[hunchentoot-devel] Proposed Hunchentoot patch to add soft shutdown feature

Daniel Weinreb dlw at itasoftware.com
Tue Feb 8 22:25:39 UTC 2011

The following patch adds a feature to Hunchentoot
called "soft shutdown" or "soft stop".  It provides
a way to shut down the Hunchentoot server, but
only after any pending requests have been
processed (including sending back the reply).

Is this OK to add to the official Hunchentoot?


-- Dan


*** /ita/hunchentoot/hunchentoot-1.1.1/acceptor.lisp	2010-08-22 15:33:01.000000000 -0400
--- /ita/work/four/qres/lisp/libs/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp	2011-02-07 15:41:35.000000000 -0500
*** 122,127 ****
--- 125,143 ----
                          :accessor acceptor-shutdown-p
                          :documentation "A flag that makes the acceptor
  shutdown itself when set to something other than NIL.")
+    (requests-in-progress :initform 0
+                          :accessor accessor-requests-in-progress
+                          :documentation "The number of
+ requests currently in progress.")
+    (shutdown-queue :initform (make-condition-variable)
+                    :accessor acceptor-shutdown-queue
+                    :documentation "A condition variable
+ used with soft shutdown, signaled when all requests
+ have been processed.")
+    (shutdown-lock :initform (make-lock "hunchentoot-acceptor-shutdown")
+                   :accessor acceptor-shutdown-lock
+                   :documentation "The lock protecting the shutdown-queue
+ condition variable and the requests-in-progress counter.")
     (access-logger :initarg :access-logger
                    :accessor acceptor-access-logger
                    :documentation "Designator for a function to call to
*** 183,191 ****
    (:documentation "Starts the ACCEPTOR so that it begins accepting
  connections.  Returns the acceptor."))
! (defgeneric stop (acceptor)
    (:documentation "Stops the ACCEPTOR so that it no longer accepts
! requests."))
  (defgeneric start-listening (acceptor)
    (:documentation "Sets up a listen socket for the given ACCEPTOR and
--- 199,209 ----
    (:documentation "Starts the ACCEPTOR so that it begins accepting
  connections.  Returns the acceptor."))
! (defgeneric stop (acceptor &key soft)
    (:documentation "Stops the ACCEPTOR so that it no longer accepts
! requests.  If SOFT is true, and there are any requests in progress,
! wait until all requests are fully processed, but meanwhile do
! not accept new requests."))
  (defgeneric start-listening (acceptor)
    (:documentation "Sets up a listen socket for the given ACCEPTOR and
*** 251,262 ****
      (execute-acceptor taskmaster))
! (defmethod stop ((acceptor acceptor))
    (setf (acceptor-shutdown-p acceptor) t)
    (shutdown (acceptor-taskmaster acceptor))
!   #-:lispworks
!   (usocket:socket-close (acceptor-listen-socket acceptor))
!   #-:lispworks
    (setf (acceptor-listen-socket acceptor) nil)
--- 269,285 ----
      (execute-acceptor taskmaster))
! (defmethod stop ((acceptor acceptor) &key soft)
    (setf (acceptor-shutdown-p acceptor) t)
    (shutdown (acceptor-taskmaster acceptor))
!   (when soft
!     (with-lock-held ((acceptor-shutdown-lock acceptor))
!       (when (plusp (accessor-requests-in-progress acceptor))
!         (condition-variable-wait (acceptor-shutdown-queue acceptor) 
!                                  (acceptor-shutdown-lock acceptor)))))
!   (#+:lispworks close
!    #-:lispworks usocket:socket-close
!    (acceptor-listen-socket acceptor))
    (setf (acceptor-listen-socket acceptor) nil)
*** 328,346 ****
  chunked encoding, but acceptor is configured to not use it.")))))
                  (multiple-value-bind (remote-addr remote-port)
                      (get-peer-address-and-port socket)
                    (process-request (make-instance (acceptor-request-class *acceptor*)
!                                       :acceptor *acceptor*
!                                       :remote-addr remote-addr
!                                       :remote-port remote-port
!                                       :headers-in headers-in
!                                       :content-stream *hunchentoot-stream*
!                                       :method method
!                                       :uri url-string
!                                       :server-protocol protocol))))
                (force-output *hunchentoot-stream*)
                (setq *hunchentoot-stream* (reset-connection-stream *acceptor* *hunchentoot-stream*))
                (when *close-hunchentoot-stream*
        (when *hunchentoot-stream*
          ;; as we are at the end of the request here, we ignore all
          ;; errors that may occur while flushing and/or closing the
--- 351,379 ----
  chunked encoding, but acceptor is configured to not use it.")))))
                  (multiple-value-bind (remote-addr remote-port)
                      (get-peer-address-and-port socket)
+                   (with-lock-held ((acceptor-shutdown-lock *acceptor*))
+                     (incf (accessor-requests-in-progress *acceptor*)))
                    (process-request (make-instance (acceptor-request-class *acceptor*)
!                                      :acceptor *acceptor*
!                                      :remote-addr remote-addr
!                                      :remote-port remote-port
!                                      :headers-in headers-in
!                                      :content-stream *hunchentoot-stream*
!                                      :method method
!                                      :uri url-string
!                                      :server-protocol protocol)))
!                 )
                (force-output *hunchentoot-stream*)
                (setq *hunchentoot-stream* (reset-connection-stream *acceptor* *hunchentoot-stream*))
                (when *close-hunchentoot-stream*
+       ;; When we are finished processing the request:
+       (with-lock-held ((acceptor-shutdown-lock *acceptor*))
+         (decf (accessor-requests-in-progress *acceptor*))
+         (when (acceptor-shutdown-p *acceptor*)
+           (condition-variable-signal (acceptor-shutdown-queue *acceptor*))))
        (when *hunchentoot-stream*
          ;; as we are at the end of the request here, we ignore all
          ;; errors that may occur while flushing and/or closing the
*** /ita/hunchentoot/hunchentoot-1.1.1/taskmaster.lisp	2010-08-22 15:33:01.000000000 -0400
--- /ita/work/four/qres/lisp/libs/hunchentoot/taskmaster.lisp	2011-02-03 14:17:16.000000000 -0500
*** 27,32 ****
--- 27,34 ----
+ #+xcvb (module (:depends-on ("conditions")))
  (in-package :hunchentoot)
  (defclass taskmaster ()
*** 60,65 ****
--- 62,117 ----
  might terminate all threads that are currently associated with it.
  This function is called by the acceptor's STOP method."))
+ (defgeneric create-taskmaster-thread (taskmaster socket)
+   (:documentation 
+    "Create a new thread in which to process the request.
+     This thread will call PROCESS-CONNECTION to process the request."))
+ (defgeneric too-many-taskmaster-requests (taskmaster socket)
+   (:documentation 
+    "Signal a \"too many requests\" error, just prior to closing the connection."))
+ (defgeneric taskmaster-max-thread-count (taskmaster)
+   (:documentation
+    "The maximum number of request threads this taskmaster will simultaneously
+     run before refusing or queueing new connections requests.  If the value
+     is null, then there is no limit.")
+   (:method ((taskmaster taskmaster))
+     "Default method -- no limit on the number of threads."
+     nil))
+ (defgeneric taskmaster-max-accept-count (taskmaster)
+   (:documentation
+    "The maximum number of connections this taskmaster will accept before refusing
+     new connections.  If supplied, this must be greater than MAX-THREAD-COUNT.
+     The number of queued requests is the difference between MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT
+     and MAX-THREAD-COUNT.")
+   (:method ((taskmaster taskmaster))
+     "Default method -- no limit on the number of connections."
+     nil))
+ (defgeneric taskmaster-request-count (taskmaster)
+   (:documentation
+    "Returns the current number of taskmaster requests.")
+   (:method ((taskmaster taskmaster))
+     "Default method -- claim there is one connection thread."
+     1))
+ (defgeneric increment-taskmaster-request-count (taskmaster)
+   (:documentation
+    "Atomically increment the number of taskmaster requests.")
+   (:method  ((taskmaster taskmaster))
+     "Default method -- do nothing."
+     nil))
+ (defgeneric decrement-taskmaster-request-count (taskmaster)
+   (:documentation
+    "Atomically decrement the number of taskmaster requests")
+   (:method ((taskmaster taskmaster))
+     "Default method -- do nothing."
+     nil))
  (defclass single-threaded-taskmaster (taskmaster)
    (:documentation "A taskmaster that runs synchronously in the thread
*** 78,96 ****
    ;; in a single-threaded environment we just call PROCESS-CONNECTION
    (process-connection (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) socket))
  (defclass one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster (taskmaster)
!    (acceptor-process :accessor acceptor-process
!                      :documentation "A process that accepts incoming
! connections and hands them off to new processes for request
! handling."))
    (:documentation "A taskmaster that starts one thread for listening
! to incoming requests and one thread for each incoming connection.
  This is the default taskmaster implementation for multi-threaded Lisp
! ;; usocket implementation
  (defmethod shutdown ((taskmaster taskmaster))
--- 130,271 ----
    ;; in a single-threaded environment we just call PROCESS-CONNECTION
    (process-connection (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) socket))
+ (defvar *default-max-thread-count* 100)
+ (defvar *default-max-accept-count* (+ *default-max-thread-count* 20))
+ ;; You might think it would be nice to provide a taskmaster that takes
+ ;; threads out of a thread pool.  There are two things to consider:
+ ;;  - On a 2010-ish Linux box, thread creation takes less than 250 microseconds.
+ ;;  - Bordeaux Threads doesn't provide a way to "reset" and restart a thread,
+ ;;    and it's not clear how many Lisp implementations can do this.
+ ;; So for now, we leave this out of the mix.
  (defclass one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster (taskmaster)
!    (acceptor-process
!     :accessor acceptor-process
!     :documentation
!     "A process that accepts incoming connections and hands them off to new processes
!      for request handling.")
!    ;; Support for bounding the number of threads we'll create
!    (max-thread-count
!     :type (or integer null)
!     :initarg :max-thread-count
!     :initform nil
!     :accessor taskmaster-max-thread-count
!     :documentation 
!     "The maximum number of request threads this taskmaster will simultaneously
!      run before refusing or queueing new connections requests.  If the value
!      is null, then there is no limit.")
!    (max-accept-count
!     :type (or integer null)
!     :initarg :max-accept-count
!     :initform nil
!     :accessor taskmaster-max-accept-count
!     :documentation
!     "The maximum number of connections this taskmaster will accept before refusing
!      new connections.  If supplied, this must be greater than MAX-THREAD-COUNT.
!      The number of queued requests is the difference between MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT
!      and MAX-THREAD-COUNT.")
!    (request-count
!     :type integer
!     :initform 0
!     :accessor taskmaster-request-count
!     :documentation
!     "The number of taskmaster threads currently running.")
!    (request-count-lock
!     :initform (make-lock "taskmaster-request-count")
!     :reader taskmaster-request-count-lock
!     :documentation
!     "In the absence of 'atomic-incf', we need this to atomically
!      increment and decrement the request count.")
!    (wait-queue
!     :initform (make-condition-variable)
!     :reader taskmaster-wait-queue
!     :documentation
!     "A queue that we use to wait for a free connection.")
!    (wait-lock
!     :initform (make-lock "taskmaster-thread-lock")
!     :reader taskmaster-wait-lock
!     :documentation
!     "The lock for the connection wait queue.")
!    (worker-thread-name-format
!     :type (or string null)
!     :initarg :worker-thread-name-format
!     :initform "hunchentoot-worker-~A"
!     :accessor taskmaster-worker-thread-name-format))
!   (:default-initargs
!    :max-thread-count *default-max-thread-count*
!    :max-accept-count *default-max-accept-count*)
    (:documentation "A taskmaster that starts one thread for listening
! to incoming requests and one new thread for each incoming connection.
! If MAX-THREAD-COUNT is null, a new thread will always be created for
! each request.
! If MAX-THREAD-COUNT is supplied, the number of request threads is
! limited to that.  Furthermore, if MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT is not supplied, an
! HTTP 503 will be sent if the thread limit is exceeded.  Otherwise, if
! MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT is supplied, it must be greater than MAX-THREAD-COUNT;
! in this case, requests are accepted up to MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT, and only
! then is HTTP 503 sent.
! In a load-balanced environment with multiple Hunchentoot servers, it's
! reasonable to provide MAX-THREAD-COUNT but leave MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT null.
! This will immediately result in HTTP 503 when one server is out of
! resources, so the load balancer can try to find another server.
! In an environment with a single Hunchentoot server, it's reasonable
! to provide both MAX-THREAD-COUNT and a somewhat larger value for
! MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT.  This will cause a server that's almost out of
! resources to wait a bit; if the server is completely out of resources,
! then the reply will be HTTP 503.
  This is the default taskmaster implementation for multi-threaded Lisp
! (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) &rest init-args)
!   "Ensure the if MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT is supplied, that it is greater than MAX-THREAD-COUNT."
!   (declare (ignore init-args))
!   (when (taskmaster-max-accept-count taskmaster)
!     (unless (taskmaster-max-thread-count taskmaster)
!       (parameter-error "MAX-THREAD-COUNT must be supplied if MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT is supplied"))
!     (unless (> (taskmaster-max-accept-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-thread-count taskmaster))
!       (parameter-error "MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT must be greater than MAX-THREAD-COUNT"))))
! (defmethod increment-taskmaster-request-count ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster))
!   (when (taskmaster-max-thread-count taskmaster)
!     (with-lock-held ((taskmaster-request-count-lock taskmaster))
!       (incf (taskmaster-request-count taskmaster)))))
! (defmethod decrement-taskmaster-request-count ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster))
!   (when (taskmaster-max-thread-count taskmaster)
!     (prog1
!         (with-lock-held ((taskmaster-request-count-lock taskmaster))
!           (decf (taskmaster-request-count taskmaster)))
!       (when (and (taskmaster-max-accept-count taskmaster)
!                  (< (taskmaster-request-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-accept-count taskmaster)))
!         (note-free-connection taskmaster)))))
! (defmethod note-free-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster))
!   "Note that a connection has been freed up"
!   (with-lock-held ((taskmaster-wait-lock taskmaster))
!     (condition-variable-signal (taskmaster-wait-queue taskmaster))))
! (defmethod wait-for-free-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster))
!   "Wait for a connection to be freed up"
!   (with-lock-held ((taskmaster-wait-lock taskmaster))
!     (loop until (< (taskmaster-request-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-thread-count taskmaster))
!           do (condition-variable-wait (taskmaster-wait-queue taskmaster) (taskmaster-wait-lock taskmaster)))))
! (defmethod too-many-taskmaster-requests ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) socket)
!   (declare (ignore socket))
!   (let* ((acceptor (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster))
!          (logger (and acceptor (acceptor-message-logger acceptor))))
!     (when logger
!       (funcall logger :warning "Can't handle a new request, too many request threads already"))))
! ;;; usocket implementation
  (defmethod shutdown ((taskmaster taskmaster))
*** 108,123 ****
  (defmethod execute-acceptor ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster))
    (setf (acceptor-process taskmaster)
!         (bt:make-thread (lambda ()
!                           (accept-connections (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
!                         :name (format nil "Hunchentoot listener \(~A:~A)"
!                                       (or (acceptor-address (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)) "*")
!                                       (acceptor-port (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster))))))
  (defun client-as-string (socket)
    "A helper function which returns the client's address and port as a
! string and tries to act robustly in the presence of network problems."
    (let ((address (usocket:get-peer-address socket))
          (port (usocket:get-peer-port socket)))
      (when (and address port)
--- 283,348 ----
  (defmethod execute-acceptor ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster))
    (setf (acceptor-process taskmaster)
!         (bt:make-thread
!          (lambda ()
!            (accept-connections (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
!          :name (format nil "hunchentoot-listener-~A:~A"
!                        (or (acceptor-address (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)) "*")
!                        (acceptor-port (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster))))))
! #-:lispworks
! (defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) socket)
!   ;; Here's the idea, with the stipulations given in ONE-THREAD-PER-CONNECTION-TASKMASTER
!   ;;  - If MAX-THREAD-COUNT is null, just start a taskmaster
!   ;;  - If the connection count will exceed MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT or if MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT
!   ;;    is null and the connection count will exceed MAX-THREAD-COUNT,
!   ;;    return an HTTP 503 error to the client
!   ;;  - Otherwise if we're between MAX-THREAD-COUNT and MAX-ACCEPT-COUNT,
!   ;;    wait until the connection count drops, then handle the request
!   ;;  - Otherwise, increment REQUEST-COUNT and start a taskmaster
!   (cond ((null (taskmaster-max-thread-count taskmaster))
!          ;; No limit on number of requests, just start a taskmaster
!          (create-taskmaster-thread taskmaster socket))
!         ((if (taskmaster-max-accept-count taskmaster)
!            (>= (taskmaster-request-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-accept-count taskmaster))
!            (>= (taskmaster-request-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-thread-count taskmaster)))
!          ;; Send HTTP 503 to indicate that we can't handle the request right now
!          (too-many-taskmaster-requests taskmaster socket)
!          (send-http-error-reply taskmaster socket +http-service-unavailable+))
!         ((and (taskmaster-max-accept-count taskmaster)
!               (>= (taskmaster-request-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-thread-count taskmaster)))
!          ;; Wait for a request to finish, then carry on
!          (wait-for-free-connection taskmaster)
!          (increment-taskmaster-request-count taskmaster)
!          (create-taskmaster-thread taskmaster socket))
!         (t
!          ;; We're within both limits, just start a taskmaster
!          (increment-taskmaster-request-count taskmaster)
!          (create-taskmaster-thread taskmaster socket))))
! (defun send-http-error-reply (taskmaster socket error-code)
!   "A helper function to send out a quick error reply,
!    before any state is set up via PROCESS-REQUEST."
!   (let* ((acceptor (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster))
!          (stream (initialize-connection-stream acceptor (make-socket-stream socket acceptor)))
!          (reason-phrase (reason-phrase error-code))
!          (first-line (format nil "HTTP/1.1 ~D ~A"
!                              error-code reason-phrase))
!          (content (format nil "<html><head><title>~D ~A</title></head><body><h1>~:*~A</h1>~A</body></html>"
!                           error-code reason-phrase reason-phrase)))
!     (write-sequence (map 'list #'char-code first-line) stream)
!     (write-sequence +crlf+ stream)      ;end of first line
!     (write-header-line "Content-Type" "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" stream)
!     (write-header-line "Content-Length" (length content) stream)
!     (write-sequence +crlf+ stream)      ;end of headers
!     (write-sequence (map 'list #'char-code content) stream)
!     (write-sequence +crlf+ stream)      ;end of content
!     (force-output stream)))
  (defun client-as-string (socket)
    "A helper function which returns the client's address and port as a
!    string and tries to act robustly in the presence of network problems."
    (let ((address (usocket:get-peer-address socket))
          (port (usocket:get-peer-port socket)))
      (when (and address port)
*** 126,149 ****
! (defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) socket)
    ;; we are handling all conditions here as we want to make sure that
    ;; the acceptor process never crashes while trying to create a
    ;; worker thread; one such problem exists in
    ;; GET-PEER-ADDRESS-AND-PORT which can signal socket conditions on
    ;; some platforms in certain situations.
!       (bt:make-thread (lambda ()
!                         (process-connection (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) socket))
!                       :name (format nil "Hunchentoot worker \(client: ~A)" (client-as-string socket)))
!     (error (cond)
!       ;; need to bind *ACCEPTOR* so that LOG-MESSAGE can do its work.
!       (let ((*acceptor* (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
!         (log-message *lisp-errors-log-level*
!                      "Error while creating worker thread for new incoming connection: ~A" cond)))))
! ;; LispWorks implementation
  (defmethod shutdown ((taskmaster taskmaster))
--- 351,377 ----
! (defmethod create-taskmaster-thread ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) socket)
!   "Create a thread for handling a single request"
    ;; we are handling all conditions here as we want to make sure that
    ;; the acceptor process never crashes while trying to create a
    ;; worker thread; one such problem exists in
    ;; GET-PEER-ADDRESS-AND-PORT which can signal socket conditions on
    ;; some platforms in certain situations.
!    (bt:make-thread
!     (lambda ()
!       (unwind-protect
!            (process-connection (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) socket)
!         (decrement-taskmaster-request-count taskmaster)))
!     :name (format nil (taskmaster-worker-thread-name-format taskmaster) (client-as-string socket)))
!    (error (cond)
!           ;; need to bind *ACCEPTOR* so that LOG-MESSAGE can do its work.
!           (let ((*acceptor* (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
!             (log-message *lisp-errors-log-level*
!                          "Error while creating worker thread for new incoming connection: ~A" cond)))))
! ;;; LispWorks implementation
  (defmethod shutdown ((taskmaster taskmaster))
*** 158,172 ****
    (accept-connections (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
! (defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) handle)
    (incf *worker-counter*)
    ;; check if we need to perform a global GC
    (when (and *cleanup-interval*
               (zerop (mod *worker-counter* *cleanup-interval*)))
      (when *cleanup-function*
        (funcall *cleanup-function*)))
!   (mp:process-run-function (format nil "Hunchentoot worker \(client: ~{~A:~A~})"
!                                    (multiple-value-list
!                                     (get-peer-address-and-port handle)))
!                            nil #'process-connection
!                            (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) handle))
--- 386,424 ----
    (accept-connections (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster)))
! (defmethod handle-incoming-connection ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) socket)
    (incf *worker-counter*)
    ;; check if we need to perform a global GC
    (when (and *cleanup-interval*
               (zerop (mod *worker-counter* *cleanup-interval*)))
      (when *cleanup-function*
        (funcall *cleanup-function*)))
!   (cond ((null (taskmaster-max-thread-count taskmaster))
!          ;; No limit on number of requests, just start a taskmaster
!          (create-taskmaster-thread taskmaster socket))
!         ((if (taskmaster-max-accept-count taskmaster)
!            (>= (taskmaster-request-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-accept-count taskmaster))
!            (>= (taskmaster-request-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-thread-count taskmaster)))
!          ;; Send HTTP 503 to indicate that we can't handle the request right now
!          (too-many-taskmaster-requests taskmaster socket)
!          (send-http-error-reply taskmaster socket +http-service-unavailable+))
!         ((and (taskmaster-max-accept-count taskmaster)
!               (>= (taskmaster-request-count taskmaster) (taskmaster-max-thread-count taskmaster)))
!          ;; Lispworks doesn't have condition variables, so punt
!          (too-many-taskmaster-requests taskmaster socket)
!          (send-http-error-reply taskmaster socket +http-service-unavailable+))
!         (t
!          ;; We're within both limits, just start a taskmaster
!          (increment-taskmaster-request-count taskmaster)
!          (create-taskmaster-thread taskmaster socket))))
! #+:lispworks
! (defmethod create-taskmaster-thread ((taskmaster one-thread-per-connection-taskmaster) socket)
!   (flet ((process (taskmaster sock)
!            (unwind-protect
!                 (process-connection (taskmaster-acceptor taskmaster) socket)
!              (decrement-taskmaster-request-count taskmaster))))
!     (mp:process-run-function (format nil "hunchentoot-worker~{-~A:~A~})"
!                                      (multiple-value-list
!                                       (get-peer-address-and-port socket)))
!                              nil #'process taskmaster socket)))

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