hunchentoot serving manifest files, ie. .appcache files.

Left Right olegsivokon at
Fri Feb 28 16:03:37 UTC 2014

You could (setf (gethash "manifest" tbnl::*mime-type-hash*)
"text/cache-manifest") to address the immediate issue, however, since
this symbol isn't exported, maybe there was a different plan for
adding more mime-types.

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:53 PM, Faruk S. Can <farukscan at> wrote:
> how to serve manifest files, ie. .appcache files wit hunchentoot?
> (mime-type #p"path/to/anifest/file")
> nil
> is there a way to do?
> or is it jsut enough to proxy with apache or nginx front and configure those
> to serve manifest files, as it is noted in w3schools html5- appcache topic?
> before i try myself, just asked to bring it to attention for possible
> renewing improvements to the hunchentoot.

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