[hunchentoot-devel] Timing out when reading long post requests?

Oleg Sivokon olegsivokon at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 15:10:30 UTC 2011

Hi Hans, thanks for reply. The client is Flash, I'm pretty confident about
the content (I could trace it with tcpdump, so that's not the issue). I've
also tried (cxml:parse-octets (hunchentoot:raw-post-data :request
hunchentoot:*request* :force-binary t), and it worked just as I would expect
it. So it's either CXML is doing something strange with the stream, or I'm
supposed to do something with the stream before (or after) giving it to
CXML, or there's a chance something isn't right with stream produced by
So, would you have an idea of how would I verify that? It's not really a
life and death issue, since I believe I could survive with string instead of
stream, but just to educate myself, I'd like to know :)


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