[hunchentoot-devel] HTTP 500 error handling behavior customization

Blond BF blondbf at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 07:53:05 UTC 2010

Seems to my mail web-interface broke text formatting, sorry. There is
a patch as is in the attachment.

On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Blond BF <blondbf at gmail.com> wrote:
> So there was the need to handle the HTTP 500 error in two different
> ways depending on the current request string. So I threw error
> formatting code from START-OUTPUT and PROCESS-REQUEST to a separate
> function for start. Then I tried to make this function
> context-depended so I set the default value of *HTTP-ERROR-HANDLER* to
> this function and put error detection and handling code to
> Now HANDLE-REQUST responds to lisp and http errors by calling
> *HTTP-ERROR-HANDLER* and passing to it condition and backtrace in case
> of lisp error and dispatcher's return value in case of HTTP error.
> This error handler looks at RETURN-CODE* and formats corresponding
> error message. START-OUTPUT and PROCESS-REQUEST now just write what
> Now I can do something like (let ((*http-error-handler*
> 'custom-handler-for-this-site... in the dispatcher.
> There is little problem with compatibility: *HTTP-ERROR-HANDLER* takes
> error code as single argument before but now it taking error
> description string as single argument (can take return-code from reply
> object). I have no idea to save backward compatibility here.
> Here is a draft patch:
> ...
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