[hunchentoot-devel] Hunchentootin in the quicklisp repository?

Zach Beane xach at xach.com
Sat Jun 11 19:39:20 UTC 2011

Paul Harper <pauljharper at gmail.com> writes:

> Thanks guys
> it does seem to be there.. Thing is I was trying system-apropos with
> "hunchentoot", also with "http" and got nothing. 
> Of course on windows I get the following messages (when trying to download
> cl+ssl) and it seems I must download a libssl32.dll from 'shining light' .. Is
> this the recommended way to go?

(ql:system-apropos "hunchentoot") should return several items - maybe
you had a typo?

If you don't want SSL support, you can do this before loading Hunchentoot:

  (pushnew :hunchentoot-no-ssl *features*)


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