yet another session problem
Faruk S. Can
farukscan at
Thu Mar 20 21:08:34 UTC 2014
no offense.
I need help on hunchentoot session topic.
whether I am doing a very simple mistake,
or there is an issue.
I do not need do not send your code
and beg for help to solicit help
as somebody has told days before
this is very basically should work as I am expecting.
It is very simple.
to ensure installs are done:
(ql:quickload '(:hunchentoot))
(hunchentoot:start (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor :port 5050))
(defun f ()
(let ((username (hunchentoot:parameter "username")))
(setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'sessu) username)
(hunchentoot:session-value 'sessu)))
(push (hunchentoot:create-prefix-dispatcher "/l" 'f)
(push (hunchentoot:create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler "/"
"/Users/faruk/desktop/page.html") hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
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