (setf (feeb-facing feeb) (right-of facing)) (call-next-method))
+  (funcall (feeb-brain feeb)
+	   (feeb-status feeb)
+	   (feeb-proximity feeb)
+	   (feeb-vision feeb)
+	   (feeb-vision-left feeb)
+	   (feeb-vision-right feeb)))
+;;; Moving
+(defmethod make-move (object (move (eql :turn-right)))
+  (setf (object-direction object)
+	(right-of (object-direction object)))
+  t)
-(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :turn-around)))
-  (setf (feeb-facing feeb) (behind facing)) (call-next-method))
+(defmethod make-move (object (move (eql :turn-around)))
+  (setf (object-direction object)
+	(behind (object-direction object)))
+  t)
 (defmethod make-move (object (move (eql :move-forward)))
-  (multiple-value-bind (stuff new-x new-y) (get-forward-pos object)
+  (multiple-value-bind (stuff new-x new-y)
+      (get-forward-pos object)
     (when (wallp stuff)
       (return-from make-move nil))
-    (change-object-pos object new-x new-y)
-    (let ((thing (find-if #'fireball-image-p stuff)))
-      (when thing (kill-feeb feeb thing)
-	    (return-from make-move t))))
+    (change-object-pos object new-x new-y))
+  t)
+;;; Fireball
+(defmethod make-move ((fireball fireball) (move (eql :move-forward)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (stuff new-x new-y)
+      (get-forward-pos fireball)
+    (dolist (thing stuff)
+      (if (feeb-image-p thing)
+	  (destroy-object feeb fireball)))))
+;;; Feeb moves
+(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :move-forward)))
+  (let ((thing (find-if #'fireball-image-p stuff)))
+    (when thing (destroy-object feeb thing)
+	  (return-from make-move t)))
 (defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :flame)))
@@ -350,8 +326,8 @@
 	 (make-fireball-image (feeb-facing feeb)
 			      feeb x y (forward-dx facing)
 			      (forward-dy facing))))
-    (push fireball *fireballs-flying*))
-  (call-next-method))
+    (push fireball *fireballs-flying*)
+    t))
 (defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :eat-mushroom)))
   (let ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
@@ -367,23 +343,15 @@
 (defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :peek-left)))
-  (unless
-      (wallp
-       (aref *maze* (+ (feeb-x-position feeb)
-		       (forward-dx (feeb-facing feeb)))
-	     (+ (feeb-y-position feeb)
-		(forward-dy (feeb-facing feeb)))))
-    (setf (peeking status)
-	  (setf (feeb-image-peeking (feeb-image feeb)) move)))
-  (call-next-method))
+  (multiple-value-bind (x y stuff)
+      (get-forward-pos feeb)
+    (unless (wallp stuff)
+      (setf (peeking feeb) move)))
+  t)
 (defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :peek-right)))
-  (unless
-      (wallp
-       (aref *maze* (+ (feeb-x-position feeb)
-		       (forward-dx (feeb-facing feeb)))
-	     (+ (feeb-y-position feeb)
-		(forward-dy (feeb-facing feeb)))))
-    (setf (peeking status)
-	  (setf (feeb-image-peeking (feeb-image feeb)) move)))
-  (call-next-method))
+  (multiple-value-bind (x y stuff)
+      (get-forward-pos feeb)
+    (unless (wallp stuff)
+      (setf (peeking feeb) move)))
+  t)

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