[hunchentoot-devel] PATCH: simplify debugging of remote servers

Andrey Moskvitin archimag at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 12:57:23 UTC 2010

> I did not recognize your english as being bad until you wrote that it is

Yes, I noticed that Google Translate has become much better over
the last year :)

> The documentation needs to have information about the debug-mode-on
> and -off functions as well as the *max-debugging-threads* variable.

Ok, I'll do it in the next few days.


2010/3/7 Hans Hübner <hans.huebner at gmail.com>

> Hi Andrey,
> I did not recognize your english as being bad until you wrote that it is :)
> The documentation needs to have information about the debug-mode-on
> and -off functions as well as the *max-debugging-threads* variable.
> You don't need to write a novel, just a description of what they do
> and how they're meant to be used.  You should also mention that the
> special behavior is useful together with Slime.  I'm going to review
> what you send and try to iron out any language issues that I find
> before committing.
> -Hans
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