Hi list,<br><br>Thank you very much for your work on Hunchentoot. It's one of my top Lisp tools! After upgrading to 1.0.0 and trying to port and run some of my apps I found several issues, which might use some looking at :)<br>
<ul><li>stream returned by send-headers is binary now. It used to be a flexi stream.It might be worth mentioning in the documentation that it's necessary to wrap it in flexi stream to write character sequences</li><li>
do-sessions is gone and *session-db* is internal to hunchentoot</li><li>*catch-errors-p* is gone and *http-error-handler* is called with HTTP code only (for error page customisation only?). Not-catching lisp errors by hunchentoot was excellent for debugging</li>
<li>calling reset-sessions outside of request context complains about *acceptor* not being set<br></li></ul>Thanks again, and all the best to you :)<br><br>Best Regards, /S<br>