[the-feebs-war-cvs] r5 -

gmilare at common-lisp.net gmilare at common-lisp.net
Thu Dec 20 20:16:45 UTC 2007

Author: gmilare
Date: Thu Dec 20 15:16:44 2007
New Revision: 5


Modified: brains.lisp
--- brains.lisp	(original)
+++ brains.lisp	Thu Dec 20 15:16:44 2007
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 ;;; Modified from "cautious-brain"
 (defun auto-brain (status proximity vision vision-left vision-right)
   (declare (ignore vision-left vision-right))
   (let ((stuff (my-square proximity)))

Modified: extra.lisp
--- extra.lisp	(original)
+++ extra.lisp	Thu Dec 20 15:16:44 2007
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@
   (the boolean
     (eq :rock thing)))
+(defun chance (ratio)
+  (< (random (denominator ratio)) (numerator ratio)))
 ;;; Handling the vision, vision-left and vision-right objects
  (defmacro with-visible-elements ((count line-of-sight)

Modified: graphics.lisp
--- graphics.lisp	(original)
+++ graphics.lisp	Thu Dec 20 15:16:44 2007
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   (make-auto-feebs (- 10 (length *feebs-to-be*)))
   (loop repeat *game-length* do
-	(play-one-turn) (print-map) (sleep 0.3) (format t "~%~%"))
+	(play-one-turn) (print-map) (sleep 0.7) (format t "~%~%"))
   (format t "Fim de jogo!!~%~%Pontuações:~%~%")
   (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
 	 (format t "~a: ~d~%" (name (feeb-status feeb)) (score (feeb-status feeb)))))
@@ -62,12 +62,125 @@
+(defconst *default-graphics*
+  (make-feeb-graphics
+   (load-and-convert-image "default-feeb.bmp")))
+(defvar *cell-width* 32)
+(defvar *cell-heigth* 32)
+(defstruct graphic
+  (walk (make-direction))
+  (flaming (make-direction)))
+(defstruct (direction (:conc-name nil))
+  (up (make-array 3))
+  (left (make-array 3))
+  (down (make-array 3))
+  (right (make-array 3)))
+(defun make-feeb-graphics (surface)
+  (let ((graphic (make-graphic)))
+    (progn
+      (loop for field in '(walk flaming)
+	    and y0 from 0 by (* 4 *cell-heigth*) do
+	(loop for dir in '(up left right down)
+	      and y from y0 by *cell-heigth* do
+	  (loop for ind below 3
+		and x from 0 by *cell-width*
+		for aux = (surface :width *cell-width* :heigth *cell-heigth*) do
+	    (set-cell :x x :y y :width *cell-width* :heigth *cell-heigth* :surface surface)
+	    (draw-surface surface :surface aux)
+	    (setf (svref (slot-value (slot-value graphic field)
+				     dir)
+			 ind)
+		  aux))))
+      graphic)))
+(defgeneric create-graphics (feeb) &key (free-p t))
+(defmethod create-graphics ((feeb pathname))
+  (let ((surf (load-and-convert-image feeb)))
+    (make-feeb-grahpics surf)
+    (free-surface surf)))
+(defmethod create-graphics ((feeb surface) &key free-p)
+  (with-surface feeb
+    (make-feeb-graphics))
+  (if free-p
+      (fre-surface feeb)))
+(defvar *time* 0)
+(defun human-player (&rest args)
+  (declare (ignore args))
+  (sdl:with-events (:wait)
+    (:key-down-event (:key key)
+      (case key
+	(:sdl-key-up
+	 (return-from human-player :move-forward))
+	(:sdl-key-left
+	 (return-from human-player :turn-left))
+	(:sdl-key-right
+	 (return-from human-player :turn-right))
+	(:sdl-key-up
+	 (return-from human-player :turn-around))
+	(:sdl-key-space
+	 (return-from human-player :flame))
+	(:sdl-key-return
+	 (return-from human-player :wait))))
+    (:video-expose-event
+      (sdl:update-display))))
+(defun feebs (&key (delay 5) ; 4 min of game
+	           human-player
+	           files &aux (time 0))
+  "The main loop program. Single-step is no longer available.
+If human-player is supplied, it is taken as the name of human player,
+wich will controll a feeb with the keyboard. The end of the game
+only occurs if the player press ESC.
+If there is no human, *game-length* is used instead.
+A number of auto-feebs feebs are created by the system.
+Also, if there are more feebs supplied than places,
+the feeb wich is killed gives room to another feeb to be born."
+  (initialize-feebs)
+  (setf (sdl:frame-rate) 10)
+  (init-maze *layout*)
+  (dolist (file files)
+    (load file))
+  (if human-player
+    (define-feeb
+	human-player
+	#'human-player))
+  (sdl:with-init ()
+    (sdl:with-display ()
+      (sdl:with-events ()
+	(:idle ()
+	  (sdl:update-display)
+	  (if zerop time
+	      (progn
+		(setf time delay)
+		(play-one-turn)
+		(when (not *continue*)
+		  (return)))
+	      (decf time)))
+      ))
+  (setf *feebs-to-be* nil))
 ;;; Feeb creation.
 ;; This a little better version of conservative-brain
 ;; all others (stupid or redundant) brains of original
 ;; feebs.lisp were eliminated
- (defun simple-brain (status proximity vision vision-left vision-right)
+(defun simple-brain (status proximity vision vision-left vision-right)
   (declare (ignore vision-left vision-right))
   (let ((stuff (my-square proximity)))
     (cond ((and (consp stuff) (member :mushroom stuff :test #'eq))

Modified: main.lisp
--- main.lisp	(original)
+++ main.lisp	Thu Dec 20 15:16:44 2007
@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@
 ;;; Some functions
-(defmacro def-feeb-parm (name value doc)
+(defmacro define-parameter (name value doc)
     (defvar ,name ,value ,doc)
+    (export ,name)
     (pushnew ',name *feeb-parameters*)))
 (defun list-parameter-settings ()
@@ -34,207 +35,42 @@
       (push (cons parm (symbol-value parm)) settings))
-(defun chance (ratio)
-  (< (random (denominator ratio)) (numerator ratio)))
-;;; General game parameters:
-(def-feeb-parm *game-length* 320
-  "Number of cycles in the simulation.")
-(def-feeb-parm *number-of-auto-feebs* 0
-  "Number of dumb system-provided feebs.")
-(def-feeb-parm *slow-feeb-noop-switch* nil
-  "If non-null, each feeb has a chance of having its orders aborted in
-   proportion to the time it takes to produce them.
-   See *slow-feeb-noop-factor*.")
-(def-feeb-parm *slow-feeb-noop-factor* 1/4
-  "If *slow-feeb-noop-switch* is non-null, a feeb's orders will be aborted
-   with probability equal to the product of this factor times the time
-   taken by this feeb divided by *reference-time*, if non-nil, or
-   the total time taken by all feebs this turn otherwise.")
-(def-feeb-parm *reference-time* nil
-  "Time taken by reference if non-nil. See *slow-feeb-noop-factor*.")
-(def-feeb-parm *sense-location-p* t
-  "If non-null, x-position and y-position will return nil when
-   some a behavior function tries to invoke it.")
-;;(def-feeb-parm *sense-facing-p* t
-;;  "If non-null, facing will return nil when one tries to
-;;   invoke it.")
-;;; Scoring:
-(def-feeb-parm *points-for-killing* 5
-  "Added to one's score for killing an opponent.")
-(def-feeb-parm *points-for-dying* -3
-  "Added to one's score for being killed or starving.")
-(def-feeb-parm *points-for-slow-down* -1
-  "Points earned when a feeb's move is aborted due to slowness.")
-;;; Cheating
-(def-feeb-parm *exclude-cheater-p* nil
-  "Tells if a feeb is excluded from the game when a cheating is done.")
-(def-feeb-parm *warn-when-cheating-p* t
-  "Tells if a continuable error must be signaled when a cheating is done.")
 ;;; Characteristics of the maze:
-(def-feeb-parm *may-get-maze-map-p* t
+(define-parameter *may-get-maze-map-p* t
   "Tells if the function (get-maze-map) returns the map layout of nil
    during the game.")
-(def-feeb-parm *maze-x-size* 32
-  "Number of columns in the maze.")
-(def-feeb-parm *maze-y-size* 32
-  "Number of rows in the maze.")
-(def-feeb-parm *number-of-mushrooms* 8
-  "Average number of mushrooms in the maze at any given time.")
 ;;; Energies:
-(def-feeb-parm *flame-energy* 10
-  "Energy used when a feeb flames.")
-(def-feeb-parm *mushroom-energy* 50
-  "Energy gained when a mushroom is eaten.")
-(def-feeb-parm *carcass-energy* 30
-  "Energy gained by feeding on a carcass.")
-(def-feeb-parm *maximum-energy* 100
-  "The most energy a feeb can accumulate.")
+;;; Carcasses:
-(def-feeb-parm *starting-energy* 50
-  "Smallest amount of energy a feeb will start with.")
-;;; Carcasses:
+;;; Fireballs:
-(def-feeb-parm *carcass-guaranteed-lifetime* 5
-  "Minimum number of turns a carcass will hang around.")
-(def-feeb-parm *carcass-rot-probability* 1/3
-  "Chance of a carcass rotting away each turn after its guaranteed lifetime.")
+;;; Tests that behavior functions might use
-;;; Fireballs:
+(declare (inline feeb-image-p fireball-image-p))
-(def-feeb-parm *fireball-dissipation-probability* 1/5
-  "Chance that a fireball will dissipate each turn after it is fired.")
+(defun feeb-image-p (thing)
+  (typep thing 'feeb))
-(def-feeb-parm *fireball-reflection-probability* 2/3
-  "Chance that a fireball will reflect when it hits a wall.")
+(defun fireball-image-p (thing)
+  (typep thing 'fireball))
-(def-feeb-parm *flame-recovery-probability* 1/3
-  "Chance a feeb will regain its ability to flame each turn after flaming once.")
-;;; Structures:
-;;; The Feeb structure contains all of the info relevant to a particular feeb.
-;;; The info available to the brain function is in the Status sub-structure.
-(defstruct (feeb
-	     (:print-function print-feeb)
-	     (:constructor make-feeb (id brain)))
-  id
-  brain
-  image
-  status
-  proximity
-  time
-  last-score
-  last-kills
-  facing
-  x-position
-  y-position
-  (dead-p nil)
-  (turns-since-flamed 0)
-  (vision (make-array (max *maze-x-size* *maze-y-size*)))
-  (vision-left (make-array (max *maze-x-size* *maze-y-size*)))
-  (vision-right (make-array (max *maze-x-size* *maze-y-size*))))
-(defstruct (status
-	    (:conc-name nil)
-	    (:constructor make-status (name graphics)))
-  (name "" :read-only t)
-  facing
-  graphics
-  x-position
-  y-position
-  peeking
-  line-of-sight
-  (energy-reserve *starting-energy*)
-  (score 0)
-  (kills 0)
-  (ready-to-fire t)
-  (aborted nil)
-  (last-move :dead))
-(defun print-feeb (structure stream depth)
-  (declare (ignore depth))
-  (format stream "#<Feeb ~S>"
-	  (name (feeb-status structure))))
-(defstruct (proximity
-	    (:conc-name nil))
-  my-square
-  rear-square
-  left-square
-  right-square)
-;;; These image structures are used to represent feebs and fireballs in
-;;; the sensory displays of other feebs.
-(defstruct (feeb-image
-	    (:print-function print-feeb-image)
-	    (:constructor make-feeb-image (name feeb)))
-  (name "" :read-only t)
-  facing
-  (feeb nil :read-only t)
-  peeking)
-(defun print-feeb-image (structure stream depth)
-  (declare (ignore depth))
-  (format stream "#<Feeb-Image of ~S facing ~S>"
-	  (feeb-image-name structure)
-	  (feeb-image-facing structure)))
-(defstruct (fireball-image
-	    (:print-function print-fireball-image)
-	    (:constructor make-fireball-image (direction owner x y dx dy)))
-  direction
-  owner
-  x
-  y
-  dx
-  dy
-  (new t))
-(defun print-fireball-image (structure stream depth)
-  (declare (ignore depth))
-  (format stream "#<Fireball moving ~S>"
-	  (fireball-image-direction structure)))
-(defstruct (pos (:constructor make-pos (x y)))
-  x
-  y)
+;;; The maze
 ;;; Changing the maze
 (defun change-layout (layout)
+  "Changes the layout of the map. See variables
+*maze-0* throw *maze-5* for examples (or options) of layouts"
   (when *feebs-to-be*
     (warn "There are some feebs that have already been defined.
 They could have used (get-maze-map). Those are they:
@@ -246,22 +82,33 @@
 	      (error "Not all the strings in ~a have the same size." layout)))
     (setf *layout* layout
 	  *maze-y-size* y
-	  *maze-x-size* x)))
+	  *maze-x-size* x))
+  (init-maze))
 (defun get-maze-map ()
-  (when *may-get-maze-map-p*
-    (unless (and *maze* *fake-maze*)
-      (init-maze))
-    (let ((new-maze (make-array (list *maze-x-size* *maze-y-size*))))
-      (dotimes (x *maze-x-size*)
-	(dotimes (y *maze-y-size*)
-	  (setf (aref new-maze x y) (aref *fake-maze* x y))))
-      new-maze)))
+  "Gets the current maze in the map. It returns an array
+of *maze-x-size* by *maze-y-size*. Each element of the
+array is one of these:
+ :rock - a wall
+ :mushroom-place - here is a place where mushrooms can grow up
+ :feeb-entry-place - here is a place where a feeb can reincarnate
+ nil - nothing special
+Just remember that variables can change the behavior of this function,
+like *may-get-maze-map-p* which, if nil, makes this function return
+an array of nils"
+  (let ((new-maze (make-array (list *maze-x-size* *maze-y-size*))))
+    (dotimes (x *maze-x-size*)
+      (dotimes (y *maze-y-size*)
+	(setf (aref new-maze x y) (aref *fake-maze* x y))))
+    new-maze)))
 (defun init-maze ()
   (setf *maze* (make-array (list *maze-x-size* *maze-y-size*))
 	*fake-maze* (make-array (list *maze-x-size* *maze-y-size*))
-	*entry-points* nil)
+	*entry-points* nil
+	*mushroom-sites* nil
+	*number-of-mushroom-sites* 0
+	*number-of-entry-points* 0)
   (do ((rows *layout* (cdr rows))
        (i (1- *maze-y-size*) (1- i)))
       ((null rows))
@@ -271,13 +118,17 @@
 	      (aref *fake-maze* j i) nil)
 	(case (schar str j)
-	   (setf (aref *maze* j i) :rock
-		 (aref *fake-maze* j i) :rock))
+	   (setf (aref *fake-maze* j i) (and *may-get-maze-map-p* :rock)
+		 (aref *maze* j i) :rock))
-	   (setf (aref *fake-maze* j i) :mushroom-place)
+	   (setf (aref *fake-maze* j i) (and *may-get-maze-map-p*
+					     :mushroom-place))
+	   (incf *number-of-mushroom-sites*)
 	   (push (make-pos j i) *mushroom-sites*))
-	   (setf (aref *fake-maze* j i) :feeb-entry-place)
+	   (setf (aref *fake-maze* j i) (and *may-get-maze-map-p*
+					     :feeb-entry-place))
+	   (incf *number-of-entry-points*)
 	   (push (make-pos j i) *entry-points*))
 	  (#\space nil)
@@ -294,119 +145,90 @@
 	 (loop for (symbol . value) in (list-parameter-settings)
 	       collect value))
-  (init-maze)
-  (setf *number-of-mushroom-sites* (length *mushroom-sites*)
-	*number-of-entry-points*   (length *entry-points*))
   (create-feebs)) ; The feebs are defined here
-(defun create-mushrooms ()
-  (dotimes (i (- *number-of-mushrooms* (length *mushrooms-alive*) (random 3)))
-    (do ((site (nth (random *number-of-mushroom-sites*) *mushroom-sites*)
-	       (nth (random *number-of-mushroom-sites*) *mushroom-sites*)))
-	((null (aref *maze* (pos-x site) (pos-y site)))
-	 (setf (aref *maze* (pos-x site) (pos-y site)) :mushroom)))))
-;;; Setting up the feebs.
-(defvar *feebs* nil
-  "A list of all the feebs in the current game.")
+;;; Setting up the feebs.
-(defvar *next-feeb-id* 0
-  "A counter used to assign a unique numerical code to each feeb.")
+(defvar *feebs* nil)
 ;;; Define-Feeb builds a list of feebs to create.  Create-Feebs actually
 ;;; builds the feebs on this list.
 (defvar *feebs-to-be* nil)
-(defun define-feeb (name brain &optional prepare graphs)
-  (if (delete-feeb name)
+(defun define-feeb (name brain &optional initializer graphs)
+  "Defines a feeb with name NAME, behavior function BRAIN.
+The INITIALIZER key option must be either a function that
+will be called in the very start of the game, or nil.
+If there is another feeb with the same name, overwrites it
+with a case sensitive test"
+  (when (find name *feebs-to-be* :key #'car
+	      :test #'string= (delete-feeb name))
       (warn "Feeb ~s already exists, deleting..." name))
   (push (list name brain prepare graphs) *feebs-to-be*))
 (defun delete-feeb (name)
-  (not
-   (equal *feebs-to-be*
-	  (setf *feebs-to-be*
-		(remove name *feebs-to-be* :key #'car :test #'string=)))))
+  "Deletes the feeb which has name NAME, causing it not to
+be created when the game begins. Does not work for feebs in
+the game"
+  (setf *feebs-to-be*
+	(remove name *feebs-to-be* :key #'car :test #'string=)))
+(defun list-of-feebs ()
+  "Returns a copy of the list of feebs that will be created
+when the game begins."
+  (loop for (name . rest) in *feebs-to-be*
+	collect name))
+(defun delete-all-feebs ()
+  "Deletes all feebs that are to be defined when the game begins."
+  (setf *feebs-to-be* nil))
 (defun create-feebs ()
-  (flet ((create-feeb (name brain prepare graphs)
-	   (let ((pos (pick-random-entry-point))
-		 (feeb (make-feeb *next-feeb-id* brain)))
-	     (incf *next-feeb-id*)
-	     (setf (feeb-image feeb)
-		    (make-feeb-image name feeb)
-		   (feeb-status feeb)
-		    (make-status name nil); (sdl:load-and-convert-image graphs))
-		   (feeb-proximity feeb)
-		    (make-proximity))
-	     (change-feeb-pos feeb (pos-x pos) (pos-y pos))
-	     (change-feeb-facing feeb (random 4))
-	     (push feeb *feebs*)
-	     (place-object (feeb-image feeb) (pos-x pos) (pos-y pos))
-	     (when prepare
-	       (let (*static-parameters* *fake-maze*)
-		 (funcall prepare))
-	       (check-cheating name)))))
-    (setf *feebs* nil
-	  *next-feeb-id* 0)
-    (dolist (feeb-spec (reverse *feebs-to-be*))
-      (apply #'create-feeb feeb-spec))))
-;;; Start at some randomly chosen entry point.  If this one is occupied,
-;;; scan successive entry points until a winner is found.  Circle back
-;;; to start of list if necessary.
-(defun pick-random-entry-point ()
-  (do ((points (nth (random *number-of-entry-points*) *entry-points*)
-	       (nth (random *number-of-entry-points*) *entry-points*)))
-      (nil)
-    (when (null (aref *maze* (pos-x points)
-		      (pos-y points)))
-      (return points))))
-;;; Movement interface.
-(defun delete-object (thing x y)
-  (when (eq thing :mushroom)
-    (decf *mushrooms-alive*))
-  (setf (aref *maze* x y)
-	(delete thing (aref *maze* x y))))
-(defun place-object (thing x j)
-  (when (eq thing :mushroom)
-    (incf *mushrooms-alive*))
-  (push thing (aref *maze* x j)))
-;;; Functions to change optional structure in status
-(defun change-feeb-pos (feeb x y)
-  (setf (feeb-x-position feeb) x
-	(feeb-y-position feeb) y)
-  (if *sense-location-p*
-      (setf (x-position (feeb-status feeb)) x
-	    (y-position (feeb-status feeb)) y)))
-(defun change-feeb-facing (feeb facing)
-  (setf (feeb-facing feeb)
-;;      ;; use this code to make *sense-facing-p* available
-;;      ;; but be carefull - it does not really work
-;;	(if (or *sense-location-p* *sense-facing-p*)
-;;	    (setf (facing (feeb-status feeb))
-;;		  facing)
-;;	    facing)
-	(setf (facing (feeb-status feeb))
-	      (setf (feeb-image-facing (feeb-image feeb))
-		    facing))))
-(defun kill-feeb (feeb)
-  (setf *dead-feebs* (nconc *dead-feebs* (list feeb))
-	(feeb-dead-p feeb) t)
-  (let* ((status (feeb-status feeb))
-	 (x (feeb-x-position feeb))
-	 (y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
-    (push (list 0 x y) *carcasses*)
-    (incf (score status) *points-for-dying*)
-    (delete-object (feeb-image feeb) x y)
-    (place-object :carcass x y)))
+  (let ((entries (sort *entry-points* #'(lambda (x y)
+					  (declare (ignore x y))
+					  (zerop (random 2))))))
+    (setf *feebs* nil)
+    (dolist (feeb-spec *feebs-to-be*)
+      (let ((pos (pop entries)))
+	(apply 'create-feeb (car pos) (cdr pos) feeb-spec)))))
+(defun play-one-turn ()
+  ;; This is defined by rules
+  (start-turn)
+  ;; Maybe grow up mushrooms
+  (let ((m-sites (sort *mushroom-sites*
+		       #'(lambda (x y)
+			   (declare (ignore x y))
+			   (zerop (random 2))))))
+    (dotimes (i *mushrooms-to-grow*)
+      (let ((site (pop m-sites)))
+	(create-mushroom (car site) (cdr site)))))
+  ;; Rot some carcasses:
+  (loop for carc in *carcasses*
+	with ncarcasses do
+    (unless (rot-carcass (second carc) (third carc) (first carc))
+      (push carc ncarcasses)
+      (incf (first carc))
+      (reincarnate-feeb (pop *dead-feebs*))))
+  ;; Move some fireballs:
+  (dolist (fireball *fireballs-flying*)
+    (move-fireball fireball))
+  ;; Playing with the feebs:
+  (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
+    (unless (feeb-dead-p feeb)
+      ;; Starve the feeb:
+      (when (<= (decf (feeb-energy-reserve feeb)) 0)
+	(kill-feeb feeb :starve))
+      ;; Compute vision for the feeb:
+      (compute-vision feeb)
+      ;; Collect the feeb's move
+      (make-move-choice feeb)))
+  ;; Do all the feebs' moves.
+  (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
+    (unless (feeb-dead-p feeb)
+      (setf (feeb-peeking feeb) nil)
+      (move-feeb feeb (feeb-last-move feeb)))))

Modified: package.lisp
--- package.lisp	(original)
+++ package.lisp	Thu Dec 20 15:16:44 2007
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 (defpackage :feebs
-  (:use :common-lisp)
+  (:use :common-lisp :lispbuilder-sdl :lispbuilder-sdl-image :cffi)
   ;; Export everything we want the players to get their hands on.
   (:export *number-of-feebs* *game-length*
@@ -64,8 +64,10 @@
 	   ;; Probabilities
+	   *fireball-guaranteed-lifetime*
+	   *flame-no-recovery-time*
 	   ;; Difficulty variables
@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@
 	   behind-dx behind-dy
 	   ;; Others
-	   wallp
+	   wallp chance
 	   ;; Graphics for alpha release
 	   simple-play print-map))
@@ -136,6 +138,9 @@
 (defconstant south 2)
 (defconstant west  3)
+;;; This is t if someone call (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'feebs-c-interface)
+(defvar *c-interface-available* nil)
 ;;; Parameters that affect strategy of the game.
@@ -190,8 +195,10 @@
     "XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX            X"
-(defparameter *maze-x-size* 32)
-(defparameter *maze-y-size* 32)
+(defparameter *maze-x-size* 32
+  "Horizontal size of the maze")
+(defparameter *maze-y-size* 32
+  "Vertical size of the maze")
 ;;; Quantities during the game

Modified: system.lisp
--- system.lisp	(original)
+++ system.lisp	Thu Dec 20 15:16:44 2007
@@ -21,26 +21,205 @@
 (in-package :feebs)
-(defun reincarnate-feeb (feeb)
-  (let ((pos (nth (random (length *entry-points*)) *entry-points*))
+;;; We start defining the main system rules by defining the classes
+;;; This class is used by the system
+(defclass object ()
+  ((direction :accessor object-direction)
+   (x-position :accessor object-x-position)
+   (y-position :accessor object-y-position)
+   (lifetime :accessor object-lifetime :initform 0)))
+(defclass feeb (object)
+  (;; These are structures accessible from behavior functions.
+   ;; These (whose :reader start with feeb-image)
+   ;; are intended to be accessed by other feebs
+   (name :accessor feeb-name :reader name :initarg :name
+	 :reader feeb-image-name)
+   (direction :reader facing :reader feeb-image-facing
+	      :initform (random 4))
+   (peeking :accessor feeb-peeking :reader peeking
+	    :reader feeb-image-peeking)
+     ;; These are intended to be accessed only by the feeb itself
+   (x-position :reader x-position :initform 0 :initarg :x-position)
+   (y-position :reader y-position :initform 0 :initarg :y-position)
+   (line-of-sight :accessor feeb-line-of-sight :reader line-of-sight
+		  :initform 0)
+   (energy-reserve :accessor feeb-energy-reserve :reader energy-reserve
+		   :initform *starting-energy*)
+   (ready-to-fire :accessor feeb-ready-to-fire :reader ready-to-fire
+		  :initform t)
+   (aborted :accessor feeb-aborted :reader aborted)
+   (last-move :accessor feeb-last-move :reader last-move
+	      :initform :dead)
+   ;; These are available for the system only
+   (brain :accessor feeb-brain :initarg :brain)
+   (graphics :accessor feeb-graphics :initarg :graphics)
+   (time :accessor feeb-time :initform 0)
+   (last-score :accessor feeb-last-score :initform 0)
+   (last-kills :accessor feeb-last-kills :initform 0)
+   (score :accessor feeb-score :initform 0)
+   (kills :accessor feeb-kills :initform 0)
+   (dead-p :accessor feeb-dead-p)
+   (playing-p :accessor feeb-playing-p)
+   (turns-since-flamed :accessor feeb-turns-since-flamed :initform 0)
+   (proximity :accessor feeb-proximity :initform (make-proximity))
+   (vision :accessor feeb-vision
+	   :initform (make-array (list (max *maze-y-size* *maze-x-size*))))
+   (vision-left :accessor feeb-vision-left
+	   :initform (make-array (list (max *maze-y-size* *maze-x-size*))))
+   (vision-right :accessor feeb-vision-right
+	   :initform (make-array (list (max *maze-y-size* *maze-x-size*))))))
+;;; These make sure that these accessors are just available
+;;; for the feeb itself
+(defmethod name :around ((fb feeb))
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb) ;; check if the feeb itself is accessing its name
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod facing :around ((fb feeb))
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod peeking :around ((fb feeb))
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod graphics :around ((fb feeb))
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod x-position :around ((fb feeb))
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod y-position :around ((fb feeb))
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod line-of-sight :around ((fb feeb))
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod energy-reserve :around ((fb feeb))
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod ready-to-fire :around ((fb feeb))
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod aborted :around ((fb feeb))
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod last-move :around ((fb feeb))
+  (if (feeb-playing-p fb)
+      (call-next-method)))
+;;; Place and delete
+(defun create-mushroom (x y)
+  (unless (member :mushroom (aref *maze* x y))
+    (place-object :mushroom x y)
+    t))
+(defun rot-carcass (x y)
+  (delete-object :carcass x y)
+  t)
+(defun delete-object (thing x y)
+  (when (eq thing :mushroom)
+    (decf *mushrooms-alive*))
+  (setf (aref *maze* x y)
+	(delete thing (aref *maze* x y))))
+(defun place-object (thing x j)
+  (when (eq thing :mushroom)
+    (incf *mushrooms-alive*))
+  (push thing (aref *maze* x j)))
+(defun change-object-pos (obj x y)
+  (delete-object obj (object-x-position obj)
+		 (object-y-position obj))
+  (place-object obj x y)
+  (setf (object-x-position obj) x
+	(object-y-position obj) y))
+(defun get-forward-pos (object)
+  (let ((new-x (+ (forward-dx (object-direction object))
+		  (object-x-position object)))
+	(new-y (+ (forward-dy (object-direction object))
+		  (object-y-position object))))
+    (values (aref *maze* new-x new-y) new-x new-y)))
+;;; --**-- System Rules --**--
+;;; -*- General Rules -*-
+(defmethod start-round ()
+  t)
+(defmethod start-turn ()
+  t)
+(defmethod create-feeb (x-pos y-pos name brain prepare graphs)
+  (let ((feeb (make-instance 'feeb
+			     :name name
+			     :brain brain
+			     :graphics (if graphs
+					   (sdl:load-and-convert-image graphs))
+			     :x-position x-pos
+			     :y-position y-pos)))
+    (push feeb *feebs*)
+    (place-object (feeb-image feeb) x-pos y-pos)
+    (when prepare
+      (funcall prepare))))
+;;; -*- Dying and Killing -*-
+;;; Reincarnating
+(defmethod reincarnate-feeb ((feeb feeb))
+  (let ((pos (nth (random *number-of-entry-points*) *entry-points*))
 	(status (feeb-status feeb)))
-    (place-object (feeb-image feeb)
-		  (pos-x pos) (pos-y pos))
-    (change-feeb-pos feeb (pos-x pos) (pos-y pos))
-    (change-feeb-facing feeb (random 4))
-    (setf (feeb-dead-p feeb) nil
+    (change-object-pos feeb (pos-x pos) (pos-y pos))
+    (setf (feeb-facing feeb) (random 4)
+	  (feeb-dead-p feeb) nil
 	  (ready-to-fire status) t
 	  (energy-reserve status) *starting-energy*
 	  (last-move status) :dead)))
+;;; Dying
+(defmethod destroy-object ((feeb feeb) cause)
+  (setf *dead-feebs* (nconc *dead-feebs* (list feeb))
+	(feeb-dead-p feeb) t)
+  (let* ((status (feeb-status feeb))
+	 (x (feeb-x-position feeb))
+	 (y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
+    (push (list 0 x y) *carcasses*)
+    (delete-object (feeb-image feeb) x y)
+    (place-object :carcass x y)))
-;;; Vision calculation.
-;;; These guys tell us offsets given an orientation.
+;;; -*- Vision Calculation -*-
+;;; Computes what the feeb is seeing
 (defun compute-vision (feeb)
-  (let ((status (feeb-status feeb))
-	(proximity (feeb-proximity feeb))
+  (let ((proximity (feeb-proximity feeb))
 	(vision (feeb-vision feeb))
 	(vision-left (feeb-vision-left feeb))
 	(vision-right (feeb-vision-right feeb))
@@ -62,7 +241,7 @@
     (setf x (+ x (forward-dx facing))
 	  y (+ y (forward-dy facing)))
     ;; Figure out which direction to scan in.
-    (case (peeking status)
+    (case (feeb-peeking feeb)
       (:left (setf facing (left-of facing)))
       (:right (setf facing (right-of facing))))
     (setf vision-dx (forward-dx facing)
@@ -92,213 +271,119 @@
 ;;; A peeking feeb must be facing in the specified direction in order to count.
 (defun side-imagify (stuff facing)
-  (cond
-    ((wallp stuff)
-     stuff)
-    ((find-if #'(lambda (thing)
-		  (and (feeb-image-p thing)
-		       (peeking (feeb-status (feeb-image-feeb thing)))
-		       (= facing (feeb-image-facing thing))
-		       (setf facing thing)))
-	      stuff)
-     (peeking (feeb-status (feeb-image-feeb facing))))
-    (t nil)))
-;;; Movement.
-;;; Each turn, the following stuff has to happen:
-;;;	1. Bump the turn counter; end the game if we should.
-;;;	2. Maybe grow some mushrooms.
-;;;	3. Maybe disappear some carcasses.
-;;;	4. Move fireballs around.
-;;;	5. See if any feebs have starved.
-;;;	6. See if any feebs can flame again.
-;;;	7. Compute vision and stuff for feebs.
-;;;	8. Collect the feebs' moves.
-;;;	9. Do the feeb's moves.
-(defun play-one-turn ()
-  ;; Grow some mushrooms:
-  (dotimes (x (- *number-of-mushrooms* *mushrooms-alive*))
-    (let* ((site (nth (random *number-of-mushroom-sites*) *mushroom-sites*))
-	   (x (pos-x site))
-	   (y (pos-y site)))
-      (unless (member :mushroom (aref *maze* x y))
-	(place-object :mushroom x y))))
-  ;; Rot some carcasses:
-  (dolist (carc *carcasses*)
-    (when (and
-	   (> (incf (first carc) *carcass-guaranteed-lifetime*))
-	   (chance *carcass-rot-probability*))
-      (delete-object :carcass (second carc) (third carc))
-      (setf *carcasses* (delete carc *carcasses*))
-      (if *dead-feebs*
-	  (reincarnate-feeb (pop *dead-feebs*)))))
-  ;; Move some fireballs:
-  (dolist (fireball *fireballs-flying*)
-    (move-one-fireball fireball))
-  ;; Starve some feebs:
-  (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
-    (unless (feeb-dead-p feeb)
-      (when (<= (decf (energy-reserve (feeb-status feeb))) 0)
-	(kill-feeb feeb))))
-  ;; Let some feebs regain the power to flame:
-  (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
-    (unless (and (feeb-dead-p feeb)
-		 (ready-to-fire (feeb-status feeb)))
-      (when (and (> (incf (feeb-turns-since-flamed feeb))
-		    1)
-		 (chance *flame-recovery-probability*))
-	(setf (ready-to-fire (feeb-status feeb)) t))))
-  ;; Collect all the feebs' moves, keeping track of the time each one takes.
-  (let ((total-time 1))
-    (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
-      (unless (feeb-dead-p feeb)
-	(compute-vision feeb) ; Compute vision for all the feeb.
-	(let ((time (get-internal-real-time)))
-	  (let ( *static-parameters* *fake-maze*)
-	    (setf (last-move (feeb-status feeb))
-		  (funcall (feeb-brain feeb)
-			   (feeb-status feeb)
-			   (feeb-proximity feeb)
-			   (feeb-vision feeb)
-			   (feeb-vision-left feeb)
-			   (feeb-vision-right feeb))
-		  time (- (get-internal-real-time) time)))
-	  (incf total-time time)
-	  (setf (feeb-time feeb) time))))
-    ;; Do all the feebs' moves, or perhaps abort the move according
-    ;; to the time taken by the feeb.
-    (setf total-time (float total-time))
-    (dolist (feeb *feebs*)
-      (unless (feeb-dead-p feeb)
-	(if (and *slow-feeb-noop-switch*
-		 (< (random 1.0)
-		    (* *slow-feeb-noop-factor*
-		       (/ (float (feeb-time feeb))
-			  (or *reference-time* total-time)))))
-	    (progn
-	      (setf (aborted (feeb-status feeb)) t)
-	      (incf (score (feeb-status feeb)) *points-for-slow-down*))
-	    (progn
-	      (setf (aborted (feeb-status feeb)) nil)
-	      (do-move feeb (last-move (feeb-status feeb)))))
-	;; Make the image consistent with the feeb.
-	(setf (feeb-image-facing (feeb-image feeb))
-	       (feeb-facing feeb))))))
-(defun move-one-fireball (fireball)
-  (let ((x (fireball-image-x fireball))
-	(y (fireball-image-y fireball)))
-    ;; Remove fireball from current square, unless it is new.
-    (if (fireball-image-new fireball)
-	(setf (fireball-image-new fireball) nil)
-	(delete-object fireball x y))
-    ;; The fireball might dissipate.
-    (when (chance *fireball-dissipation-probability*)
-	  (setq *fireballs-flying* (delete fireball *fireballs-flying*))
-	  (return-from move-one-fireball nil))
-    ;; Now move it to new coordinates.
-    (incf x (fireball-image-dx fireball))
-    (incf y (fireball-image-dy fireball))
+  (if (wallp stuff)
+      stuff
+      (loop for thing in stuff
+	    and elt = (and (feeb-image-p thing)
+			   (= facing (feeb-image-facing thing))
+			   (feeb-image-peeking thing))
+	    if elt
+	       return it)))
+(defparameter *mushrooms-to-grow* 0)
+(defun number-of-mushrooms (n)
+  (setf *mushrooms-to-grow* n))
+;;; Lets the feeb make a choice
+(defmethod make-move-choice ((feeb feeb))
+  (setf (last-move (feeb-status feeb))
+	(funcall (feeb-brain feeb)
+		 (feeb-status feeb)
+		 (feeb-proximity feeb)
+		 (feeb-vision feeb)
+		 (feeb-vision-left feeb)
+		 (feeb-vision-right feeb))))
+;;; Moves the fireball
+(defmethod make-move ((fireball fireball))
+  ;; move it to new coordinates.
+  (let ((x (incf (fireball-x fireball)
+		 (forward-dx (fireball-direction fireball))))
+	(y (incf (fireball-y fireball)
+		 (forward-dy (fireball-direction fireball)))))
     ;; If it hits rock, either reflect or dissipate.
     (when (wallp (aref *maze* x y))
-      (cond ((chance *fireball-reflection-probability*)
-	     (setf (fireball-image-dx fireball)
-		   (- (fireball-image-dx fireball)))
-	     (setf (fireball-image-dy fireball)
-		   (- (fireball-image-dy fireball)))
-	     (setf (fireball-image-direction fireball)
-		   (behind (fireball-image-direction fireball)))
-	     (setq x (fireball-image-x fireball))
-	     (setq y (fireball-image-y fireball)))
-	    (t (setq *fireballs-flying*
-		     (delete fireball *fireballs-flying*))
-	       (return-from move-one-fireball nil))))
+      (if (and (> (incf (fireball-age fireball))
+		  *fireball-guaranteed-lifetime*)
+	       (chance *fireball-reflection-probability*))
+	  (setf (fireball-direction fireball)
+		(behind (fireball-direction fireball))
+		x (fireball-x fireball)
+		y (fireball-y fireball))
+	  (progn
+	    (setf *fireballs-flying*
+		  (delete fireball *fireballs-flying*))
+	    (return-from move-one-fireball))))
     ;; Now put the fireball into the new square.
-    (setf (fireball-image-x fireball) x)
-    (setf (fireball-image-y fireball) y)
-    (place-object fireball x y)
-    ;; And destroy whatever is there.
-    (delete-object :mushroom x y)
-    (dolist (thing (aref *maze* x y))
-      (if (feeb-image-p thing)
-	  (score-kill fireball (feeb-image-feeb thing))))))
-;;; The fireball kills the feeb.  Update score for killer and victims.
-;;; No credit for the kill if you shoot yourself.
-(defun score-kill (fireball feeb)
-  (unless (eq (fireball-image-owner fireball) feeb)
-    (incf (score (feeb-status (fireball-image-owner fireball)))
-	  *points-for-killing*)
-    (incf (kills (feeb-status (fireball-image-owner fireball)))))
-  (kill-feeb feeb))
+    (setf (fireball-x fireball) x
+	  (fireball-y fireball) y)
+    (change-object-pos fireball x y)))
 ;;; Doing feeb moves.
-(defun do-move (feeb move)
-  (let ((status (feeb-status feeb))
-	(facing (feeb-facing feeb)))
-    ;; Peeking gets undone every move.
+(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :turn-right)))
+  (setf (feeb-facing feeb) (right-of facing)) (call-next-method))
+(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :turn-around)))
+  (setf (feeb-facing feeb) (behind facing)) (call-next-method))
+(defmethod make-move (object (move (eql :move-forward)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (stuff new-x new-y) (get-forward-pos object)
+    (when (wallp stuff)
+      (return-from make-move nil))
+    (change-object-pos object new-x new-y)
+    (let ((thing (find-if #'fireball-image-p stuff)))
+      (when thing (kill-feeb feeb thing)
+	    (return-from make-move t))))
+  (call-next-method))
+(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :flame)))
+  (let ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
+	(y (feeb-y-position feeb))
+	(fireball
+	 (make-fireball-image (feeb-facing feeb)
+			      feeb x y (forward-dx facing)
+			      (forward-dy facing))))
+    (push fireball *fireballs-flying*))
+  (call-next-method))
+(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :eat-mushroom)))
+  (let ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
+	(y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
+    (when (member :mushroom (aref *maze* x y))
+      (delete-object :mushroom x y)
+      t)))
+(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :eat-carcass)))
+  (let ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
+	(y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
+    (when (member :carcass (aref *maze* x y))
+      t)))
+(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :peek-left)))
+  (unless
+      (wallp
+       (aref *maze* (+ (feeb-x-position feeb)
+		       (forward-dx (feeb-facing feeb)))
+	     (+ (feeb-y-position feeb)
+		(forward-dy (feeb-facing feeb)))))
+    (setf (peeking status)
+	  (setf (feeb-image-peeking (feeb-image feeb)) move)))
+  (call-next-method))
+(defmethod make-move ((feeb feeb) (move (eql :peek-right)))
+  (unless
+      (wallp
+       (aref *maze* (+ (feeb-x-position feeb)
+		       (forward-dx (feeb-facing feeb)))
+	     (+ (feeb-y-position feeb)
+		(forward-dy (feeb-facing feeb)))))
     (setf (peeking status)
-	  (setf (feeb-image-peeking (feeb-image feeb)) nil))
-    (case move
-      (:turn-left
-       (change-feeb-facing feeb (left-of facing)))
-      (:turn-right
-       (change-feeb-facing feeb (right-of facing)))
-      (:turn-around
-       (change-feeb-facing feeb (behind facing)))
-      (:move-forward
-       (let* ((old-x (feeb-x-position feeb))
-	      (old-y (feeb-y-position feeb))
-	      (new-x (+ (forward-dx facing) old-x))
-	      (new-y (+ (forward-dy facing) old-y))
-	      (stuff (aref *maze* new-x new-y)))
-	 (when (wallp stuff)
-	   (return-from do-move nil))
-	 (delete-object (feeb-image feeb) old-x old-y)
-	 (change-feeb-pos feeb new-x new-y)
-	 (place-object (feeb-image feeb) new-x new-y)
-	 ;; Look for a fireball in the destination square.
-	 (let ((thing (find-if #'fireball-image-p stuff)))
-	   (when thing
-	     (score-kill thing feeb)
-	     (return-from do-move nil)))))
-      (:flame
-       (when (ready-to-fire status)
-	 (let* ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
-		(y (feeb-y-position feeb))
-		(fireball (make-fireball-image
-			   facing feeb x y
-			   (forward-dx facing) (forward-dy facing))))
-	   ;; Queue the fireball, marked as new, but don't put it on map yet.
-	   (push fireball *fireballs-flying*)
-	   (decf (energy-reserve status) *flame-energy*)
-	   (setf (ready-to-fire status) nil)
-	   (setf (feeb-turns-since-flamed feeb) 0))))
-      (:eat-mushroom
-       (let* ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
-	      (y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
-	 (when (member :mushroom (aref *maze* x y))
-	   (delete-object :mushroom x y)
-	   (setf (energy-reserve status)
-		 (min (+ (energy-reserve status) *mushroom-energy*)
-		      *maximum-energy*)))))
-      (:eat-carcass
-       (let* ((x (feeb-x-position feeb))
-	      (y (feeb-y-position feeb)))
-	 (when (member :carcass (aref *maze* x y))
-	   (setf (energy-reserve status)
-		 (min (+ (energy-reserve status) *carcass-energy*)
-		      *maximum-energy*)))))
-      ((:peek-left :peek-right)
-       (unless (wallp (aref *maze* (+ (feeb-x-position feeb)
-				      (forward-dx facing))
-			         (+ (feeb-y-position feeb)
-				    (forward-dy facing))))
-	 (setf (peeking status)
-	       (setf (feeb-image-peeking (feeb-image feeb)) move))))
-      (:wait nil)
-      (t (warn "Unknown feeb movement: ~a." move)))))
+	  (setf (feeb-image-peeking (feeb-image feeb)) move)))
+  (call-next-method))

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