[hunchentoot-devel] edicl & Quicklisp - formal release tarballs or production-ready master branches?

Edi Weitz edi at weitz.de
Fri Sep 9 18:02:59 UTC 2011

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 7:49 PM, Sebastian Tennant
<sebyte at smolny.plus.com> wrote:

> Incidentally, the library I'd actually like to see updated soonest is cl-who as
> the version in Quicklisp doesn't include support for HTML5.
> Perhaps I could assist with 'releasing' an updated version of cl-who as a
> warm-up to assisting you with a hunchentoot release?

It's been a while (maybe two years ago), so I'm not totally sure, but
I /think/ the unreleased version of CL-WHO contains architectural
changes of mine which so far haven't been sufficiently documented
and/or tested.  You might want to take a look at this before you make
a release.

Just a recommendation.  Of course, you can proceed as you like... :)


PS: cl-who-devel on Cc.

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